
0 deg. refl. option, BRDF rollout, 340

2D images, using in 3D scenes, 394–396

2D sites, 179–207

curbs, 185–193 grass, 184–185

importing linework, 183–184

Metro Professional Complex, 180–182

mulch, 203–205

overview, 179–180

parking stops, 206–207

pavers and paver bandings, 198–202

road lines, 202–203

roads, 193–196

sidewalks, 197–198

2D vegetation, 251–270

artificial shadows for, 457

creating, 254–270

overview, 254

shadows for trees, 262–269

shrubs and flowers, 259–262

trees, 254–259, 269–270

Mesh and Poly based, 252–253

overview, 251

plug-in based, 254

versus 3D vegetation, 250 web site, 461

2-Sided option, 256

3D CAD for Architectural Visualization course, 3DAS, 496

3D community, activity in, 458–459

3D Connexion, 462

3D motion controllers, 453

3D presentations, 497–498

3D printers, 463

3D resources, free, 465–467

3D sites, 209–230

bumpiness in site elements, controlling, 229–230

creation methods, 210–228

displacement, 211–215

overview, 210–211

topographical lines, 215–228

elevation data, 209–210

image shadows, 264, 265

overview, 209

site elements, adding, 228–229

2D vegetation in, 253

3D vegetation artificial shadows for, 457

overview, 250–251

Scatter feature, 456

third party vegetation solutions, 456

trees, 270–272

level of detail, 271

mental ray Proxy, 271–272

overview, 270

parametric versus editable objects, 270–271

3D vendors, 461–463

3D visors, 462

3D work

See also 3D sites; 3D vegetation

AutoCAD linework, preparing for importation, 12–13

in Construction Administration phase, 10–11

in Design Development phase, 8–9

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 104–113

paver bandings, 199–201

reflecting amount of detail seen in elevations, 16–18

roof plans, 27

roof tiles, 132–136

in Schematic Design phase, 5–6

shadows for 2D trees, 266–268

3DAS, 496, 497–498

3ds Max forum, 459 3DSOUT feature, AutoCAD, 202–203

3rd-party software

applying backgrounds with, 245–246

image editing and video compositing software, 245

overview, 245

plug-ins, 245–246

plug-ins, 455, 461–463. See also V-Ray

for 3D vegetation creation, 250–251

4:12 slope, in roof plans, 28

4AM option, 315

4-sided polygons, in small 3D terrain, 219–223

32-bit operating systems, 436–437

32-bit option, Photoshop, 399

64-bit operating systems, 436–437

80% Uniform Scale option, 164

90 deg. refl. option, BRDF rollout, 340


About Us link, website navigation menu, 477

acad.pgp file, 38

accuracy, in 3D, 19

Action drop-down menu, Photoshop, 390

Action Script feature, Photoshop, 389–391

Actions palette, Photoshop, 390

activity in 3D community, 458–459

Adaptive amount setting, V-Ray DMC Sampler rollout, 509

adaptive DMC sampler, V-Ray, 501

Adaptive option, Interpolation rollout, 192

adaptive sampling, mental ray, 278, 280

adaptive subdivision sampler, V-Ray, 501–502

Add Loader command, Fusion, 375

addendums, to construction drawings, 9

Adjust Edge section, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

Adobe Photoshop, 387–406

Action Script feature, 389–391

applying backgrounds with, 245

cloning, 391–394

Clone Stamp tool, 391–392

Content Aware tool, 393–394

overview, 391

Patch Tool, 392–393

Spot Healing Brush tool, 392

converting for printing purposes, 396–398

CMYK versus RGB, 396–397

overview, 396

printing resolution, 398

creating custom textures in, 364–365

depth of field, 401–402

effects, adding, 402–405

grayscale images for displacement, 211

mask for use in, creating, 447

masking, 399–400

overview, 387–388

Paste Into command, 388–389

2D images, using in 3D scenes, 394–396

Advanced Effects rollout, 268

Advanced Options rollout, 205, 338

Advanced Parameters rollout, iray, 349

advanced ray-traced shadows, 253

Advanced Rendering Options rollout, 330

Advanced section, Final Gather rollout, 301

advertisements in phone books, 478.

See also marketing

Aerial Perspective feature, 316

Affect Background option, V-Ray color mapping, 511

Affect Pivot Only command, 66, 91–92, 155, 188

aliasing, 458

Align command, 66, 111, 188

Align Selection dialog box, 66

All Face Centers option, Scatter command, 257–258

Alpha 1 option, Photoshop, 389

alpha channels

Photoshop masking, 399, 447

removing before printing, 398

for specular highlights, 383–384

Ambient Color channel, 256

Ambient Occlusion (AO)

