Cucumber Man

The player will play our game as the Cucumber Man, our game's protagonist. This is a character that we will import for use in our game. It was created using Maya, a professional 3D modeling and animation software suite, and Photoshop. Here is a look at our Cucumber Man:

So, what can the Cucumber Man player character do? We already know we will be able to move him throughout our game environment using a combination of keyboard and mouse inputs. We also know that the space bar will cause him to jump and that the left mouse button, our action button, will cause him to shoot cherries.

Because the Cucumber Man is controlled by the human player, it is referred to as the Player Character.

We will implement the following animations for the Cucumber Man:

  • Idle: This will play when the character is not being moved by the player.
  • Walk: This is the animation that will play when the player causes the Cucumber Man to walk, regardless of direction.
  • Run: This animation is similar to the walk animation. It is faster and covers distances quickly.
  • Jump: We will implement a jump whenever the space bar is pressed.
  • Die: Should our character be overcome by the Cucumber Beetles, we will play this animation.
  • Throw: This is the animation that will cause the Cucumber Man to throw a cherry.

The other action our Cucumber Man can make is to collect cherries. We will implement this with an auto-collection system. Whenever the Cucumber Man is touching a cherry tree, we will increment the number of cherries he has by one. 

We will implement the Cucumber Man in Chapter 7, Implementing Our Player Character

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