Cucumber Beetle

Our game's antagonist will be the Cucumber Beetle. We will control how many of them we want in our game and where they are placed. We will also control their behaviors through artificial intelligence. The Cucumber Beetle character was created using Maya and Photoshop, the same software pair used to create the Cucumber Man. Here is a look at our Cucumber Beetle:

The Cucumber Beetles will search for and consume cucumbers. We will determine how long it takes a cucumber to be consumed. As you can see in the preceding illustration, there are images for the cucumber beetle in its normal state, with all six legs on the ground, and standing up. The stand-up position will be used when it is attacking the Cucumber Man.

Because the Cucumber Beetle is controlled by artificial intelligence and not a human player, it is referred to as the Non-Player Character.

We will implement the following animations for the Cucumber Beetles:

  • While on the ground:
    • Idle: This will play when the cucumber beetle is not searching, eating, or attacking. 
    • Ground Walk: This is the animation that will play when the cucumber beetle is walking.
    • Eating: This animation will play when the cucumber beetle has located a cucumber and is eating it. Beetles are smaller than cucumbers, so it takes more than one bite.
    • Ground Attack: The cucumber beetle will attack the Cucumber Man with its feelers.
    • Stand then Idle: This animation takes the cucumber beetle from being on the ground to standing up and remaining idle.
    • Ground Death: This animation will play when the Cucumber Man defeats a cucumber beetle in its on-ground position.
  • While standing:
    • Walk: We will give our Cucumber Beetles the ability to walk on their back two legs
    • Run: The Cucumber Beetles will be able to run towards the Cucumber Man on its back two legs
    • Standing Attack: When standing, the Cucumber Beetles will be able to attack the Cucumber Man with its top four legs
    • Standing Death: This animation will play when the Cucumber Man defeats a Cucumber Beetle in its standing position

We will require careful planning and scripting to create the desired Cucumber Beetle behaviors. The number and placement of the Cucumber Beetles are decisions we will need to make. 

We will implement the Cucumber Beetles in Chapter 8, Implementing Our Non-Player Characters

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