in compositing process, 374–377

detailed shadows, 306

overview, 320–321

in rendering process, 370–372

Ambient Occlusion option, Special Effects rollout, 320

Amount field

Displacement channel, 213

Relax Tool dialog box, 173, 174

angular background objects, 242–243

angular environment objects, 241

animation, 409–424

animation paths, creating, 420–421

antialiasing in, 458

assembly linework flow, creating, 417

background rig, merging, 418

backgrounds, 236

breaking up project, 416

building elements, modeling, 416–417

cleaning and preparing linework, 416

clients, talking/meeting with, 410–411

compositing, 372–385

determining what will be seen, 414

DVDs, 478–479

end product, determining, 412

final gather maps, 304–305

global illumination in, 457

importing linework, 416

iray renderer, 349

latest drawings, asking for, 415

learning about project, 412

level of detail, determining, 414

lighting presets, loading, 419–420

making contact with other companies, 413

maps in project folder, creating copy of, 421

marketing services, 410

material libraries, 419

overview, 367–368, 409–410

Photoshop action scripts, 391

poor designs, questioning, 413–414

post production, 423–424

pricing, 411–412

production render, creating, 423

production timeline, creating, 414

project folders, creating, 415

proposal/PSA, writing, 414

receiving and inspecting drawings, 413

render-farm services, 463

rendering process, 368–372

requesting drawings, 412

revising, 423

saving final gather map for, 303–305

saving incrementally and often, 417–418

scene elements, merging, 419

scripts, writing early in process, 447–448

signed contract and deposit, receiving, 414–415

site elements, modeling, 417

test renders, creating, 421–422

2D vegetation in, 252–253

V-Ray light cache, 505–507

animation paths, 420–421

Animation Synchronization section, Viewport Background dialog box, 235

Animoto Productions, 465

annotations, in landscape plans, 26

antialiasing, 390, 394–396, 458, 500

antialiasing filters, V-Ray, 502

AO. See Ambient Occlusion

Apply and Continue button, Extrude Polygons caddy, 71

Apply Mapping option, Surface Parameters rollout, 201

Apply Mode drop-down list, Fusion, 376

Apply to Entire Object option, UVW XForm modifier, 173

Arch & Design material, 327–349

bump maps and normal maps, 342–343

displacement, 344–345

exposure control, 345–346

glossy reflections, 340–341

glossy refraction, 333–337

material libraries, 346–347

as override material, 318

overview, 327–328

reflection, 339–340, 342

self illumination, 324, 337–338

translucency, 332–333

transparency, 328–332

Arch & Design Templates, 347

arched windows, 82–84


annotations by, 14

in Bidding and Contract Negotiation phase, 10

in Construction Administration phase, 11

continuing education, 495–496

in Design Development phase, 6–8

landscape, 25–26

as potential clients, 474–475

scaling used by, 24, 37

site plans, 23–24

architectural design process, 4–11

Bidding and Contract Negotiation phase, 10

Construction Administration phase, 10–11

Construction Drawings phase, 9

Design Development phase, 6–9

overview, 4–5

Schematic Design phase, 5–6

Architectural Desktop 2005, 60–61

architectural drawings, 3–31

anatomy of elevations, 14–18

floor plans, 18–20

landscape plans, 25–27

overview, 11–13

reflected ceiling plans, 29–31

roof plans, 27–29

sections, 20–22

sheet layout, 13–14

site plans, 22–25

for animation projects

asking for latest, 415

inspecting, 412

receiving, 412

requesting, 412

architectural design process, 4–11

Bidding and Contract Negotiation phase, 10

Construction Administration phase, 10–11

Construction Drawings phase, 9

Design Development phase, 6–9

overview, 4–5

Schematic Design phase, 5–6

BIM software, 60

inspecting, 444

overview, 3–4

architectural glazing

glossy refraction, 333–337

overview, 327–328

sub surface scattering, 338

translucency, 332–333

transparency, 328–332

Architectural Glazing material, 328

“Architectural Illustrators” category, in phone books, 478

Archvision, 462

Area option, Scatter command, 255–256, 261

armrests, sofa, 149–151, 171–172

Array option, Tools menu, 139

Artbeats, 462

artifact-free animations, 458

artificial shadows, 457

artist mistakes

fundamental concepts, ignoring, 471

lack of variety in work, 471

learning new techniques, not devoting time to, 471

online support, not taking advantage of, 471

useful resources, ignoring, 471

Aspect Ratio section, Viewport Background dialog box, 235

assembly linework flow

for animation projects, 417

for doors and windows, 452–453

Assign Renderer rollout, Render Setup dialog box, 348

atmospheric environments, Vue xStream, 245–246

attaching objects, 436

Authorization to Proceed section, PSA, 490

Auto Levels command, Photoshop, 390

Auto Smooth option, Smooth modifier, 159, 191, 193, 227

AutoCAD DWG file type, 55, 65, 89, 104–105

AutoCAD linework, 33–55

additional notes, 52–55

for animation projects, 416

AutoCAD setup, 34–39

Command Alias Editor, 38–39

customization, 35–37

overview, 34–35

units, 37–38

broken lines, 44

cleaning, 42–45, 416

consolidating drawings, 42

creating new linework as necessary, 48–51

different layers, 44–45

exploring and examining, 39–41

generic roof structure, creating, 119–121, 124

as guide for modeling, 63–65

importing for animation projects, 416

inspecting, 444

landscape drawings, creating 2D vegetation from, 257–258

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 88–89, 98–104

mulch, 203–204

orienting, 46–48

overlapping lines, 43–44

overview, 12–13, 33–34

parking stops, 206

preparing, for animation projects, 416

reverse engineering roof plans, 130–131

road lines, 202–203

site plans, 181–182

2D vegetation, creating, 257–258

varying elevations, 45

AutoCAD version 2004, 35


material libraries, 327, 346–347

3ds Max forum, 459

web site, 465

Autodesk Generic material, 347

Autodesk: Mirror material, 311

Average GI Photons per Light field,

Light Properties, 287, 288–289, 291, 293

average leaf size, mental ray Message Window, 282 web site, 462


back, sofa, 152–156

back pillows, sofa, 159–163, 172–173

Back Surface Scatter color, 338

Backface Cull option, Display panel, 166

Background layer, Photoshop, 392

background rig

merging, 418

standard, using, 454

backgrounds, 231–247

antialiasing, 394–396

applying with 3rd party software, 245–246

image editing and video compositing software, 245

overview, 245

plug-ins, 245–246

changing color of, 196

Environment Map channel, 233–238

Cylindrical Environment option, 237

overview, 233–235

Screen option, 235–236

Shrink-Wrap Environment option, 237

Spherical Environment option, 236–237

summary of environment maps, 238

geometry based, 238–241

angular environment objects, 241

cylindrical environment objects, 239–240

hemispherical environment objects, 240–241

overview, 238–239

illuminating, 242

image types, 231–233

merging, in animation projects, 418

for modeling, using AutoCAD linework as, 64

multiple background objects, 242

other considerations, 246–247

overview, 231

in reflection, 242–244

standard rig, using, 454

bandings, paver, 198–202

overview, 198–199

textured, 201–202

3D, 199–201

Banking option, Sweep Parameters rollout, 193

Basic section, Final Gather rollout, 302

Batch dialog box, Photoshop, 390

Batch option, Photoshop, 390

Bend modifier, 239

Bidding and Contract Negotiation (BID) phase, 10

billboards, resolution for, 398

BIM (Building Information Modeling) software, 60–61, 117

Binary Space Partitioning (BSP), mental ray, 281–282

Bionatics plugin, 456

Bitmap option, Environment and Effects dialog box, 309

Bitmapl icon, Fusion, 379, 380

BitmapMask Mask tool, Fusion, 379, 383


Environment Map channel backgrounds, 233–238

geometry based backgrounds, 238–239, 240–241

Black Point value, HDRI Load Settings dialog box, 309

Blending Options option, Photoshop, 400

blue arrow, Fusion, 384

Blue component, Night Color swatch, 315

Blue Flavor, 484 web site, 465

Blur option, Photoshop, 390

Blur setting, Coordinates rollout, 264 web site, 466

blurring, in Photoshop, 401–402

blurry effects, 333–337, 340–341, 509–510

Bmp icon, Fusion, 379

bodies of water, adding to 3D terrain, 229

Boolean > Cut > Split feature mulch, 204

overview, 445–446

roads, 194, 195

site elements, adding to 3D terrain, 228–229

standing seam roofs, 139–140

Boolean feature, 87–88

Boolean object, Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 102, 106, 109, 113

Boolean>Subtract feature, 135

Border sub-object mode, 165, 219, 226, 227

bottom, sofa, 152–156

Boujou software, 2d3, 461

box mapping, 170–172

box modeling method

generic roof structure, creating, 125

grass, 185

importing linework, 48

modeling sofa

armrests, 149–151

back pillows, 160–163

bottom and back of, 152–156

decorative trim piping, 165–168

seat cushions, 156–159

texturing, 171–175

throw pillows, 163–165

wooden feet, 169

mulch, 204

overview, 51

road lines, 203

roads, 194, 195

shrubs and flowers, creating, 261

site elements, adding to 3D terrain, 228

standing seam roofs, 140

3D site elements, controlling bumpiness in, 229

topographical lines, 218, 225, 227

trimming roof tile with, 136

2D vegetation, creating, 252–253, 255, 258

walls, creating with, 63–86

double banding feature, 73–76

extruding line to height of wall, 68–69

new linework, creating, 67–68

overview, 63–64

setting up, 64–67

trim feature, 69–73

window frames, 84–86

windows, 77–84

Box option, Sampling Quality rollout, 281

BRDF rollout, 339

breaking up projects, 416, 449–450

breaks, in topographical lines, 215

brick walls, 115, 116

Bridge button, Edit Polygons rollout, 80, 152

Bright multiplier, V-Ray color mapping, 511

brochures, as marketing tool, 477

broken lines, in linework, 44

brush tool, Photoshop, 403–405

Brute Force engine, V-Ray, 508–509

Brute Force method, 278, 457

BSP (Binary Space Partitioning), mental ray, 281–282

BSP2 method, 282

buckets, mental ray, 276

budgets, 484

building elements, modeling for animation projects, 416–417. See also doors; roofs; walls; windows

Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, 60–61, 117

Bump channel, 114–115

bump maps, 342–343

bumpiness in 3D site elements, controlling, 229–230

Burn value, V-Ray Reinhard color mapping, 511

business mistakes, 469–471

allowing clients to pressure for price, 470

failing to educate clients about 3D process, 470

making unreasonable concessions for clients, 470–471

not spending money on useful resources, 469

not using contract for projects, 470

starting work without deposit, 470

business plan, 485–487

additional suggestions, 487

market analysis and pricing, 486

marketing plan, 486–487

operational plan, 486

overview, 485–486

products and services, 486

supporting materials, 486


model and material libraries, 452

tools to assist work, 469

By Polygon option, Extrude Polygon

caddy, 75–76, 85


CA (Construction Administration) phase, 10–11

CAD linework. See AutoCAD linework calls, from potential clients, 476–477

Camera Effects rollout, 316

camera paths, for animations, 420–421, 457

Camera Shaders section, Camera Effects rollout, 316

Cap feature, 219, 226, 227


animated, 369, 383–384

Sugar3D, 463

cartoon set of drawings, 6–7

Cast Shadow option, 203, 246

Cast Shadows option, 258, 264, 266, 268

Catmull Rom antialiasing filter, V-Ray, 502

caustic effects, 330, 403–405

Caustics and Global Illumination (GI)

rollout, 286, 290–294, 330

Caustics and Global Illumination Photon Map section, Reuse FG and GI Caching rollout, 292

CC icon, Fusion, 378, 379

CD (Construction Drawings) phase, 9

CDs. See architectural drawings; construction drawings ceiling height, in reflected ceiling plans, 30

Cellular map, 342, 344

Center to Object button, 155

Certificate of Substantial Completion, 11

certified approval, in Design Develop ment phase, 7–8

certified architectural continuing education providers, 475, 495–496 web site, 466

CGarchitect, 459, 466 web site, 466

Chamfer Amount field, Chamfer Edges dialog box, 72

Chamfer Edges dialog box, 72, 151

ChamferBox object, 169

Channel drop-down list

Fusion, 380

Photoshop, 389

Channel setting, Fusion, 383

Channels palette, Photoshop, 398, 399

chat client, Trillian, 466

chat rooms, 459

Cinematic Artificial Intelligence technology, Animoto, 465

civil engineers, 24, 37

Clamp output option, V-Ray Color mapping rollout, 511

classes, 3ds Max, 459

clean linework, 43, 119, 181–182

clean site plans, 22–23, 53–54

cleaning linework, 42–45, 416

Clear All button, Grid and Snap Set tings dialog box, 67

Client Reviews and Changes section, PSA, 493

clients, 473–476

allowing to pressure for price, 470

animation, talking/meeting with, 410–411

architects as, 474–475

in business plans, 486

contractors as, 475

contracts, importance of, 446

developers as, 473–474

failing to educate about 3D process, 470

individuals as, 475

making contact with other companies, 413

making unreasonable concessions for, 470–471

overview, 473

pricing, 411

real estate agents as, 476

Clone Stamp tool, Photoshop, 391–392

cloning, in Photoshop, 391–394

Clone Stamp tool, 391–392

Content Aware tool, 393–394

overview, 391

Patch Tool, 392–393

Spot Healing Brush tool, 392

clouds, 314–315

CMU (concrete masonry unit), 114–115

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black), 396–397

CMYK Color option, Photoshop, 397

collapsing objects, 435–436

Color at Max Distance swatch, 330

color bleeding, 286

Color by Object option, 347

Color channel, 371

color correction, Fusion, 378–381, 384

Color Gamma option, Fusion, 374

color mapping, V-Ray, 510–512

Color Overlay option, Photoshop, 400

Color Picker dialog box, Photoshop, 397, 400

Color Range dialog box, Photoshop, 395

color space, 396–397

Color tab, Fusion, 381

Color thresh value, V-Ray, 501

ColorCorrector1 icon, Fusion, 378

colors in Construction Administration phase, 10–11

diffuse, and transparency, 328, 329

exposure control, 345–346

in LDR versus HDR images, 307–308

Night Color, 315

Photoshop masking, 399–400

refractive, and transparency, 328–329

render coloration, 317

resource for choosing, 467

in specular highlights, 384 3D shadows, 267

of transparent mediums, 330–332

wall, 114

Colors and Materials section, PSA, 493

Colors button, Fusion, 379

Command Alias Editor, AutoCAD, 38–39

Command panel, 148

commands, AutoCAD, 38–39

community, online 3D, 458–459, 467, 471

complex geometry, mapping, 362–365

compositing, 367–385

with Fusion, 372–385

overview, 367–368

rendering phase, 368–372

compositions, Fusion, 373

compression, JPEG, 398

computers. See system resource management

concessions for clients, unreasonable, 470–471

concrete masonry unit (CMU), 114–115

Configure Driver dialog box, 247

conflicting architectural drawings, 448–449

Connect button

Edit Edges rollout, 153

Edit Vertices rollout, 225

Connect Edges dialog box, 74, 82, 150–151

Connect feature, 153, 155, 157, 161

consolidating drawings, in AutoCAD, 42

Constrain Proportions option, Photoshop, 390

Construction Administration (CA) phase, 10–11

construction companies, as potential clients, 475

Construction Drawings (CD) phase, 9

construction drawings (CDs)

