Planting cucumber patches

We will use our cucumber patches, the CucumberPatch1 and CucumberPatch2 prefabs, to create cucumber patch areas in the sandbox. These areas will serve as cover for our cucumbers. In this section, we will create an empty game object to encapsulate a series of cucumber patches. Let's get started:

  1. Right-click the Sandbox in the Hierarchy panel and select Create Empty.
  2. Rename the new GameObject as cucumberPatches.
  3. Drag several CucumberPatch1 prefabs onto the scene, in your sandbox.


  1. Drag several CucumberPatch2 prefabs onto the scene, in your sandbox.
  2. In the Hierarchy panel, move all the newly created cucumber patches to the cucumberPatches game object under Sandbox. This is merely to keep the Hierarchy panel organized.
  3. Expand the cucumberPatches game object in the Hierarchy panel.
  4. Select all of the cucumber patches you added and use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste them, respectively. The copied results will be highlighted in the Hierarchy panel and accessible in the Scene view.
  5. In the Scene view, use the transform tools to relocate the copied group of cucumber patches.
  6. Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you are satisfied with your sandbox. 

An example of what your sandbox might look like with the newly created cucumber patches is provided in the following screenshot. Your sandbox will be different, and that is okay:

Our sandbox now has sufficient cucumber patches. In the next section, we will focus on cucumbers.

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