Directional light

The Directional light is like the sun. As you can see from the following Inspector panel, there are several settings that can be adjusted for Directional lights beyond the Transform's Position, Rotation, and Scale:

The following table provides information about key settings for Directional lights.

Setting Details
Color You can select a color for the light to emit. For realistic outdoor scenes, you would probably use a light yellow color.
Mode You can select from Realtime, Baked, or Mixed lighting modes. When Realtime is selected, the direct light is computed each frame during the game. This provides a realistic game experience and is the default mode.
Intensity Adjust this to control brightness. 
Shadow Type There are three options here: Soft Shadows, Hard Shadows, and No Shadows. Soft Shadows cast soft edges and avoid the sharp-edged shadows that are cast using Hard Shadows. As you would expect, Soft Shadows is more processor-intensive than Hard Shadows.
Realtime Shadows This area provides additional control over your shadows.
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