See also architectural drawings

in architectural design process, 4

in Bidding and Contract Negotiation phase, 10

in Construction Administration phase, 10–11

defined, 3

requisites for, 9

Contact Us link, website navigation menu, 477

Content Aware tool, Photoshop, 391, 393–394

continuing education for architects, 474–475, 495–496

contour lines. See topographical lines


in Bidding and Contract Negotiation phase, 10

as clients, 475


See also Professional Services Agreement

client say in animation paths, 420

greatest quality of, 485–486, 489

importance of, 412

not using, as common mistake, 470

signed, for animation projects, 414–415

wording regarding changes to animations, 423

writing, 414, 446–447

contradictory information, in linework, 413–414, 448–449

contrast, 390

Contrast option, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

control points, 83

Control Points category, FFD modifier, 159

Controls Area, Fusion, 372, 374, 376, 378–384

Convert to Shape feature, 228

Convert to single objects option, 217

converting down, 458

converting for printing purposes, 396–398

CMYK versus RGB, 396–397

overview, 396

printing resolution, 398

Coordinates rollout, 148, 264, 314

coplanar polygons, in shingle roofs, 142–143

Copy option, 151, 164, 193, 224

Copy to Generic feature, 347

Copy with Base Point option, AutoCAD, 89

copying maps in animation project folder, 421

costs, overhead, 482

Cozimo, 466

Crazy Bump software, 343

Create Clipping Mask option, Photoshop, 399

Create new action icon, Photoshop, 390

Create panel, 312

Create Shape feature, 166

creativity, 471

crickets, in roof plans, 29

criss-cross vegetation type, 252–253. See also 2D vegetation

crosshairs, AutoCAD, 35

Crossing tool, 223

CUDA technology, 348, 349


adding to 3D terrain, 228

in 2D sites, 185–193

curved surfaces, mapping with Unwrap UVW modifier, 362–365

cushions, sofa, 156–159, 172

custom furniture, 146, 450

customization, AutoCAD, 35–37

custom-made brushes, Photoshop, 403–405

cut plane, in reflected ceiling plans, 30

Cut>Split option, Boolean feature. See Boolean > Cut > Split feature

Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (CMYK), 396–397

cylindrical background objects, 242–244

cylindrical environment objects, 239–240

Cylindrical Environment option, Mapping drop-down list, 237

cylindrical images, 231–232, 236


daily rates

overhead costs, 482

overview, 481–482

production days, 483

profit margin, 483

dark multiplier, V-Ray color mapping, 511

dashed lines

in roof plans, 29

in site plans, 54

Daylight Assembly head, 313

Daylight System, mental ray

exteriors, 312–313

interiors, 317–321

mr Physical Sky map, 238

parameters, 313–317

reflections, special application of, 342

DD (Design Development) phase, 6–9, 18

Decay field, Caustics and Global Illumination (GI) rollout, 293

decorative trim piping, sofa, 165–168, 172

deductive reasoning, solving problems with, 449

Default Format drop-down list, Fusion, 374

default layout, AutoCAD version 2004, 35

Define Brush Preset option, Photoshop, 403

Delete button, Reuse FG and GI Caching rollout, 293

delivery date, examining AutoCAD drawings to calculate, 41


receiving, for animation projects, 414–415

starting work without as common mistake, 470


BSP settings, 282

in orthographic images, 15–16

window components, 99, 103

depth of field, in Photoshop, 401–402

Depth setting, Rendering Algorithms rollout, 282

Description of Services section, PSA, 491–492

design changes, in Construction Drawings phase, 9

Design Development (DD) phase, 6–9, 18

Design Modeling and Visualization Conference, VisMaster, 459

design process, architectural, 4–11

Bidding and Contract Negotiation phase, 10

Construction Administration phase, 10–11

Construction Drawings phase, 9

Design Development phase, 6–9

overview, 4–5

Schematic Design phase, 5–6

Destination option, Photoshop, 393

Detach command, 194, 195

Detach Edge Verts option, Edit UVW dialog box, 361


for animation projects, 414

in elevations, reflecting in 3D work, 16–18

in 3D trees, 271

in windows, 98

developers, as potential clients, 473–474

Diagnostics rollout, 296

die, texturing, 353–355, 356–357

Diffuse Bounces setting, 302, 325

Diffuse Color channel

custom furniture, texturing, 169

shrubs and flowers, creating, 262

3D sites, creating with displacement, 215

transparency, 329

2D trees, creating, 256

wall materials, 114, 115

diffuse coloration, and transparency, 328, 329

Diffuse Level option, 329

dimensions, in floor plans, 20

Direct Target lights, 258

DirectX 10, 437

dirt passes, 320, 371

dirty architectural drawings, 42–43

dirty linework, 43–45, 210

dirty site plans, 22–23, 52

Displace Mesh Binding (WSM) modifier, 213

Displace Mesh (WSM) modifier, 212


mental ray materials, 344–345

3D sites, creating with, 211–215

displacement mapping, 212–213

Displacement modifier, 213–215

Displacement channel

Arch & Design material, 344

using maps in, 212–213

wall materials, 115–116

displacement mapping, 212–213

Displacement modifier, 213–215

Displacement section, Render Setup dialog box, 344

Display Area, Fusion, 379, 382, 383

Display Background option, Viewport Background dialog box, 235

Display rollout, 166, 255, 261

Display tab, AutoCAD Options dialog box, 35

Display View, Fusion, 372, 374, 376–379, 382, 383

DIST command, AutoCAD, 68

Distribute Using section, 256, 261

Distributed Bucket Rendering rollout, 282–283

distributive rendering, mental ray, 282–283

Divide button, Geometry rollout, 93–94, 189–190

DMC Sampler, V-Ray, 509–510

Do not apply bumps to the diffuse shading option, 343


in Construction Drawings phase, 9

in Design Development phase, 8

in Schematic Design phase, 6

dome lights, 369

Don’t Flatten option, Photoshop, 397


assembly line for, creating, 452–453

creating new linework for in AutoCAD, 49–51

Edit Poly modifier, creating with, 77, 86

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 98–99

overview, 87–88

Doors feature, 452

Dosch Design, 233, 462

double banding feature, 73–76 web site, 466

draftsmen, in Design Development phase, 6

Drawing Units dialog box, AutoCAD, 37–38

drawings, construction

See also architectural drawings

in architectural design process, 4

in Bidding and Contract Negotiation phase, 10

in Construction Administration phase, 10–11

defined, 3

requisites for, 9

Duplicates value, Scatter Objects rollout, 261

duplicating objects, in Photoshop, 391–393

DVDs, 478–479, 498

DWG file type, 55, 65, 89, 104–105

dynamic geometry, 271 web site, 466

E web site, 466

eaves, 118, 123–124

Edge Detection section, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

Edge Length option, Render Setup dialog box, 345

edge pixels, 458

Edge sub-object mode

armrests, modeling, 150

back pillows, modeling, 161

bottom and back of sofa, modeling, 152, 153, 154

seat cushions, modeling, 157

topographical lines, 225

wall creation, 70, 72, 74

welding UVW mappings together, 365

windows, 83

Edged Faces mode

curbs, 188

roads, 194

seat cushions, modeling, 156, 159

3ds Max environment for furniture creation, 148

topographical lines, 216, 217

wall creation, 75, 92


See also Edge sub-object mode

aligning in small 3D terrain, 223–226

creating, 74

for windows, 77–81

Edit Borders rollout, 165, 219, 227

Edit button, Parameters rollout, 358

Edit Edges rollout

Chamfer Edges caddy, 72

Connect Edges caddy, 74, 82, 150

Remove button, 79, 81, 225

Edit Geometry rollout, 70, 194, 195, 226, 227

Edit in Quick Mask Mode icon, Photoshop, 401

Edit menu

Photoshop, 389, 403

3ds Max, 194, 195

Edit Mesh modifier

generic roof structure, creating, 125

overhang roof creation, 128

shrubs and flowers, creating, 261

site elements, adding to 3D terrain, 228

trimming roof tile with, 136

2D vegetation, creating, 252–253, 254–255, 258

Edit Poly modifier

generic roof structure, creating, 125

grass, 185

importing linework, 48

modeling sofa

armrests, 149–151

back pillows, 160–163

bottom and back of, 152–156

decorative trim piping, 165–168

seat cushions, 156–159

texturing, 171–175

throw pillows, 163–165

wooden feet, 169

mulch, 204

overview, 51

road lines, 203

roads, 194, 195

shrubs and flowers, creating, 261

site elements, adding to 3D terrain, 228

standing seam roofs, 140

3D site elements, controlling bumpiness in, 229

topographical lines, 218, 225, 227

trimming roof tile with, 136

2D vegetation, creating, 252–253, 255, 258

walls, creating with, 63–86

double banding feature, 73–76

extruding line to height of wall, 68–69

new linework, creating, 67–68

overview, 63–64

setting up, 64–67

trim feature, 69–73

window frames, creating, 84–86

windows, creating, 77–84

Edit Poly Paint Deformation modifier, 227–228

Edit Poly Soft Selection modifier, 227–228

Edit Polygons rollout, 71, 75, 80, 152, 226

Edit Spline modifier

curbs, 191, 192

grass, 185

parking stops, 206

walls, 62

Edit UVWs dialog box

navigating, 355–357

sofa pillows, 173

texturing die, 354

tileable textures, 358–365

Edit Vertices rollout, 225

editable meshes

file size, 426–430

mental ray, 275

editable objects, 270–271

editable poly objects, 426–430

educating clients about 3D process, 470

education, continuing, for architects, 474–475, 495–496

effects, adding in Photoshop, 402–405

efficiency. See system resource management

80% Uniform Scale option, 164

Element sub-object mode, 172, 174, 200

Elements Active option, 369

elevation data, for 3D sites, 209–210

elevations (drawings)

aligning to floor plans, 18–20

as guide for modeling, 34

in oriented AutoCAD drawings, 46–47

overview, 14–18

section drawings showing details missing in, 20–22

elevations, varying, in AutoCAD linework, 45

Elliptical Marquee Tool, Photoshop, 401

eMagin, 462

e-mails, as marketing tool, 479

Enable in Renderer option, Rendering rollout, 166

Enable in Viewport option, Rendering rollout, 166, 167

Enable option, Diagnostics rollout, 296

end product, determining for animation projects, 412

endpoint snaps

back pillows, modeling, 162

generic 3D roof structure, 120, 122–125

grass, 184

throw pillows, modeling, 163

wall creation, 67, 91, 92

energy-conserving nature, Arch &

Design material, 328 web site, 466

engineers, in Design Development phase, 7–8

Entity option, 65, 111

Environ option, 234, 310, 314

Environment and Effects dialog box, 233, 308–309, 312, 314–315, 372

Environment channel, 342

environment lighting, V-Ray, 512

Environment Map channel, 233–238

Cylindrical Environment option, 237

HDR images, 309

overview, 233–235

Screen option, 235–236

Shrink-Wrap Environment option, 237

Spherical Environment option, 236–237

summary of environment maps, 238

e-on software Vue xStream suite, 245–246

Eraser Tool, Photoshop, 404

events, 3ds Max community, 459

Evermotion, 452, 462

examining AutoCAD linework, 39–41

Exclude/Include dialog box, 258

excluding objects from GI, 455–456

expenses, 469, 482

explaining work to clients, 470

exploring AutoCAD linework, 39–41

Exponential option, V-Ray color mapping, 511

exposure control

color mapping, 510

final gather, 297

in HDRI, 311

mental ray materials, 345–346

mr Daylight System, 312, 319

photon maps, 289–290

Exposure Value (EV) option, mr Photographic Exposure Control group, 289–290

Exposure Value field, mr Daylight System, 312, 313

exteriors mr Daylight System, 312–313

visualizations of, 19

of walls, in floor plans, 18–19

Extremely High option, Final Gather rollout, 302

Extrude modifier

extruding line to height of wall, 69

roads, 194

sidewalks, 197, 228

walls, creating with, 62

Extrude Polygons caddy, 71, 75–76, 85


in box modeling method, 73

line to height of wall, 68–69

paver bandings, 199

window parts, 105–106

Extrusion Height field, Extrude Polygons caddy, 71, 75–76, 85

Extrusion Type option, Extrude Polygons caddy, 71

eyeon Software Fusion program, 367–385

compositing phase, 372–385

interface, 372

overview, 367–368, 462

rendering phase, 368–372 web site, 462


Face Angle Threshold option, Flatten Mapping dialog box, 354

face count

backgrounds, 247

in shrubs and flowers, 259–260

terrain, 214–215

3D shadows, 266–267

Face Sub-object Mode option, Edit UVWs dialog box, 354, 358, 362

fascia, 118, 121–122, 126–127

Fast Glossy Interpolation rollout, 335, 341

Fast Interpolation feature, 334–335, 340–341

Fast Rasterizer sampling method, 276

Feather command, Photoshop, 395, 401, 402

fees. See pricing

feet, sofa, 169

Fence Selection Region, 223

Fetch feature, 195, 216, 218, 219

FFD modifiers, 83, 159, 162, 164, 227–228

FG Point Interpolation section, 301

field-of-views (FOVs), 232

file linking, 55

File menu

Fusion, 374

Photoshop, 390

file size

collapsing objects, 435

system resources, managing, 426–430

and 3D vegetation, 271

Fill command, Photoshop, 396

Fillet button, 192

Filter command, AutoCAD, 43

Filter menu, Photoshop, 390, 401

Filter setting, Sampling Quality rollout, 280–281


Photoshop, 403

V-Ray antialiasing, 502

Filters menu, Photoshop, 405

final gather

interior lighting, 317–321

Noise Filtering, 301–302

and photon mapping, 305–306

process overview, 294–301

saving map for animations, 303–305

self-illuminated materials, 324325

Final Gather group, Reuse (FG and GI Disk Caching) rollout, 303

Final Gather rollout, 295, 301–302, 319

Final Gather setting, Render Setup dialog, 312

Final Product section, PSA, 492

fixed rate sampler, V-Ray, 500

Flatten Image option, Photoshop, 398

Flatten Mapping tool, 354, 356, 358

Flatten option, Photoshop, 397

flickering, 458

Fling, Brian, 484

Flip option, U Tile, 172, 174

floor plans

linework, creating new on top of, 67

in oriented AutoCAD drawings, 46–47

overview, 18–20

flowers, 2D, 259–262

Fly-through mode, V-Ray, 505–506

Folder option, Photoshop, 390

folders, animation project

copy of maps, creating in, 421

creating, 415

Foliage feature, 266, 271

Force Source Tile Pictures option, Fusion, 377, 378

Foreground color, Photoshop, 404

forums, online, 459

foundation plans, 18

4:12 slope, in roof plans, 28

4AM option, 315

4-sided polygons, in small 3D terrain, 219–223

FOVs (field-of-views), 232

fragment pixels, 458

Frame buffer rollout, 369, 372

frame buffer, V-Ray, 370, 374

Frame Format option, Fusion, 374

frames, window

Edit Poly modifier, creating with, 84–86

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 99–101, 106, 107, 109, 111–113

