
1/4″ audiotape, 14

Nagra, 91, 215, 428

Uher model 1000, 910

1/4″ soundtrack, 9, 352353

5.0 surround, 214

5.1 sound format, 498500, 501, 506

recording for, 213214

7-Series sound devices, 101102, 189

8-mm filmmaking, 89, 1214

16-mm filmmaking, 910, 11

24-track 2” tape, 50

35-mm combat Eymo, 11

35-mm film, 127128

frame perforations in, 140

fullcoat, 50, 127, 128

mag-stripe, 127128

photographic, 127

syncing and, 140

transfers from, 137

100 Moey gear head, 11


Aaton Cantar-X, 104112

AB projection reels, 31

AB stereo, 552, 564

A-B-C approach, 295296

The Abyss, 160

Academy. See Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Academy Awards, 1924

British, 419

Academy leader, 142, 143

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 1924, 253, 282

Acetate base, 552

Acmade edge-coding machine, 118

Acoustic instruments, 467

Acoustics, 552


ADR liked/disliked by, 370

boom operator relations with, 8485

channels and, 68

looping and, 56, 362, 365368

microphone placement on, 5859

noise and, 357358

pick-up lines and, 8586

sync and, 365401

ADC, 552

ADR (Automatic dialog recording), 50, 361, 368. See also ADR Supervisor

advent of, 368369

cueing lines of, 374375, 378387

cutting, 400

microphones for, 390391

practice exercise in, 369, 569570

practice lines for, 369370

Pro Tools and, 373

re-recording and, 401

room tones and, 86

software and, 381387

sync and, 365401

traditional form of, 378381

transfers, sound editor and, 354

ADR form, 379, 380

ADR mixer, 388389

ADR Protection Report, 392393

ADR recordist, 389390

ADR stage crew, 388390

ADR supervisor, 370371, 392

AES (Audio Engineering Society), 552

Aircraft carrier effect, 461

Airplanes, custom recording, 204206

Airport, 212

Alignment, 552

All in and Mix approach, 294295

All the President's Men, 9294

Altman, Robert, 91, 92

Ambiance, 552

5.1, 213214

fill presence, 61, 86, 359361

Ambient noise(s), 25, 86

Ament, Vanessa, 328, 329, 424

American Graffiti, 274, 473

American Movie Classics, 376

American National Television System Committee (NTSC), 132, 134

Amerika, 489

Amodeo, Rusty, 8485, 129

Amplification, 552

Analog, 552

Analog recording, 6263, 525

Analog transfers, 128, 137

Anderson, Richard, 20, 247, 265266, 429

Andromeda Strain, 189190, 406

Anechoic chamber, 552

Animals, 204

Animation feature anecdote, 3033

Annual Index to Motion Picture Credits, 282

Apocalypse Now, 255, 274

Apogee converters, 137

Archiving, 508509

Army of Darkness, 11

Art form, 24, 255, 318

collaborative, 262

colorization as, 510, 518, 520

dialog editing as invisible, 345, 362363

Foley as, 439

tools v., 155

Articulation, 552

Artman, Wayne, 359

Asperity noise, 552

Assistant director, 5961, 86

Attenuate, 553. See also Cable attenuation


Foley and, 432

language for targeted, 377

Audio, 504

event list, 16

Audio analyzer, 553

Audio art form, 24

Audio CD sound libraries, 308309

Audio fatigue, 553

Audio files, 218251

cleaning of, 228230

mastering, 226228

naming/renaming, 232, 238239, 246247

preparation of, 235237

protocol for, 237239

Audio signal path, 443444

Audio signals

converting 10 dB, 355

time code, 135, 353

Audio technologies, emerging colorization and, 509524

DVD authoring and, 501502

sound restoration/preservation, 505510

total immersion, 502505

Auditions, mixer, 314

August, Billie, 466467

Automated dialog replacement. See ADR

Automated digital recording supervisor, 285

Autopsy, 430431

Avery, Dwayne, 328

The Aviator, 4748, 205, 362, 521522

Avid, 58, 158, 160, 372

Awards, 19, 2324, 94, 95, 187, 259. See also Academy Awards


Back to the Future, 265

Backgrounds, 302305, 338

Back-up, 30, 49, 228, 553

cost of failing to, 3334

hard drive media, 50

production recording and, 6364

with Zaxcom Deva V, 97, 100

Balance stripe, 13, 553

Balanced connectors, 553

