Working with height maps

You will find a lot of free height maps with a simple internet search. Once you have the one you want, perform the following steps:

This subsection is not required and only provided for informational purposes. The game's terrain file will be provided along with instructions on how to incorporate it in our game.
  1. Open PhotoShop and select File | New. Use the following settings:
Component Setting
Width 512 pixels
Height 512 pixels
Resolution 72 pixels
Color mode Grayscale 8bit
  1.  Drag the height map you downloaded into the new Photoshop image.
  2.  Make any necessary placement adjustments and commit the transform. 
  3.  Select Image | Auto Tone. Make any brightness and contrast adjustments you feel are necessary.
  4.  Save the file as a Photoshop Raw file. 
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