free 3D resources, 465–467

Freeform transform mode, 356

freelancers, 443, 474. See also business plan; marketing; pricing

Fresnel reflections, 339

Front Surface Scatter color, 338

frosted glass, 333, 337

furniture, 145–176

armrests, modeling, 149–151

back pillows, modeling, 159–163

bottom and back, modeling, 152–156

custom, 450

decorative trim piping, modeling, 165–168

materials, applying, 175–176

overview, 145–148

preparing work environment, 148–149

seat cushions, modeling, 156–159

texturing, 169–175, 357–362

throw pillows, modeling, 163–165

wooden feet, modeling, 169

Fusion program, eyeon Software, 367–385

compositing phase, 372–385

interface, 372

overview, 367–368, 462

rendering phase, 368–372

Fuzziness option, Photoshop, 395, 396


gable roofs, 118

Gallery link, website navigation menu, 477

Gamma Color option, Fusion, 376

gamma correction, 345

Gamut Warning feature, Photoshop, 397

Garbage Matte arrow, Fusion, 384

Gauss option, Sampling Quality roll-

out, 281

Gaussian Blur option, Photoshop, 401, 402

Generate Caustics option, Object Properties dialog box, 330

Generate Photon Map File Now button, Reuse FG and GI Caching rollout, 293

Generic material, 347

Generic Oak object, 271

Generic rollout, 347

generic roof structure, 118–131

overview, 118–119

reverse engineering roof plans, 129–131

working with existing roof plan, 119–129


Ambient Occlusion, 320

backgrounds based on, 238–241

angular environment objects, 241

cylindrical environment objects, 239–240

hemispherical environment objects, 240–241

overview, 238–239

displacement, 344–345

dynamic versus static, 271

mapping complex, 362–365

sky portals, 322

Geometry rollout, 93–94, 188, 189–190, 192, 220

Get Shape button, 188

GI. See global illumination web site, 466


mental ray materials

glossy refraction, 333–337

overview, 327–328

reflections, 339–342

self illumination, 337–338

sub surface scattering, 338

translucency, 332–333

transparency, 328–332

window, in Loft and ProBoolean

modeling exercise, 101–102, 106, 107

glazing, architectural

glossy refraction, 333–337

overview, 327–328

sub surface scattering, 338

translucency, 332–333

transparency, 328–332

global displacement, 345

global illumination (GI), 285–306

in animation, 368–369, 457

backgrounds, 246

excluding objects from, 455–456

final gather

Noise Filtering, 301–302

and photon mapping, 305–306

process overview, 294–301

saving map for animations, 303–305

inverse square law, 293–294

mr Daylight System, 319–320

overview, 285

photon mapping, 285–293

and final gather, 305–306

overview, 285–286

tutorial, 286–293

3D shadows, 267

V-Ray engines, 502–509

Brute Force engine, 508–509

irradiance map, 503–505

Light cache, 505–508

overview, 502–503

Global Illumination (GI) section, Render Setup dialog box, 287, 290, 291

Global Subdivs multiplier, 510

Global switches rollout, 371

Glossiness value, Main material parameters rollout, 336

glossy reflections, 340–341

glossy refraction, 333–336

Glossy Samples value, Main material parameters rollout, 334, 335, 336

Google Earth, 181, 466

Gorbunov, Alexander, 146

gradient maps, 236

granular-like noise, 500

“Graphic Design” category, in phone books, 478 web site, 467

grass, 184–185, 195–196, 229

grayscale images, for displacement, 211–212

green arrow, Fusion, 375

Green option, Fusion, 383

Grid Align feature, 228, 229, 230

Grid and Snap Settings dialog box, 67

Group common objects option, 184

Group option, Extrude Polygons caddy, 71

Grow button, Selection rollout, 170

gutter curbs, 186


Half Float –16 bits per channel option, OpenEXR Configuration dialog box, 369

hardscaping, 25–26, 198–202. See also pavers

hatch pattern, in section drawings, 21

haze, 314, 316

HDRI Load Settings dialog box, 309

height, ceiling, 30

hemispheric subdivisions, V-Ray, 504

hemispherical environment objects, 240–241

Hide Distribution Object option, Display rollout, 255, 261

Hierarchy panel, 91–92, 155, 188

High detail distance option, Fast Glossy Interpolation rollout, 341

high dynamic range images (HDRI), 307–311

High option, Final Gather rollout, 302

Highlight option, Fusion, 384

Highlights (Burn) value, mr Photographic Exposure Control rollout, 319

Highlights+FG Only option, 340, 341

hip roofs, 28, 118, 122–124, 125–127

histogram, HDRI Load Settings dialog box, 309

Hold feature, 194, 216, 218

home grid, 184

Home link, website navigation menu, 477

Hsph. sudivs setting, V-Ray irradiance map, 504

HSV exponential option, V-Ray color mapping, 511

human resources personnel, arranging meetings with, 479

Hyperfocal Design, 233


IDs, material, 96–98, 169–170, 379–381

Ignore Backfacing option, 170, 354, 358

Illuminates the Scene (when using FG) option, 324


See also global illumination

backgrounds, 242, 246

iray renderer, 349

lighting presets for animation projects, 419–420

mental ray strategies, 307–326

high dynamic range images, 307–311

mr Daylight System, 312–321

mr Sky portals, 321–323

overview, 307

photon mapping and final gather, 317–321

self illuminated materials, 324325

opacity mapped shadows, 263

projector light shadows, 268–269

2D trees, 258–259

of 2D vegetation, 253

V-Ray environment lighting, 512

image editing software, applying

backgrounds with, 245. See also

Adobe Photoshop

image formats, 307–308

image histogram, HDRI Load Settings dialog box, 309

Image menu, Photoshop, 397

image resolution, 232

image sampling

mental ray, 276–281

tips regarding, 458

V-Ray, 500–502

adaptive DMC sampler, 501

adaptive subdivision sampler, 501–502

antialiasing filters, 502

fixed rate sampler, 500

overview, 500

suggested render settings, 502

image shadows, for 2D trees, 263–266

Image Size dialog box, Photoshop, 390

image types, backgrounds, 231–233


of building sites, 180–181

stock, 462, 463

Immersive Media Corp (IMC), 462

importance sampling, in V-Ray, 509

imported models, working with, 61

importing linework

for animation projects, 416

2D sites, 183–184

imprints, photon. See photon mapping

Incremental Add FG Points option, 304

incremental saves, 417–418, 450–451

Incremental Y Move option, 139

Indirect Illumination tab, Render Setup dialog box, 286, 290, 295, 296, 303

individuals, as potential clients, 475

Inherit from mr Sky checkbox, Material Editor, 314, 315

Initial FG Point Density field, Final Gather rollout, 296–297, 298, 324

Inner Amount option, Shell modifier, 69, 150

input devices, 453–454, 462

Inset button, 226

Inset Polygons caddy, 85

inspecting architectural drawings, 413, 444

Instance option, 234


roof tiles, 136

of 3D vegetation, 271

versus XRefs, 436


See also furniture

mr Daylight System, 317–321

mr Sky portals, 321–323

photon mapping and final gather, 317–321

self illuminated materials, 324–325

visualizations of, 19

V-Ray light cache, 505

international subcontractors, 443

Interp. samples setting, V-Ray irradiance map, 504–505

Interpolate Over Num. FG Points field, Final Gather rollout, 297, 298, 300, 302


final gather points, 298–301

glossy reflection, 340–341

glossy refraction, 335–337

Interpolation grid density settings, 335, 336

Interpolation rollout, 191, 192, 194

interpolation samples, V-Ray irradiance map, 504–505

Interpolation value, Turn to Poly modifier, 223

introduction, PSA, 490

Inventor program, 347

inverse square law, 293–294

Invert option, Fusion, 383

inverting selections, 171

investing in business, 469

iray renderer, 347–349

irradiance map, V-Ray, 503–505

hemispheric subdivisions, 504

interpolation samples, 504–505

and light cache, 368–369, 507

overview, 503

resolution, 503–504

suggested render settings, 505

isolines. See topographical lines

Iterations value

MeshSmooth modifier, 151, 153, 158

Relax modifier, 158

Relax Tool dialog box, 173, 174

ivy generator, 467


Jitter option, Sampling Quality rollout, 280–281

joint lines, in sidewalks, 197

JPEG compression, 398


keyboard shortcuts

AutoCAD, 38–39

Edit UVW dialog box, 355–356

inverting selections, 171

to isolate objects, 69

making plane objects transparent, 149

mastering, 445

Photoshop, 388–389, 390

to switch viewport configuration, 67

keypads, 453


Lanczos option, Sampling Quality rollout, 281

landscape architects, 25–26

landscaping, 10, 25–27, 249, 257.