Baldwin, Adam, 192

Balestier, Bruce, 129

Bandwidth, 553

Barrymore, John, 402403

Batteries, 215216

Nagra IV-S, 527, 529, 541

for smart slate, 78

wireless microphone, 84

Battle Beyond the Stars, 256, 257, 362, 412

Bavaria Studios, 261

Beach, Michael, 414

Beaton, Jesse, 35, 486

Beck, Austin, 414

Beethoven, 21

Best Sound award, 94, 95, 187, 259, 486

Best Sound Editing award, 22, 209, 259, 419

British, 419

Bias, 553

Bidding, 66, 320

Bi-directional microphones, 70

Big Sound concept, 254255, 338

Bigelow, Katherine, 168, 483

Bimbaum, Elisha, 14

Bit rate, 553

Black Moon Rising, 2, 49

Black, Shirley Temple, 516, 523

Black Stallion, 334

Blooping ink, 553

Blu-Ray technology, 226

BNC connector, 553

Body fall impacts, 406, 407

Boehler, Hurley, 205

Bolger, Jack, 402

Boom, 554

Boom box, 18

Boom operator, 26, 41, 5859, 79, 8185, 323, 554

Boom techniques, 79, 8082, 323. See also Subwoofers

Bounce-to-disk, 554

Boundary microphone, 554

Boyd, John S., 477

Brain, left/right, 17

Brainstorm, 503

Bratton, Bob, 190

Brennan, Walter, 404

British Academy award, 419

Budget, 25, 26, 27, 3040, 126, 161, 283, 318319, 320. See also Low-budget strategies

collateral costs and, 3033, 37, 401

fundamentals, 4055

music, 4647

post sound, 5255

producer and, 320321

production sound, 4446, 321322

schedules and, 372373, 472473

sound-editorial, 4750

stock purchase, 46, 5152

transfer, 5052

Burtt, Ben, 255


Cable, 322

balanced/unbalanced, 554

Cable attenuation, 554

Cable man, 41, 59

California Split, 92

Camera crew, 114

Camera operator, 61

Cameras, 11

5.1 imaging and, 213214

65-mm, 10

optical sound, 67, 219220

report, 114

unblimped, 26

under/over cranking, 69

video, 322

Cameron, James, 160

Campbell, Bruce, 1116

Campbell, Chuck, 419

Cannon Fire, 306307

Cantar X. See Aaton Cantar-X

Capacity, 554

Capra, Frank, 512

Capstan, 535, 554

Car bys, 198

Car sounds. See Vehicle sounds

Car stunts, 192

Cardioid microphones, 70, 71, 566

Cardioid response, 554

Carman, David, 406

Carpenter, John, 27, 169, 170, 178179, 192194, 252, 257258, 278, 298, 331

Carradine, David, 178

Carver, Steve, 182

Cary Grant Theatre at MGM, 28

Casablanca, 512

Casari, Derek, 389

Cast budget, 52

Cast list, 291

Catalog databases, 247250

Causey, Tommy, 27

CCIR Nagras, 554

CD-ROM, 226228

CGI. See Computer-generated image

Chain Reaction, 3940, 171, 329, 424

Chalmers, Kitty, 161

Christine, 192194, 418

A Christmas Wish, 523

Clacks, 357358

Cleaning, audio file, 228230

Click track, 554

Clipping, 554

Clockers, 163

Clothes, 217, 427428

Cloud, Smokey, 265

The Cock and Bull Story, 112

Code book, 144, 145147. See also Encode

Cohen and Tate, 192, 193

Cole, Peter, 181, 183, 284

Colette system, 73

Colin-Broad streamer, 369, 383

Collateral costs, 3033, 37, 401

Color coding, 141, 240

Colorization, 509524, 555

Communication equipment budget, 44

Compander, 554

Comparative medium recordings, 62

Completion bond companies, 472

Compressor, 554

Computer-generated image (CGI), 169170

Condenser mic, 555

Conform, 118121, 126

Connector, 554

Converters, D-A/A-D, 137

Convolution, 276

Coonfer, Wade, 290

Cooper, Marian C., 521522

Corman, Roger, 36, 164, 256, 257, 278, 412

Costs. See also Budget; Fees back-up, 3334

collateral, 3033, 37, 401

fullcoat, 50

hidden, 38

picture, 473

picture editing, 151152

Coverage, 148, 152, 153

Cox, Joel, 185

Crabtree, Casey, 421422

Craftsperson, 45, 166, 339, 503

Crescent notching, 300


ADR, 388390

camera, 114

low-budget sound, 336338

production sound, 5759

sound editorial, 280287

Crichton, Michael, 189

Crimewave, 11

Critical studies, 3

Cross-talk, 555

Crothers, Scatman, 361, 362

Cue control, 555

Cue numbers, 219, 250

Cueing, 313317

ADR, 374375, 378387

Foley, 425427

Cues. See Cue control; Dialog cues; Foley cues; Music cues; Picture cues; Sound cues

Curtiz, Michael, 66

Custom FX Recordist, 47

Custom recording, 41, 43, 181217, 218, 337

adventure of, 185187

airplanes, 204206

animals, 204

explosions, 206210, 269270

multiple points of view, 202203

script breakdown and, 211213

sound editors and, 190192

specialists in, 186, 188190

transfers of, 219, 251

vehicles, 192203, 310

weapons, 181185

Cut lists, 293294


ADR, 400

approaches, 294296

backgrounds, 302305

film, 115118

nonlinear, 118124

nonlinear/conform, 118121, 126

Cyborg, 161


DA-88 8-channel recorders, 91, 137, 436

Dailies/daily rolls, 44, 115, 116, 139147

Dances with Wolves, 486

Dante's Peak, 141, 142

Darkman, 11

Das Boot, 258261, 320

DAT (digital audio tape), 555

back-up copies of, 3334

recorders, 62, 67, 137, 224226

Data entry, 126, 147. See also Code book

Davis, Andrew, 3940, 171

DAW systems, 450

The Day the Earth Stood Still, 256

Daylight, 277

dB (decibel), 21, 555

The Dead Zone, 462463

Death Before Dishonor, 2728

A Death in the Family, 60

Deathsport, 416

Decibel (dB), 21, 555

De-clicking, 346

Decoder, 555

Degaussed, 555

Delivery format, 115, 137

Denecke smart slate, 77

Dental clacks, 357358

Desilu Studios, 404

Dialog cues, 352354

Dialog editing, 345364

actors’ performance and, 362363

EDL in, 349350

equalizing/volume graphing in, 363364

fill creating in, 359361

laying out tracks in, 354364

noise removal in, 357358

OMF and, 329, 350352, 358359

P-FX effects in, 358359

quality control, 346

reprinting and, 352354

sequence sheets in, 347349

transparency of, 361362

Dialog editor. See also Dialog supervisor

dialog track layout and, 354355

low-budget strategies and, 337

OMF use by, 329, 350352, 358359

Dialog mixers, 41, 4344, 175, 371372

Dialog recording, 30, 5658, 92, 112113. See also ADR

looping technique of, 394397

Dialog supervisor, 285, 346

Dialog sync, 352353

Dialog/dialog tracks, 29, 41, 44, 354364

music score and, 460462, 471

spotting sessions and, 174, 175

Digidesign, 301, 437

Digital, 555

Digital audio, 34, 290

convolution and, 276

dailies and, 44

fade techniques and, 300302

Foley and, 424

picture editing, 154155

print mastering and, 55, 494496

standards, 129

Digital colorization, 513515

Digital Dreams, 330

Digital recorders, 100113, 137

Digital recording, 58

analog v., 6263, 525

direct-to-disk, 95100

transfers and, 129

Digital technology, 34, 63, 154155, 290, 555. See also Nonlinear systems

Digital ticks, 229230

Digital workstation, 440458

audio file drives for, 448

drive management and, 445458

speakers for, 445

Directivity index, 555

Director, 148, 151, 158, 159, 172. See also Assistant director

budget and, 320

re-recording process and, 482483

vision of, 176

Director of photography (DP), 82, 83

Direct-to-disk digital recording, 95100

Direct-to-picture, 403. See also sync-to-picture approach

Discrete, 555

DiskTracker, 243244, 245246

Distortion, 18, 237, 555556, 557

volume v., 1718

Diversity reception, 556

Doctor Jekyll and Ms. Hyde, 505

Dolby DTS, 494495

Dolby SDDS, 494495

Dolby SR channels, 39

Dolby SR-D, 494495

Don Juan, 402403

Doppler effect, 201

Douglas, Jack, 155

Douglas, Kirk, 404

DP. See Director of photography

Dracula, 261

Dreamscape, 418

Dreyfuss, Richard, 85

Drifting, 10

Drive management, 445458

Drop-frame, 556

Drop-frame time code, 136, 556

Drop-out, 556

DSP functions, 556

Dual Capsule stereo microphone, 88

Dual Diaphragm, 556

Dubbing. See also Predubbing; Temp dubs

cue sheet, 315317

reel-to-reel, 54

Dummy head stereo, 556

Dupes, 289291

DVD (interactive), 567570

ADR-looping boot camp exercises, 569570

Foley boot camp exercises, 572

slide shows, 569

DVD authoring, 501502

Dynamic range, 556

Dynamics, 21, 556

Dyslexia, 126


Early applications, 911

Eastman Kodak 8-mm spring-wind camera, 7

Eastwood, Clint, 183185, 257

Edge code numbers, 117118

Edge code process, 115, 139

Edgerton, Gary R., 511512

Edit Decision List (EDL), 120, 349350