See also vegetation

Large BSP option, 282

Layer menu, Photoshop, 398

Layer Style dialog box, Photoshop, 400


AutoCAD, importing, 104–105, 183

in AutoCAD linework, 44–45

Photoshop masking, 399–400

Layers palette, Photoshop, 399

layout, AutoCAD version 2004, 35 web site, 462

LD icon, Fusion, 373, 374, 375, 381

LDR (low dynamic range) images, 307–308

learning new techniques, 471

leaves, for shrubs and flowers, 259–261

Legacy AutoCAD file type, 65, 89, 217

legal protection, from contracts, 489

Length Repeat value, Surface Parameters rollout, 201

Lens shader, 316–317

level of detail

for animation projects, 414

in 3D trees, 271

in windows, 98

Level-Blur-Scale option, Photoshop, 390

Levels button, Fusion, 378


material, 346–347, 419, 452, 454–455

model, 452, 454–455

object, 454

light cache, V-Ray, 368–369, 505–508


See also global illumination

backgrounds, 242, 246

environment, V-Ray, 512

iray renderer, 349

mental ray strategies, 307–326

high dynamic range images, 307–311

mr Daylight System, 312–321

mr Sky portals, 321–323

overview, 307

photon mapping and final gather, 317–321

self illuminated materials, 324325

opacity mapped shadows, 263

presets for animation projects, 419–420

projector light shadows, 268–269

2D trees, 258–259

of 2D vegetation, 253

Lights option, Global switches rollout, 371

Limit Polygon Size option, 223

line weights

in architectural drawings, 15–16

in reflected ceiling plans, 30

linear color mapping, V-Ray, 510, 511

Linear option, Create Shape feature, 166


See also architectural drawings; AutoCAD linework

adding to site plans, 182

cleaning and preparing, for animation projects, 416

creating new, for wall creation, 67–68

generic roof structure, drawing for, 120

importing for 2D sites, 183–184

importing for animation projects, 416

linking, 55

parking stops, 206

reverse engineering roof plans, 129–131

load bearing components, in floor plans, 18–19

Load Brushes option, Photoshop, 403

Load channel as selection icon, Photoshop, 399

Load Selection command, Photoshop, 389

Loader2 icon, Fusion, 375, 376

Local Normal option, Extrude Polygons caddy, 71

Loft feature

creating new linework, 48–51

curbs, 187–191, 228

modeling walls and windows with 3D model creation, 104–113

preparing linework in AutoCAD, 88–89

wall creation, 89–98

window creation, 98–104

overhang roof creation, 127–128

overview, 87–88, 416

paver bandings, 201

production tips, 446

section drawings, 21–22

Loop tool, Edit Poly modifier

sofa creation tutorial, 151, 166, 168

3D sites, 225, 227

wall creation, 72

low dynamic range (LDR) images, 307–308

LTSCALE command, AutoCAD, 54

LUD icon, Fusion, 376

Luma Keyer Tool, Fusion, 382

LUT Editor, Fusion, 374


Magic Wand tool, Photoshop, 211

Main material parameters rollout, 328, 332, 334, 336

Make First button, 220

Manual Override option, 313

Map Parameters rollout, 363

mapping complex geometry, 362–365. See also specific types of mapping by name

Mapping drop-down list

Cylindrical Environment option, 237

overview, 234

Screen option, 235–236

Shrink-Wrap Environment option, 237

Spherical Environment option, 236–237


See also specific map types by name

in animation project folder, creating copy of, 421

final gather, saving for animations, 303–305

in geometry based backgrounds, 238–239

GI, for animations, 368–369

shadow, 253

market analysis, in business plan, 486

marketing, 473–479

animation, 410

in business plan, 486–487

clients, 473–476

architects, 474–475

contractors, 475

developers, 473–474

individuals, 475

overview, 473

real estate agents, 476

overview, 473

tools, 476–479

brochures, 477

DVDs, 478–479

e-mails, 479

overview, 476

phone books, 478

phone calls, 479

web sites, 476–477

Marlin Studios, 232–233, 452, 463

Mask Mode, Photoshop, 401

masking, in Photoshop, 399–400, 447

masonry openings, 77

mass mailings, 477

MasterZap, 349

Mat icon, Fusion, 383

Match Bitmap Size As Closely As Possible option, Configure Driver dialog box, 247

Material Editor

Arch & Design material preset templates, 327

caustic effects, 330

displacement, 344

Environment Channel backgrounds, 234

glossy refraction, 334

HDR images, 310

material IDs, assigning, 96–97

mr Daylight System, 315, 316

reflections, special application of, 342

self illuminated materials, 324

shrubs and flowers, creating, 261

sofa creation tutorial, 148, 169

sub surface scattering, 338

terrain, creating with displacement mapping, 212, 213

translucency, 332

transparency, 329

2D vegetation, creating, 256

material IDs, 96–98, 169–170, 379–381

material libraries for animation projects, 419

Autodesk, 346–347

purchasing best available, 452

using, 454–455

material overrides, 318

Material Type button, Material Editor, 347


applying different, to wall section, 94–98

mental ray, 327–350

Arch & Design material, 327–328

Autodesk libraries, 346–347

bump maps and normal maps, 342–343

displacement, 344–345

exposure control, 345–346

glossy reflections, 340–341

glossy refraction, 333–336

iray renderer, 347–349

overview, 321, 327

reflection, 339–340

self illumination, 337–338

special application of reflections, 342

sub surface scattering, 338

translucency, 332–333

transparency, 328–332

roofing, 131–143

overview, 131

shingle roofs, 142–143

standing seam, 136–142

tile roofs, 132–136

self illuminated, 324–325

sofa creation tutorial, 169–171, 175–176

for walls, 113–116

Bump channel, 114–115

Diffuse Color channel, 115

Displacement channel, 115–116

overview, 113 web site, 467

Matte Control tool, Fusion, 383

Matte/Shadow material, 245, 399, 447

Max Distance value, 320, 331–332

max leaf size value, mental ray Message Window, 282

Max. Subdiv. option, Render Setup dialog box, 345

Maximum Number of Photons per Sample field, Caustics and Global Illumination (GI) rollout, 291, 292

Maximum Sampling Radius field, Caustics and Global Illumination (GI) rollout, 290, 291, 293 web site, 467

Measured Min/Max values, HDRI Load Settings dialog box, 309

Medium preset, V-Ray irradiance map, 503

meeting with clients, for animation projects, 410–411

mental ray, 275–283

See also global illumination

BSP, 281–282

distributive versus network rendering, 282–283

image sampling, 276–281

lighting strategies, 307–326

high dynamic range images, 307–311

mr Daylight System, 312–321

mr Sky portals, 321–323

overview, 307

photon mapping and final gather, 317–321

self illuminated materials, 324325

materials, 327–350

Arch & Design, 327–328

Autodesk Material libraries, 346–347

bump maps and normal maps, 342–343

displacement, 344–345

exposure control, 345–346

glossy reflections, 340–341

glossy refraction, 333–336

iray renderer, 347–349

overview, 327

reflection, 339–340

reflections, special application of, 342

self illumination, 337–338

sub surface scattering, 338

translucency, 332–333

transparency, 328–332

Message Window, 281–282

overview, 275–276

Proxy, for 3D trees, 271–272

tile roofs, 136

Merge Nearby Photons option, 293

Merge Tool, Fusion, 375, 384

Merge1 icon, Fusion, 375, 376, 378

mesh based 2D vegetation, 252–253.

See also Edit Mesh modifier

MeshSmooth modifier displacement mapping, 214

large 3D terrain, 217

sofa creation tutorial

armrests, 151

back pillows, 162

bottom and back, 153, 154, 155–156

seat cushions, 158

throw pillows, 164

topographical lines, 217, 223

Message Window, mental ray, 281–282

Metal material, 340, 341

Metro Professional Complex tutorial, 180–207

curbs, 185–193

grass, 184–185

importing linework, 183–184

mulch, 203–205

overview, 180–182

parking stops, 206–207

pavers and paver bandings, 198–202

road lines, 202–203

roads, 193–196

sidewalks, 197–198

metropoly models, 462

Microsoft Virtual Earth, 181

Min Subdivs value, V-Ray DMC Sampler rollout, 510

Mirror modifier, 151


armrests, 149–151

back pillows, 162

roof tiles, 136

throw pillows, 164

mistakes, common, 469–471

artist mistakes, 471

business mistakes, 469–471

overview, 469

Mitchell option, Sampling Quality rollout, 281

Mitchell-Netravali antialiasing filter, V-Ray, 502

model libraries

purchasing best available, 452

using, 454–455


See also box modeling method; specific elements to be modeled

BIM software, 60–61, 117

breaking up projects, 449–450

building elements, for animation projects, 416–417

hiring subcontractors for, 443

parametric, 416–417

simple elements first, 451–452

modifications, in PSA, 492

Modifier panel, 213, 310

modifiers. See specific modifiers by name

Modify panel

armrests, modeling, 149

Geometry rollout, 93

Ignore Backfacing option, 354

mr Daylight System, 312

Skin Parameters rollout, 189

standing seams in roof, creating, 138

Surface Parameters rollout, 92

Surface Properties rollout, 97

Unwrap UVW modifier, 358

Monte Carlo sampling, 509

More button, Utilities panel, 362

Motion panel, 312, 315

Move command, AutoCAD, 119

Move transform, 76, 91, 160, 164, 356–357

mr Daylight System

exteriors, 312–313

interiors, 317–321

mr Physical Sky map, 238

parameters, 313–317

reflections, special application of, 342

mr Photographic Exposure Control, 289, 297, 312, 319

mr Physical Sky, 238, 314, 315, 316

mr Sky, 312, 314

mr Sky: Haze Driven (mr Sky) rollout, 314

mr Sky Portals

overview, 321–322

parameters, 322–323

mr Sun, 312, 314

mr Sun Photons rollout, 318

Mrg icon, Fusion, 375

MSmooth button, 226, 227


adding to 3D terrain, 229

2D sites, 203–205

mullions, window, 100

multiple background objects, 242

Multiplier field, 289, 311

Multiply option, Fusion, 376

multi/sub-object materials, 96–97, 175–176


Named Selection drop-down list, 224

navigation menus, web site, 477

Neighboring points to look up field, 335, 336

network rendering, mental ray, 282–283


of subcontractors, building, 443

support, 471

New Action dialog box, Photoshop, 390

Night Color feature, 315

90 deg. refl. option, BRDF rollout, 340

NodeJoe, 463


causes of, 500

deductive reasoning, solving problems with, 449

final gather, 299–301

glossy refraction, 336–337

V-Ray irradiance map, 503–504

Noise Filtering, final gather, 301–302

Noise Filtering (Speckle Reduction) option, 319, 324

Noise modifier, 227–228, 403

Noise threshold value, V-Ray, 501, 509–510

Non Physical Tuning parameters, 317

Non-Uniform Scale feature, 157–158, 160, 163

Normal Bump map shader, 343

normal maps, 342–343

Normalize Spline modifier, 216, 218

notes, in floor plans, 20

NTSC (Square Pixel) option, Fusion, 374

Numeric Expression Evaluator, 213, 346


object libraries, 454

object management, 435–436

Object Properties dialog box, 109, 203, 243, 330

objects, excluding from GI, 455–456

O’Conner, Jennifer, 349

Offset feature, 151

omni light, illuminating backgrounds with, 242

One File per Frame (Best for Animated Objects) option, 305

online community, 458–459, 467, 471

online forums, 459

online support, 471

OnyxGarden Suite, 251, 456 web site, 463

Opacity Map channel, 264

opacity maps

shadows for 2D trees, 262–263

2D vegetation, creating, 252–253

Open UV Editor button, 354

OpenEXR Configuration dialog box, 369

operating systems, 32-bit versus 64-bit, 436–437

operational plan, in business plan, 486

Optimization rollout, 253

Optimize for Final Gather option, 305, 319

Options arrow, Photoshop, 403

Options dialog box, AutoCAD, 35–36

Orbital Scale field, 313


AutoCAD linework, 46–48

texture, 359–362

origin, linework, 46, 182

orthographic images, 15–16, 17–18

Orthographic view, 67, 92, 188

Outer Amount, Shell modifier, 69, 150

Output Amount field, Output rollout, 310, 311, 314

Output rollout, 310, 314, 342

Output section, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

overhang roof, 127–128

overhangs, roof, 28

overhead costs, calculating, 482

overlapping lines, in linework, 43–44

override materials, 318

Override mtl channel, 371


P option, Move command, 119

Pack UVs option, Edit UVW dialog box, 364

Paint Brush tool, Photoshop, 211

Palo Alto, 487

paper, in architectural drawings, 13–14

Parameters rollout, 354, 358

parametric modeling, 416–417

parametric objects

file size, 426–430

3D trees, 270–271

parking lines, adding to 3D terrain, 229

parking stops, in 2D sites, 206–207

Paste Into command, Photoshop, 388–389

Paste option, 164

Patch Tool, Photoshop, 392–393

Path Palette, Photoshop, 398

Path Steps setting, Skin Parameters rollout, 93, 108, 109, 128, 189


animation, 420–421

removing before printing, 398

simple camera, using to reduce required sampling, 457

pattern, creating on walls, 94–98

pavers, 198–202

adding to 3D terrain, 229

overview, 198–199

textured bandings, 201–202

3D bandings, 199–201

Pelt tool, 362

persistence distance, 330–332

Perspective view, 188

perspective views, 15–16

phone books, as marketing tool, 478

phone calls, from potential clients, 476–477

Photographic Exposure Control, mental ray, 289, 297, 312, 319

photographs of building sites, 180–181

photon mapping, 285–294

and final gather, 305–306

interior lighting, 317–321

inverse square law, 293–294

overview, 285–286

tutorial, 286–293

Photon Target feature, 318

Photoshop, Adobe, 387–406

Action Script feature, 389–391

applying backgrounds with, 245

cloning, 391–394

Clone Stamp tool, 391–392

Content Aware tool, 393–394

overview, 391

Patch Tool, 392–393

Spot Healing Brush tool, 392

converting for printing purposes, 396–398

CMYK versus RGB, 396–397

overview, 396

printing resolution, 398

creating custom textures in, 364–365

depth of field, 401–402

effects, adding, 402–405

grayscale images for displacement, 211

masking in, 399–400, 447

overview, 387–388

Paste Into command, 388–389

2D images, using in 3D scenes, 394–396

Physical Sky, mental ray, 238, 314, 315, 316

Physically Based Lighting, Indoor Daylight preset, 319

Physically Based Lighting, Outdoor Daylight, Clear Sky preset, 297, 312

Pick Distribution Object button, 255, 261

Pick Operand B button, 139, 194

Pick Path button, 200

Pick Shape icon, 141

piecemeal linework importation, 41

pillows, sofa

back, 159–163, 172–173

throw, 163–165, 174–175

Pinch value, Connect Edges dialog box, 150–151, 153

piping, sofa, 165–168, 172

pitch, roof, 28, 118

Pivot alignment section, Sweep Parameters rollout, 193

pivot points

adjusting, 66

for lofts, 187–188

tile roofs, 133

of wall profile spline, 90–92

of window parts, 107–108

Pivot snap option, 91


fragment, 458

image sampling, 276–281, 500

V-Ray color mapping, 511

pixilated background images, 247

Place Highlight tool, 311

placement, of maps in Environment Map, 233–237

planar gizmo, when mapping with Unwrap UVW modifier, 362–363

Planar mapping, 172, 174

plane objects, making transparent, 149

plans. See specific plan types by name

plant generator programs, 251

Play icon, Fusion, 374


See also V-Ray

applying backgrounds with, 245–246

third-party, 455

top vendors, 461–463

2D vegetation based on, 254

poly based 2D vegetation, 252–253.

See also Edit Poly modifier

PolyBoost, 463

Polygon Properties rollout, 229

Polygon sub-object mode

bumpiness in 3D site elements, controlling, 229

mulch, 204

roads, 194, 195

sofa creation tutorial

back pillows, 160, 161

bottom and back, 152

seat cushions, 158

texturing, 170, 171

throw pillows, 163

standing seam roofs, 137–138, 140

topographical lines, 219, 226

wall creation, 71, 75

windows, 80, 84


assigning material IDs to, 96–98

Boolean > Cut > Split feature, 445

4-sided, in small 3D terrain, 219–223

in generic roof structure, 118–119

inset row of, adding to smooth terrain, 226

reducing number of, 93–94

render time, 429

in standing seam roofs, 137–138

in tile roofs, 132

polylines, 53–54, 88–90

poor designs, questioning, 448–449

Post multiply image option, Fusion, 382


See also Adobe Photoshop; compositing

animation, 423–424

in PSA, 492

potential clients, 473–476

architects, 474–475

in business plans, 486

contractors, 475

developers, 473–474

individuals, 475

making contact with other companies, 413

overview, 473

pricing, 411

real estate agents, 476

Preferences, Fusion, 374

preliminary illustrations, 5–6

preparing linework for animation projects, 416. See also AutoCAD linework

presentations for potential clients, 411

pricing, 444

3D, 497–498

Preset slider, Render Setup dialog box, 295


lighting, loading for animation projects, 419–420

V-Ray irradiance map, 503–504

preview animations, 422

Preview Quick Map Gizmo option, 363

pricing, 481–484

additional information, 484

allowing clients to pressure for, as mistake, 470

animation projects, 411–412

in business plan, 486

inspecting drawings before, 12, 39–41, 444

overhead costs, calculating, 482

overview, 481–482

presentations for, 444

production days, calculating, 483

profit, calculating, 483

in PSA, 492–493

“Pricing Poker: Bluffing, Budgets and Trust” article, 484

Primary Bounce GI engines, V-Ray, 502–503

printers, 3D, 463

printing, converting for, 396–398

CMYK versus RGB, 396–397

overview, 396

printing resolution, 398

ProBoolean feature

versus Boolean > Cut > Split feature, 445–446

modeling walls and windows with 3D model creation, 104–113

overview, 51

preparing linework in AutoCAD, 88–89

wall creation, 89–98

window creation, 98–104

mulch, 204–205

overview, 87–88

sidewalk joint lines, 197–198

trimming roof tile with, 135

Processing tab, Render Setup dialog box, 282–283, 296

product delivery date, examining drawings to calculate, 41

production days, calculating, 483

production renders

animation, 423

Brute Force engine, 509

color mapping, 512

DMC Sampler, 510

irradiance map, 505

light cache, 508

V-Ray image sampling, 502

production timeline, for animation projects, 414

production tips, 441–460

activity in 3D community, 458–459

additional input devices, using, 453–454

architectural drawings, inspecting, 444

artificial shadows, using, 457

assembly line for doors and windows, creating, 452–453

Boolean > Cut > Split feature, 445–446

breaking up projects, 449–450

contract, writing, 446–447

custom furniture, 450

deductive reasoning, solving problems with, 449

excluding objects from GI, 455–456

keyboard shortcuts, mastering, 445

Loft and Sweep features, 446

mask for use in Photoshop, creating, 447

material and model libraries, using, 454–455

modeling simple elements first, 451–452

network of subcontractors, building, 443

overview, 441–442

poor designs, questioning, 448–449

pricing presentation, creating, 444

professional render-farms, 448

purchasing best available model and material libraries, 452

rendering high and converting down, 458

saving incrementally and often, 450–451

script, writing, 447–448

simple camera paths, using to reduce required sampling, 457

standard background rig, using, 454

system resources, conserving, 445

third-party plug-ins, using, 455

vegetation, Scatter command and Spacing tool for, 456

products, in business plan, 486

Professional Fees section, PSA, 492–493

professional render-farms, 448, 463

Professional Services Agreement (PSA), 489–494

for animation projects, 414

introduction and Authorization to Proceed, 490

overview, 489–490

Professional Fees section, 492–493

Scope of Services section, 490–492

Description of Services, 491–492

Final Product, 492

overview, 490–491

Project Schedule, 492

Standard Terms and Conditions section, 493–494

profit, calculating, 483


See also specific programs by name; third-party software

in architectural design process, 5

3D, 461–463

project folders, animation

copy of maps, creating in, 421

creating, 415

Project Schedule section, PSA, 492

project schedules, examining drawings to calculate, 41

projector light shadows, for 2D trees, 268–269

Projector Map feature, 268

ProMaterials, 327

ProMaterials: Mirror material, 311

Properties dialog box, 258

proposal, writing for animation projects, 414

Proxy, mental ray, 271–272

PSA. See Professional Services Agreement


model and material libraries, 452

tools to assist work, 469

Pure White option, 332


Quest3D, 463

Quick Planar Map gizmo, 362–363

QuickTime panoramas, as test renders, 422


Radii in Pixels option, 301

Radius value, 371

RAM consumption, 431–434

rates, daily. See daily rates; pricing

raw numbers, elevation data through, 209–210

Rays per FG Point field, Final Gather rollout, 297, 298, 300, 302, 324

raytrace acceleration, 281–282

ray-traced shadows, 253, 311

Read FG Points Only from Existing Map Files option, 303, 304

Read Only (FG Freeze) option, 305

Read/Write Photons to Map files option, 292

real estate agents, as potential clients, 476

Real Pixels option, HDRI Load Settings dialog box, 309

Real-World Map Size option, 148, 201

Receive Shadows option, Properties dialog box, 258

receiving drawings, for animation projects, 413

Red, Green, and Blue (RGB), 396–397

Red option, Fusion, 380

red square, Fusion, 375, 379

Red/Blue Tint value, 317

Refine Edge tool, Photoshop, 394–396

Refine tool, 220, 221

reflected ceiling plans, 29–31

Reflection group, Arch & Design material, 340


backgrounds in, 242–244

glossy, 340–341

mental ray materials, 339–340

special application of, 342

Refract light and generate Caustic effects option, 330

refracted caustics, 403–405

refraction, glossy, 333–336

Refraction Color channel, 329

Refraction Glossiness field, Main material parameters rollout, 334

Refraction section, Main material parameters rollout, 328, 334

refractive color, and transparency, 328–329

Reinhard option, V-Ray color mapping, 511

Relax by Face Angles option, Relax Tool dialog box, 173, 174

Relax modifier, 158, 227–228

Relax Tool dialog box, 173, 174

Remove button, Edit Edges rollout, 79, 81, 225

renaming objects, 107, 128, 191

Render button, Fusion, 385

Render Elements tab, 369, 371, 403

Render Preview, 289, 290, 297, 312

Render Setup dialog box

displacement, 344–345

effects, 403

final gather, 295–300

image sampling, 278

iray renderer, 348

mr Daylight System, 312, 316, 318, 319

photon mapping, 286–287, 290

transparency, 330

render time, 429, 455, 502

Renderer tab, Render Setup dialog box, 278

render-farms, 448, 463


See also mental ray; production renders; test renders; V-Ray

distributive versus network, 282–283

in Fusion program, 368–372

high, 458

Rendering Algorithms rollout, 278, 281

Rendering rollout, 166

requesting drawings for animation projects, 412

Resample Image option, Photoshop, 390

Reset Selected button, Utilities panel, 169

Reset XForm button, Utilities panel, 169


image, 232, 491

irradiance map, V-Ray, 503–504

printing, 398


free 3D, 465–467

ignoring useful, as common mistake, 471

ResPower, 448, 463

Reuse FG and GI Caching rollout, 292–293, 303

revenue, required daily

overhead costs, calculating, 482

overview, 481–482

production days, calculating, 483

profit margin, calculating, 483

Reverse button, Geometry rollout, 188, 220

reverse engineering roof plans, 118, 129–131

revising animation, 423

Revit program, 347

RGB (Red, Green, and Blue), 396–397

RGB Color mode, Photoshop, 397

RGB Level option, 342

Rich Photorealistic Content (RPC) plug-in, 254, 462

ridge, roof, 28, 118, 124–125

ridge caps, 118, 141–142, 143

Right-Click Customization dialog box, AutoCAD, 36–37

Ring tool, Edit Poly modifier, 150, 153–154, 161, 226, 227

Ripple modifier, 227–228

Ripple option, Photoshop, 405

rise-over-run, in roof plans, 28, 118

road lines

2D sites, 202–203

in site plans, 54


adding to 3D terrain, 228

controlling bumpiness of in 3D site, 229–230

2D sites, 193–196

roof plans

overview, 27–29, 117

reverse engineering, 129–131

working with existing, 119–129

roofs, 117–144

applying roofing materials, 131–143

overview, 131

shingle roofs, 142–143

standing seam, 136–142

tile roofs, 132–136

generic roof structure, 118–131

overview, 118–119

reverse engineering roof plans, 129–131

working with existing roof plan, 119–129

overview, 117

terminology, 117–118

Rot. +90 button, Edit UVW dialog box, 360, 361

Rotate transform, 164, 356


linework, 66

tiles, for roof, 134

Rotation X, Transforms rollout, 261

Rotation Y, Transforms rollout, 261

Rotation Z, Transforms rollout, 261

RPC (Rich Photorealistic Content) plug-in, 254, 462



as overhead cost, 482

and profit margins, 483

Sample size setting, V-Ray light cache, 506

sampling, reducing through use of simple camera paths, 457. See also image sampling