Editing, 7, 9, 47, 49. See also Dialog editing; Picture editing

Flat-bed, machines for, 163

Foley, 432439

nonlinear platforms for, 442458

EDL. See Edit Decision List

Effects mixer, 481482

Electro-Voice, 277

Emmy, 19

Emulsion, 556

Encode, 556

Encoders, outboard A to D, 137

The Enforcer, 185


sound, reality v., 9, 270272

total immersion, 504505

Equalization, 272. See also Nagra IV-S; Parametric equalizer

volume graphing and, 312313, 363364


graphic, 557

parametric, 480, 560

Escape From New York, 21, 54, 169, 192, 269, 271, 278, 362

backgrounds for, 302

E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, 419

Evil Dead 2, 15

Evil Dead trilogy, 11, 14

Exciter lamp, 556

Explosions, 206210, 269270

Extreme Measures, 433

Eymo camera, 11


Fabric, 84

Fade techniques, 299300

Fade tests, 226

Fader/fader pot, 479

Fandango, 265

Fantasia, 138

Fasal, John, 185, 189

Feedback, 557

Fees, license, 55, 497

Fejos, Paul, 66

Field recording, 9091, 101, 213214

Fields, Verna, 168, 332

The Fifth Element, 294

Fill presence, 61, 86, 359361

Film, 156, 163

8 mm, 12

character-driven, 157, 158

cutting on, 115118

dialog cues from, 352354

edge code/key code on, 117118

foreign mix/M&E for, 55, 496497

marking sync on, 296298

nonlinear platform v., 144, 151, 154155

screening, 54, 151

shot on, 115123

soundtrack formats for, 494496

television conversion of, 134

Filmmaking, 6, 34

8-mm, 89, 1214

16-mm, 910, 11

planning for, 2829

The Final Countdown, 247, 248, 249

Final Cut Pro, 58, 160, 372

Final mix, 492. See also Print mastering

backgrounds and, 303

predubbing and quality of, 52, 54, 171

Final soundtrack

production mixer and, 63

spotting sessions and, 173174

success/failure of, 25, 288

Finals line item, 53, 54

Fine print, 38

Fire, Foley effect for, 428

FireWire devices, 104

First assistant picture editor, 162

First assistant sound editor, 283284, 354

Fish-pole microphone boom, 79, 8081, 82

Flags of Our Fathers, 183185

Flat-bed editing machines, 163

Flick, Donald, 421

Flick, Stephen Hunter, 247, 266269

Flutter, 557

Foley, 402439, 557

clothes movement and, 427428

custom, 433

editing, 432439

exercises, DVD, 572

low-budget strategies and, 329, 341

microphones for, 423424

modern, 405408

prop room for, 413417

Pro Tools and, 424, 426427, 433439

safety and, 428430

sound editorial and, 286287

sound effects’ creation and, 419

stems, 436439

supervising editor for, 417419

techniques for, 427432

tracks, 50, 9091

Foley artists, 287, 404407, 422423

hiring, 419420

Foley cues, 28, 425427

Foley, Jack, 402405

Foley stage, 28, 137, 287, 405

in action, 422425

design of, 408

pits/surfaces of, 408413

time budget for, 52

Foley stage recordist, 425

Foley supervisor, 286287

Foley's Room, 404

Footage, 154

Footsteps, 403, 404

Ford, Harrison, 429

Ford, John, 148

Foreign mix/M&E, print mastering, 55, 496497

Frame, 132137, 292, 304305, 462, 560

flash-out, 139

perforations, 140

rates, 135

Frank & Jesse, 505

Frankenheimer, John, 260, 311

Franklin, Carl, 3536, 328, 486

French Resistance, 8

Frequency, 553, 556, 557

Frequency response, 557

Friedman, Thomas L., 520

Fullcoat, 50, 127, 128, 557


Gain, 557

Gain brain, 557

GATTACA, 274275

Generation loss, 54, 557

Generators, background noise of, 25

Genre, budget and, 320

“The Germans Wore Gray, You Wore Blue,” 511512

Gibson, Mel, 202

Gifts, 15

Glass, Bob, Jr., 346

Glass, Foley effect for, 428

God, use of word, 376, 377

Goldblatt, Mark, 150151, 153, 154

Golden Reel Awards, 19

Golden Seal, 411

Goldsmith, Jerry, 160, 470, 471

Goldwyn Studios, 182

Gossett, Lou, Jr., 359

Grand Theft, 266

Graphic equalizer, 557

Grass, Foley effect for, 428

Gray noise, 202

The Great Texas Dynamite Chase, 156

Great Triangle Formula, 35, 319

Group Walla, 50, 52, 53, 302, 399400, 557

Guide-track, 30, 125, 347, 355

Guns of Navarone, 9


Hall, Ken, 470471

The Happy Valley Kid, 14

Hard drives

149 A, 446447

back-up, 50