Sampling Quality rollout, 278–281

satellite imagery, 180–181

Save As dialog box, 451

Save separate render channels option, Frame buffer rollout, 369


animation projects, 417–418

early in project, 66

final gather map for animations, 303–305

in Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 96, 112

photon maps, 292–293

production tips, 450–451 web site, 467

Scale Conversion Factor option, 338

Scale setting, V-Ray light cache, 506

Scale transform, 160, 356

Scale Transform Type-In dialog box, 158


in AutoCAD drawings, 37–38, 46

in elevations, 16

in site plans, 24

texture, 359–362

Scatter command

overview, 27, 456

shrubs and flowers, creating, 259–262

2D trees, creatin

All Face Centers option, 257–258

Area option, 255–256

overview, 254–255

Scatter Objects rollout, 256, 261

scene elements, merging for animation projects, 419

schedules, examining drawings to calculate, 41

Schematic Design (SD) phase, 5–6

Scope of Services section, PSA, 490–492

Description of Services, 491–492

Final Product, 492

overview, 490–491

Project Schedule, 492

SCORE business toolbox, 467, 487

scored pattern, creating on walls, 94–98

‘Screen’ (soft) compositing of layers option, Advanced Options rollout, 338

Screen mapping option, 234

Screen Menu, AutoCAD, 35

Screen option, Mapping drop-down list, 235–236

Screen scale setting, V-Ray light cache, 506

scripts, writing, 447–448

ScriptSpot, 467

scroll bars, AutoCAD, 35

SD (Schematic Design) phase, 5–6


map, 364–365

roof, 140–141

seat cushions, sofa, 156–159

Secondary Bounce GI engines, V-Ray, 502–503

Secondary bounces setting, V-Ray Brute force GI rollout, 509

section drawings, 20–22

Section Type rollout, 192

See Through option, Object Properties dialog box, 109

Segment sub-object mode, 97, 189–190, 191–192, 223

Segments field, Connect Edges dialog box, 74, 82, 150–151, 153, 157

Select and Rotate icon, 66

Select Element option, 365

Select menu, Photoshop, 389, 394

Select Open Edges feature, 228

Selection Parameters rollout, 358

Selection rollout, 72, 150, 170, 225

selections, inverting, 171

self illuminated materials

interior lighting, 324–325

mental ray, 337–338

Self Illumination rollout, 324, 337

seminars, 3ds Max, 459

services, in business plan, 486

Set ID field, Surface Properties rollout, 97

Set Number of Points button, 159

Settings icon

Edit Borders rollout, 165

Edit Edges rollout, 72, 74, 82, 150–151

Edit Geometry rollout, 195

Edit Polygons rollout, 71, 75, 152, 226

shaded preview animations, 422

shadow maps, 253


artificial, 457

background objects, 246

for 2D trees, 262–269

3D shadows, 266–268

image shadows, 263–266

opacity mapped shadows, 262–263

overview, 262

projector light shadows, 268–269

from 2D vegetation, 253, 258

Shadows and Displacement rollout, 344

Shadows From “Outdoors” option, 322

Shadows option, Global switches rollout, 371

Shadows value, mr Photographic Exposure Control rollout, 319

Shape Merge feature, 445

Shape Steps setting, Skin Parameters rollout, 93, 108, 109, 128, 189

sheet layout, architectural drawings, 13–14

Shell modifier, 69, 150

Shift Edge option, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

shingle roofs, 131, 142–143


AutoCAD, 38–39

Edit UVW dialog box, 355–356

inverting selections, 171

to isolate objects, 69

making plane objects transparent, 149

mastering, 445

Photoshop, 388–389, 390

to switch viewport configuration, 67

Show end result on/off option, 224

Show Grid option, 148

Show Map icon, Edit UVW dialog box, 355

Show Map in Viewport option, 170, 212, 256, 261

Show Original option, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

Show Radius option, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

Show Statistics feature, 214

Show Vertex option, 219

Show Vertex Ticks option, 218

Shrink-Wrap Environment option, Mapping drop-down list, 237

shrubs, 2D, 259–262

Shutter Speed value, 312

Shutterstock, 463


adding to 3D terrain, 228

in 2D sites, 197–198

siding, 116


signed and sealed drawings, 7–8

signed contract, receiving for animation projects, 414–415

sills, window, 103, 107, 109

simple elements, modeling first, 451–452

Simplification rollout, 216

single viewport configuration, 67

site elements

curbs, 185–193, 228

grass, 184–185, 195–196, 229

modeling for animation projects, 417

mulch, 203–205, 229

parking stops, 206–207

pavers and paver bandings, 198–202

road lines, 54, 202–203

roads, 193–196, 228, 229–230

sidewalks, 197–198, 228

in 3D sites

adding, 228–229

bumpiness of, controlling, 229230

site plans, 22–25, 52–55. See also 2D sites; 3D sites

64-bit operating systems, 436–437

Size setting, Rendering Algorithms rollout, 281–282

Sketch Vertices tool, 362

Skin Parameters rollout, 93, 189, 201

Sky, mental ray, 312, 314

Sky Portals, mental ray

overview, 321–322

parameters, 322–323

Skylight drop-down list, mr Sun, 312

Skylight feature, 308, 322


HDRI, 308–310

V-Ray environment lighting, 512

Skype, 467

Slice button, 71, 77

slice plane, 70–71, 77–79

slide shows, 498

Slide value, Connect feature, 157

slide-shows, for potential clients, 411

slope, roof, 28

small firms, 443, 474. See also business plan; marketing; pricing

Smart Radius option, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

Smooth Length option, 92, 108, 109

Smooth modifier, 159, 191, 193, 227

Smooth option, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

Smooth Width option, 92, 108, 109

Smooth+Highlights mode

decorative trim piping, modeling, 167

furniture modeling, 148

roads, 194

seat cushions, modeling, 156

topographical lines, 222

wall creation, 69, 75


final gather points, 298–299

large 3D terrain, 217

with Photoshop Refine Edge tool, 395

small 3D terrain, 219

snap settings

back pillows, modeling, 162

grass, 184–185

roofs, 120, 122–125

throw pillows, modeling, 163

wall creation, 91, 92

sofa creation tutorial, 147–176

armrests, 149–151

back pillows, 159–163

bottom and back, 152–156

decorative trim piping, 165–168

materials, applying, 175–176

overview, 147–148

preparing work environment, 148–149

seat cushions, 156–159

texturing, 169–175

throw pillows, 163–165

wooden feet, 169

soffits, 118

Soft Glow option, Fusion, 382

Soft Selection, 230


See also plug-ins; specific programs by name; third-party software

in architectural design process, 5

3D, 461–463

Source drop-down menu, Photoshop, 390

SpacePilot, 3D Connexion, 462

spacing, between roof seams, 140–141

Spacing tool, 200, 456

spam, 479

Spatial Contrast section, Sampling Quality rollout, 280

Special Effects rollout, 320

Special Purpose Maps rollout, 342, 343, 344

Specifications, for architectural projects, 11–12

Specular color, 256

specular highlights, 334, 340–341, 381–384

spheres, mapping with Unwrap UVW modifier, 362–365

spherical background objects, 242–244

spherical bitmaps, 238

Spherical Environment option, Mapping drop-down list, 236–237, 310

spherical images, 232, 236–237

Spherical Mapping option, 238

Spline sub-object mode

curbs, 192

topographical lines, 218, 220, 224

2D sites, 188

wall creation, 62


4-sided polygons, 220–223

Extrude modifier, 62

Loft and Sweep features, 446

reverse engineering roof plans, 130–131

trimming roof tile with, 135

wall profile, 90–92, 94–98

Split feature, 228

Spot Healing Brush tool, Photoshop, 392, 393

sRGB button, V-Ray frame buffer, 370

SSS Fast material, 338

standard background rig, using, 454

Standard option, Final Gather rollout, 302

Standard Terms and Conditions section, PSA, 493–494

standing seam roofs, 136–142

creating seams in roof, 137–142

overview, 131, 136–137

Start Picking button, 197, 205

static geometry, 271

Status Bar, Fusion, 372, 375

Steps value, Interpolation rollout, 191, 192

Stitch Selected option, Edit UVW dialog box, 365

stock furniture, 146, 450

stock video and imagery, 462, 463

stone walls, 115

Stop recording icon, Photoshop, 390

Straighten Corners option, Shell modifier, 69

Strength value

Displace modifier, 213

Fusion, 381

Stretch value, Relax Tool dialog box, 173, 174

structural correctness, test renderings to verify, 422

stucco, 114–115

studio lighting, 307

Styles list, Photoshop, 400

sub surface scattering, 338


breaking up projects when working with, 450

building network of, 443

in Design Development phase, 7–8

need for when working with developers, 474

Subdivide modifier, 194–195, 204

Subdivs setting, V-Ray light cache, 505–507

sub-materials, 96–97, 132

Sub-pixel mapping option, V-Ray Color mapping rollout, 511

subpixel sampling, in V-Ray, 500–501

Sugar3D, 463


in HDRI, 310–311

mr Daylight System, 313

opacity mapped shadows, 263

Sun, mental ray, 312, 314

Sunlight drop-down list, 312

Super Sampling, mental ray, 276–281

support, online, 471

supporting materials, in business plan, 486

Surface Parameters rollout, 92, 201

Surface Properties rollout, 97

surfaces, wall, 114–116

SV icon, Fusion, 385

Sweep modifier

creating new linework, 48–51

curbs, 187, 191–193, 228

overview, 87

parking stops, 206

production tips, 446

ridge and valley caps, 141–142

section drawings, 21–22

Sweep Parameters rollout, 193

Switch to A/B split view icon, Fusion, 376

symbols, in landscape plans, 26

system resource management, 425–437

file size, 426–430

object management, 435–436

attaching objects, 436

collapsing objects, 435–436

instances versus XRefs, 436

overview, 435

overview, 425–426

production tips, 445

RAM consumption, 431–434

32-bit versus 64-bit operating systems, 436–437

tile roofs, 132

System Unit Setup dialog box, 65, 90, 183

Systems icon, Create panel, 312


talking with client, for animation projects, 410–411

Tape Measure tool, 68, 213

Taper modifier, 155, 169

Target Camera, 236

Templates drop-down list, Material Editor, 327

terrain, 184. See also 3D sites; 2D sites

Terrain feature, 216, 217, 218

tessellation, and displacement, 344–345

test renders

for animation projects, 421–422

Brute Force engine, 509

color mapping, 512

DMC Sampler, 510

irradiance map, 505

light cache, 508

V-Ray image sampling, 502

texture crawling, 458


exposure control, 345

for paver bandings, 199, 201–202

sofa creation tutorial, 169–175

Unwrap UVW modifier, 353–365

Edit UVW dialog box, 355–357

mapping complex geometry, 362–365

orienting texture, 359–362