budget line-item/sound editorial budget for, 50

defragmenting, 448449

external, 289

managing, 445450

Zaxcom Deva V-Digital Recorder, 96

Harmonic distortion, 557

Harryhausen, Ray, 521

Hawaii 5-O, 328

Head mixer, 481

Head room, 557

Head stack, 557558

Head wear, 52

Hearing, 1718

Heart-shaped pick-up pattern, 70, 71

Hedgepath, Greg, 476, 477

Hells Angels, 522

The Hellstrom Chronicles, 419

Heman, Roger, 402

Hercules, 16

Herrmann, Bernard, 459460

Heston, Charlton, 256

Hiddal, Petur, 110

High pass filter, 558

Hill, Debra, 169, 462463

Hirose connector, 558

Hissing, dialog, 29

Hitchcock, William, Sr., 402

Horner, James, 463

Howard, Ron, 266

Howell, Lee, 329

Hughes, Howard, 523

The Hunt for Red October, 467

Hunter, Ross, 212

Hyderabad (India), 520521

Hydrogen jet car, 49

Hyperawareness, 17

Hypercardioid microphone, 70, 71

Hytti, Antti, 254

Hz (hertz), 558


IEEE Spectrum, 511

Illusion, 210, 211, 278

Image frequency, 558

Image rejection, 558

Impedance, 558

India, 520

Information header, 6465, 314315

In-lab service, 4445

Inputs, 558

Instruments, recording acoustic, 467

Interface I/0, 444

Inter-filling, 61

Interlock, 558

Internet, test screening and, 169

Inventory databases, sound effect, 243247

ISDN, 393

It's a Wonderful Life, 511


Jack plug/socket, 558

Jacob's Ladder, 162

Jam sync, 558

Jargon, 5

Jaws, 168169, 187

The Jazz Singer, 403

Jensen, George, 512513

Jingle All the Way, 430

Johnny Got His Gun, 156

Johnson, Jon, 264

Jordan, Tim, 201

Jussi award (Finnish), 95

Just My Luck, 381382

Jyrälä, Paul, 9495, 254


Kastner, Stan, 477

KEM, 558

KEM rolls, 115, 147

Kennedy, George, 212

Key code numbers, 117118

Key edge numbers, 117118, 350

Keys, 82, 118

kHz (kilohertz), 558

King, Richard, 209210, 263264, 274275

King, Zalman, 162

Kizer, R. J., 372375

Klark-Teknik equalizer, 231, 273

Kleiser, Randal, 466

Knight, Tom, 341344

Kubik, Lawrence, 27

Kubrick, Stanley, 404405

Kulczycki, David, 373

Kuortti, Matti, 94


Lab service, 4445

Labor, 283

budgeting, 47

Lacey, Ronald, 429

Lancaster, Burt, 212

Language, appropriate use of, 375377

Larsen, John A., 264265

Larson, John, 171

Laser Fire, 308

Last frame of action (LFOA), 292

Last frame of picture (LFOP), 292

Layback, 559

Layback drive (transport), 31

Layering techniques, 305306

Lazy man's cradle, 81


Academy, 142, 143

head/tail, 141145

LeBlanc, John, 9091

Lee, Spike, 165, 166

Lee, Steve, 218

Left brain/right brain, 17

Legal issues, 176

Legato, Rob, 522

Legend Films, 512, 516524

Legionnaire, 268

Leigh, Janet, 274

Le-Mare, Mike, 258261, 320

Leno, Jay, 84

Leonard, Terry, 27

Leviathan, 298

Lewis, Mel, 467469

LFOA. See Last frame of action

LFOP. See Last frame of picture

Libenson, Patricio, 275

Lights, boom operator and, 8283

Limiter, 559

Linear numbering system, 223224

Line-up tones, 6465, 128131

Lip smacks, 357358

Listening, 367, 371372

environment, 507508

Loan, Lindsay, 381

Lobar (pick-up pattern), 559

Log-and-capture, 121122, 125

Lone Wolf McQuade, 182

Looping, 56, 365368, 393400

actors and, 56, 362, 365368

ADR and, 365401, 571572

dialog recording using, 394397

editor, 365368

remote location, 397398

Looping rooms, 367

Lord of the Rings, 277

Low-budget strategies, 318344

big sound and, 335336

crew on, 336338

problem solving and, 341344

producers and, 320321

recording strategies, 324325

sound editorial, 318344

Lowe, Rob, 346

Lubitsch, Ernst, 66

Lucas, George, 278, 473

Lundgren, Dolph, 359, 416

Lynch, David, 334


Magna-Tech, 559

Magnetic emulsion, 13

Magnetic film transfers, 54

Magnolia, 275


stock, 13, 120, 127128

technology, 155

Mangini, Mark, 339341

Marking film sync, 296298

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, 209210, 263264

Master angle, 152, 153

Master shots, 82


audio files, 226228

cutting backgrounds and, 303

Mauser rifle Protool session, 268

Maynes, Charles, 185, 202, 272, 275277

Mazursky, Paul, 360, 362, 400

McLaughlin, Chris, 92