overview, 353

scaling texture, 359–362

texturing die, 353–355

tileable textures, applying, 357–359

wall, 114–115

third-party software

See also specific programs by name

applying backgrounds with, 245–246

image editing and video compositing software, 245

overview, 245

plug-ins, 245–246

plug-ins, 455, 461–463

for 3D vegetation creation, 250251

32-bit operating systems, 436–437

32-bit option, Photoshop, 399

3D CAD for Architectural Visualization course, 3DAS, 496

3D community, activity in, 458–459

3D Connexion, 462

3D motion controllers, 453

3D presentations, 497–498

3D printers, 463

3D resources, free, 465–467

3D sites, 209–230

bumpiness in site elements, controlling, 229–230

creation methods, 210–228

displacement, 211–215

overview, 210–211

topographical lines, 215–228

elevation data, 209–210

image shadows, 264, 265

overview, 209

site elements, adding, 228–229

2D vegetation in, 253

3D vegetation

artificial shadows for, 457

overview, 250–251

Scatter feature, 456

third party vegetation solutions, 456

trees, 270–272

level of detail, 271

mental ray Proxy, 271–272

overview, 270

parametric versus editable objects, 270–271

3D vendors, 461–463

3D visors, 462

3D work

See also 3D sites;3D vegetation

AutoCAD linework, preparing for importation, 12–13

in Construction Administration phase, 10–11

in Design Development phase, 8–9

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 104–113

paver bandings, 199–201

reflecting amount of detail seen in elevations, 16–18

roof plans, 27

roof tiles, 132–136

in Schematic Design phase, 5–6

shadows for 2D trees, 266–268

3DAS, 496, 497–498

3ds Max forum, 459

3DSOUT feature, AutoCAD, 202–203

throw pillows, sofa, 163–165, 174–175

tile roofs, 132–136

overview, 131, 132–133

placing tiles, 133–136

tileable textures, applying, 357–359

tiling, of maps in Environment Map, 233–234, 238

Time Ruler, Fusion, 372, 374

time-based mental ray renderer, 347–349

timeline, production, for animation projects, 414

toolbars, AutoCAD, 35


See also specific 3ds Max tools by name

marketing, 476–479

brochures, 477

DVDs, 478–479

e-mails, 479

overview, 476

phone books, 478

phone calls, 479

web sites, 476–477

3D, 461–463

Tools Area, Fusion, 384

Tools menu

3ds Max, 139

Fusion, 382, 384

Tools Toolbar, Fusion, 372–373, 375, 378–379, 381, 383–385

topographical lines

elevation data through, 209–210

as guide for grayscale image, 211–212

3D sites, creating with, 215–228

large 3D terrain, 216–217

overview, 215–216

small 3D terrain, 217–228

Trace Depth values, 287–288

trade shows, 459

transform modes, 356

Transforms rollout, 256, 261

translation process, mental ray, 275

translucency, 332–333


image shadows, 266

mental ray materials, 328–332

mr Sky Portal, 323

versus translucency, 332–333

Transparent option, Photoshop, 393

Transparent Shadows option, 253, 262


3D, 270–272

level of detail, 271

mental ray Proxy, 271–272

overview, 270

parametric versus editable objects, 270–271

2D, 254–259

All Face Centers option, 257–258

Area option, 255–256

artificial shadows for, 457

example of, 269–270

illuminating, 258–259

overview, 254–255

Trillian chat client, 466

trim, window, 103–104, 107–108

trim feature, wall, 69–73, 93–94

trim piping, sofa, 165–168, 172

trimming roof tile, 135–136

TurboSmooth modifier, 214, 217

Turn to Poly modifier, 222, 223, 224

Twist settings, 152

2D images, using in 3D scenes, 394–396

2D sites, 179–207

curbs, 185–193

grass, 184–185

importing linework, 183–184

Metro Professional Complex, 180–182

mulch, 203–205

overview, 179–180

parking stops, 206–207

pavers and paver bandings, 198–202

road lines, 202–203

roads, 193–196

sidewalks, 197–198

2D vegetation, 251–270


3D vegetation, 250

artificial shadows for, 457

creating, 254–270

overview, 254

shadows for trees, 262–269

shrubs and flowers, 259–262

trees, 254–259, 269–270

Mesh and Poly based, 252–253

overview, 251

plug-in based, 254 web site, 461

2-Sided option, 256


U Tile value, UVW XForm modifier, 172, 174

unique look, of projects, 471

units, 37–38, 65, 148, 183

Unlimited option, Render Setup dialog box, 348

‘Unlimited Rendering’ service, ResPower, 448

Unwrap UVW modifier, 353–365

Edit UVW dialog box, 355–357

mapping complex geometry, 362–365

orienting texture, 359–362

overview, 353

scaling texture, 359–362

sofa creation tutorial, 173, 174

texturing die, 353–355

tileable textures, applying, 357359

Update Mesh button, 213

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Center, 467

Use Center flyout, 66

Use Color From Other Materials (Exact AO) option, 321

Use Custom Background Map option, 314

Use Custom Section option, 141, 192

Use DMC sampler thresh. option, V-Ray, 501

Use Light Cache for Glossy Rays option, V-Ray light cache, 507

Use Pivot Point Center option, 66

Use Placeholder Objects option, 283

Use Radius Interpolation Method option, 301

Use Real-World Scale option, Coordinates rollout, 148

Use Scene Environment option, 310

User Preferences tab, AutoCAD Options dialog box, 36

Utilities panel, 169, 362

UVW Map modifier

shingle roofs, 142–143

sofa, applying to, 170–172

UVW maps, 353. See also Unwrap UVW modifier

UVW modifier, 171

UVW Remove command, 362

UVW Unfold tool, 362

UVW XForm modifier, 172, 173, 174


valley caps, 142, 143

valleys, in roof plans, 28

varying elevations, in AutoCAD linework, 45

vegetation, 249–272

artificial shadows, 457

overview, 25–27, 249

Scatter command for, 456

Spacing tool for, 456

3D trees, creating, 270–272

level of detail, 271

mental ray Proxy, 271–272

overview, 270

parametric versus editable objects, 270–271

2D, creating, 254–270

overview, 254

shadows for trees, 262–269

shrubs and flowers, 259–262

2D trees, 254–259

2D trees in action, 269–270

types of, 250–254

3D, 250–251

overview, 250

2D, 251–254

vendors, 463

vendors, 3D, 461–463

Verizon Yellow Pages, 478

Vertex Chaos field, Scatter Objects rollout, 261

Vertex sub-object mode

bumpiness in 3D site elements, controlling, 229

curbs, 191–192

parking stops, 206

roofs, 121–122

sofa creation tutorial armrests, 149

back pillows, 160

bottom and back, 154, 155

decorative trim piping, 167

seat cushions, 157

throw pillows, 163

3D pavers, 200

topographical lines, 218, 219, 221, 225

wall creation, 73, 76, 95–96

welding vertices, 128

Vertex Ticks option, Display panel, 216


4-sided polygons, 220–223

adding to small 3D terrain, 223–226

decreasing number of in terrain, 216

of hip roofs, lining up to main roof, 126

repositioning, 76

roof plan, snapping to proper position, 121–125

welding, 128

Very High option, Final Gather rollout, 302

Very Low preset, V-Ray irradiance map, 503


Animoto, 465

stock, 462

Video antialiasing filter, V-Ray, 502

video compositing software, applying backgrounds with, 245

View Align feature, 228, 229, 230

View menu, 234

View Mode section, Refine Edge dialog box, 395

view navigation control, 453

View option, Render Setup dialog box, 345

View Toolbar, Fusion, 372, 374, 376

view-dependent final gather process, 303–304

Viewport Background dialog box, 234–235

vignette effects, 401–402

Virtual Earth, Microsoft, 181

Visibility Distance setting, Aerial Perspective feature, 316

Visible to Camera option, 243, 266, 267

Visible to Reflection/Refraction option, 243, 266, 267

Visible to render option, mr Sky Portal, 323

VisMaster Design Modeling and Visualization Conference, 459

visors, 3D, 462

Vista, Windows, 437

Volume shader, 316–317

Volumes section, Caustics and Global Illumination (GI) rollout, 294

V-Ray, 499–512

color mapping, 510–512

DMC Sampler, 509–510

environment lighting, 512

GI engines, 502–509

Brute Force engine, 508–509

irradiance map, 503–505

Light cache, 505–508

overview, 502–503

image sampling, 500–502

antialiasing filters, 502

image samplers, 500–502

overview, 500

suggested render settings, 502

overview, 499–500

rendering process, 368–372

tile roofs, 136

VRayDirt map, 371

VRayLight, 369

VRayLightMtl material, 371 site, 467

VRaySky map, 372

Vue xStream plug-in, 245–246


walls, 59–86, 87–116

BIM software, creating with, 60–61

creating new linework for in Auto-CAD, 50–51

Edit Poly modifier, creating with, 63–86

double banding feature, 73–76

extruding line to height of wall, 68–69

new linework, creating, 67–68

overview, 63–64

setting up, 64–67

trim feature, 69–73

window frames, creating, 84–86

windows, creating, 77–84

Extrude modifier, creating with, 62

in floor plans, 18–19

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise

3D model creation, 104–113

preparing linework in AutoCAD, 88–89

wall creation, 89–98

window creation, 98–104

materials for, 113–116

Bump channel, 114–115

Diffuse Color channel, 115

Displacement channel, 115–116

overview, 113

overview, 59–60, 87–88


bodies of, adding to 3D terrain, 229

caustic effects, 404–405

persistence distance, 332

Wave modifier, 227–228

web sites

forums, 459

free resources, 465–467

as marketing tool, 476–477

3D vendors, 461–463

Weight parameter, Final Gather rollout, 302


throw pillows, modeling, 163

UVW mappings, 365

vertices, 128, 218

White Alucabond material, 342

white arrow, Fusion, 384

White Point value, HDRI Load Settings dialog box, 309

window frames

Edit Poly modifier, creating with, 84–86

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise, 99–101, 106, 107, 109, 111–113

Window selection, 71, 79, 83, 219

windows, 87–116

assembly line for, creating, 452–453

creating new linework for in Auto-CAD, 49–51

Edit Poly modifier, creating with, 77–84

Loft and ProBoolean modeling exercise

3D model creation, 104–113

preparing linework in AutoCAD, 88–89

wall creation, 89–98

window creation, 98–104

overview, 87–88

Windows feature, 452

Windows Vista, 437

Wireframe mode, 81, 157, 160, 166, 225

wood walls, 115

wooden feet, sofa, 169

Work Area, Fusion, 372, 373–377, 381

work flow, for animation projects, 417

workspace, Photoshop, 388

World scale setting, V-Ray light cache, 506



in AutoCAD drawings, 42

versus instances, 436

roof tiles, 136


yellow arrow, Fusion, 375, 379

Yellowbook, 478


Z Corp., 463

0 deg. refl. option, BRDF rollout, 340

Zoom Extents All command, 66, 90, 217

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