McTiernan, John, 467

M&E (monitoring and evaluation), 341, 358

foreign mix and, 55, 496497

print mastering and, 55, 496497


peak, 65, 129, 130

VU, 18, 129

Michigan State University, 14

Microphone boom, 79, 8083, 323

Microphones, 75, 546. See also Boom operator; Boom techniques

actor position of, 5859

ADR, 390391

bi-directional, 70

boundary, 554

budgeting for, 25

built-in video, 125, 322

cardioid, 70, 71, 566

condenser, 555

Foley, 423424

moving-coil (dynamic), 71, 559

music recording, 76

omnidirectional, 7071, 560

pick-up patterns for, 7077

pressure gradient, 562

production recording, 7077

radio/wireless, 8384

response, 563

Schoeps, 7374, 75, 76, 214, 215, 327

shotgun, 70, 7172, 77, 80, 563

sound effects and, 200, 202

split, 68

stereo capsule, 8890

supercardioid, 70, 7172

techniques in production sound use of, 8185

transducer, 565

water-proofable, 277

X-Y configuration of, 87

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), 559

Military terms, 6

Milius, John, 466

Miller, George, 362

Mini-Shotgun. See Hyper-cardioid microphone

Misinformation, 2

Mix, 21, 54. See also Final mix; Remixes

foreign, 55, 496497

Mixers, 373374. See also Production mixer; Recording mixer; Sound mixer

ADR, 388389

auditions, 314

dialog, 41, 4344, 175, 371372

re-recording, 312, 313, 481484, 489490

sound designers as, 488

sound effects and, 41

Mixing, 2930, 373374

flowchart for re-recording, 485487

multichannel, 9192

re-recording, 476, 485487

schedule, 485487

sound design and, 339341

sound editorial and, 282

Mixing console, 476, 478, 487488

MKH 60 microphone, 7273

Mohr, Hal, 66

Monaural (monophonic), 325327, 559

Monitoring, 559. See also M&E field recordings, 9091

Monitors, 559

Moon over Parador, 85

Moonbeam Riders, 188

“Moonlight Sonata,” 21

Moore, Millie, 152, 153, 154158

Moore, Terry, 522

Morrow, Vic, 361

MOS (without sound), 6667

Moscow on the Hudson, 299, 362, 400

Mosley, John, 334

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) ratings, 376, 377

Moving-coil (dynamic) microphone, 559

Moviola, 15, 157, 174, 220, 559

MR8 technologies, 137

MR16 technologies, 137

M-S stereo, 559

Multichannel mastering, 239241

Multi-gang synchronizer, 139

Multiple microphones, budgeting for, 25

Murch, Walter, 255, 272, 273


amount of, 473474

budget, 4647

dialog and, 460462, 471

electronic, 464, 469

function of, 468

licensed, 473

recording, 76, 460

spotting sessions, 463, 471

temp dub, 159, 170, 464

Music composers, 173, 459474

challenges for, 460462

collaboration and, 461, 465466

foreign sales pressuring, 473474

great, 459460

hiring, 462463

insight needed by, 471472

music editor and, 463464

Music cues, 463464

Music editor, 463464, 470471, 477

Music mixer, 482

Music score

dialog and, 460462, 471

notations for, 471

schedule issues and, 472473

sound effects and, 460462, 471

Mystery Men, 275276


NAB (National Association of Broadcasters), 559


1/4” machines, 62, 91, 215, 428

forerunner of, 155

Nagra IV-S, 205, 525551

analog/digital recording collaboration with, 525

batteries for, 527, 529, 541

capstan/pinch roller of, 535

CCIR v. NAB, 526527

control panel-center front of, 540542

control panel-left front, 542544

control panel-right front, 535540

designation chart for, 528

frequency attenuation selection on, 541

heads of, 533535

in/out connectors of, 544546

line selector on, 542

maintenance for, 551

microphone connector/inputs, 546

mono/stereo selector, 542

output transfers on, 548549

phantom power selectors on, 547

phase selection for, 547

pilot track recording/playback, 549

playback mode of, 538

power supply for, 548

recording positions on, 537538

rewind/fast forward with, 532533

right flank/output side of, 547548

speed/equalization selector for, 530531

stock for, 526

sturdiness of, 525

synch signal on, 541

tape thread path on, 531532

time code on, 550551

volume control pots, 538540

Nagra V. See this book's website.

The Naked Jungle, 256

Nashville, 91, 92

Near Dark, 168, 483

Necronomicon, 14

Negative cutting, 120

Negative key edge numbers, 350

Neumann microphones, 77, 8890

Neve Logic 2 console, 476, 477

Newman, Alfred, 464

Noise, 357358

ambient, 25, 86

cancellation, 559

cleaning out, 229

clothes and, 217

gray, 202

pink, 130131, 561

Noise gate, 560

Nondrop-frame time code, 136137, 560

Non-interlocking sound gear, 9

Nonlinear systems, 122

audio signal path, 443444

cutting on, 118124

for dialog editing reprinting, 353354

editing, 442445

film v., 144, 151, 154155

interface I/0, 444

picture editing using, 144, 151, 154155, 156, 157, 159, 175

Pro Tools editing and, 442458

as technology, limits/value of, 156, 157, 159, 202, 290, 372

Norris, Chuck, 182

Norton Utilities software, 227228, 448

NTSC. See American National Television System Committee

Nuendo 3 media production system, 450458

The Nuremberg Affair, 89


Observation skills, 178180

O'Connell, Dan, 416417

Ohm, 560

Olney, Susan, 510

OMF (Open Media Framework) procedure, 45, 120, 121, 291, 455, 560

data entry and, 126

dialog editing and, 329, 350352, 358359

EDL and, in Pro Tools sessions, 350

low-budget strategies/features and, 329

Postconform v., 354

Omnidirectional microphones, 7071, 560

On-camera production, 56

One False Move, 328329, 414, 486487

One-frame overlaps, 304305

Open Media Framework. See OMF

Optical head, 560

Optical sound, 67, 219220, 404

Optical track, 220, 221

Oscar, 22

The Outlaw, 522

Output, 560

Output settings, 121, 123, 125, 548549

Overmodulation, 225

Overtones, 560


Pad, 560

Pakula, Alan, 92

Pal, George, 255256

Pan pot, 560

Pan pot controllers, 323325, 327

Parametric equalizer, 480, 560

Parikka, Pekka, 26, 57, 9495, 254255

Parlow, Rick, 329

Passion, 5

Pause button, 13

Paxton, Bill, 346, 414

Peak meter, 65, 129, 130, 560

Peak season, 36

Peckerwood Canyon, 303

Perfectone, 155

Perkins, Jeffrey, 486

Perreault, Andre, 477

Petersen, Wolfgang, 258261

P-FX, 356357, 358359

Phantom imaging, 560561

Phantom power, 322, 561

Phase, 561

Phase matching, 126, 563

Phasing, 8788

The Philadelphia Experiment, 428

Phone conversations, 9294

Photographic film, 35-mm, 127

Photography. See also Optical track

working with director of, 26

Pick-up lines, 8586

Pick-up pattern, 7077, 559, 561


big-budget v. low-budget, 318319

cost of today's, 473

dupes, 289291

ratings, language and, 376, 377

silent, 403

Picture assistant, 145146, 147

Picture cues, 313317

Picture editing, 121122, 138166

career start in, 164166

code book in, 144, 145147

continuity supplied by, 291292

cost issues in, 151152

coverage in, 148, 152, 153

cueing in, 313317

digital, 154155

digital recording compatibility with, 58

nonlinear systems and, 144, 151, 154155, 156, 157, 159, 175

OMF and, 121

personal accounts of, 149164

sound effects and, 158, 160

sound syncing process in, 139147

transfers to, 4445, 115, 120, 121

Picture editor, 117, 122, 123, 124, 148151, 152

budget and, 320

director and, 151, 158, 159

first assistant to, 162

importance of, 148149

second/multiple, 156

sought after job of, 148149

young, 157

Picture lock outputs, 123

Picture start, 142, 143, 292

Picture title, 67

Pilotone, 352

The Pink Fuzzy Nightgown, 522

Pink noise, 130131, 561

Pipe test, 303

Planning, 3, 26, 2729

Playback, 556

Pleasance, Donald, 178

Plug-in budget forms, 40

PNO. See Program number

Polar pattern, 561

Polarization voltage, 561

Poledoruis, Basil, 464467, 473

Polito, John, 505506

Pollard, Sam, 163

Pop, 292293, 391, 561562

filter, 562

Porter, Terry, 138

Portman, Richard, 374

Post, John, 406407, 416, 418, 430431

Postconform, 353354, 562

Postproduction, 331. See also Transfers

code book and, 144

dialog editing quality control before, 346

facilities, 50

film-driven, 143144

looping, 56

Nuendo software for, 450458

schedules, 154, 171, 173174

supervisor, 33

time codes and, 132

video/picture dupes and, 289

Postsound, 5255

Potter, Eric, 189, 203, 240, 275

Power supply, 215216

Pratt-Whitney engines, 4748

Preamp, 562

Predator 2, 267, 432433


approaches to, 294296

final mix, 52, 54, 171

re-recording process, 484487

Preparation, 294317

audio files’, 235237

Preproduction, 27, 118, 125, 151152

Presence. See Fill presence

Presence peak, 562

Presentation, 313314

Pressman, Michael, 156

Pressure gradient microphone, 562

Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 1920, 22

Print mastering. See also Workprint

foreign mix/M&E for, 55, 496497

re-recording process and, 492497

Print-thru, 562563

Pro Tools/Pro Tools sessions, 30, 229, 232

192 expansion cards, 444

ADR and, 373

audio file protocol using, 237

audio signal path, 443444

Cannon Fire, 306307

DIA, 355357

dialog transfers in, 353

Digidesign fading in, 301

as dominant nonlinear editing platform, 442443

drive management and, 445446

EDLs/OMF in, 350

Foley and, 424, 426427, 433439

interface I/0, 444

Laser Fire and, 308

Mauser rifle, 268

nonlinear editing in, 442458

OMF synching with, 121, 351

one-frame overlaps, 304305

QuickTime movie transfers in, 289, 290, 355

vehicle sequence in, 309

Producers, 32, 172

budget and, 320321

Production audio source, 291

Production dialog, 41, 4344

Production FX recordist, 41

Custom, 47

Production mixer, 5960

ADR and, 365

equipment used by, 44, 62, 111112

final soundtrack and, 63

raw stock supply for, 46, 50

sound effects and, 188

Production recording, 56113

backups in, 6364

challenge/goal of, 113

low-budget, 321322

microphones in, 7077

multichannel, 9192

sequence of, 5961

sound mixer in, 5758, 6469

Production sound

budget, 4446, 321322

crew for, 5759

Production track

listening carefully to, 371372

spotting sessions and, 174175

Program number (PNO), 67, 68, 561

Projectionist, 142


sound-on-sound, 13

Vari-speed, 13

Prop department, 83. See also Prop rooms

Prop rooms, Foley, 413417

Prosky, Robert, 201

Proximity effect, 563

Pull-down effect, 134

Pull-ups, 493494

The Punisher, 359, 416


Quadraphonic, 563

Quality control. See also M&E

dialog editing, 346

DVD authoring and, 501502


Pro Tools transfers from, 289, 290, 355

sync issues and, 290

video files, 289, 290


Raiders of the Lost Ark, 286

Raimi, Sam, 1415, 16

The Real Cancun, 163

The Real World, 163

Realism, 9

Reality sound, 9, 270272, 277

Recording. See also Custom recording; Dialog recording; Digital recording; Re-recording process

5.1 sound format, 213214

+6 dB, 423

acoustic instruments, 467

ADR, speed of, 373

analog, 6263, 525

CD-ROM/DVD-R, 226228

field, 9091, 101, 213214

flat, 400

Foley, 433436

Foley stage recordist and, 425

group walla, 400

kit, 6162, 215217

monaural channel, 325327

music, 76, 460

phone conversations, 9294

preparation for, 215217

presence, 86

saturation style, 225

in snow, 9495

stereo, 324325, 327, 400

wild track, 43, 8586, 213, 329

Recording device, in information header, 65

Recording formats, sound mixer choosing best, 5758

Recording kit, 6162, 215217

Recording mixer, 422423

Red Shoe Diaries, 162

Redford, Robert, 9293, 94

Reefer Madness, 519

Reels, 290

AB projection, 31

time budgeting for, 54

Reeve, Christopher, 362

Reiner, Rob, 473

Remastering, 508

Remixes, foreign, 261

Remote location looping, 397398


dialog cues, 352354

nonlinear, 353354

Re-recording mixer, 312, 313, 481484, 489490

sound editor and, blending of, 331335

supervising sound editor as, 338341

Re-recording process, 175, 272273, 476497

ADR and, 401

collaboration in, 483484

credenza in, 477, 478481

directors and, 482483

effects mixer, 481482

head mixer in, 481

mixers in, 312, 313, 481484, 489490

mixing console of, 476, 478, 487488

mixing in, 476, 485487

music editor and, 477

music mixer in, 482

overview of, 476478

predubbing tactical flow in, 484487

print mastering and, 492497

protocol in, 491492

pull-ups and, 493494

schedules and, 485487

Schwarzenegger on, 475476

teamwork in, 485487

Response, 563

Restoration, 138, 505510

colorization and, 516

Retransferring, 251

Reverberation, 276, 563

Rice, Steve, 362

Richards, Charlene, 418

Right brain/left brain, 17

Rivas tape splicer, 563

Road Warrior, 202

Ronin, 260, 311

The Rookie, 377

Room rentals, 47

Room tones, 8586

Roulo, Karin, 424

Rózsa, Miklós, 464

Russell, Jane, 522

Russell, Kurt, 178, 258

Ryder Sound, 155, 489

Rydstrom, Gary, 263, 275


Safety, Foley and, 428430

Sales, Leander, 149150, 163164, 165166

Sample rate, 563

Samuel Goldwyn Theater, 20, 22

Sandrew, Barry, 510, 515

The Sands of Iwo Jima, 510

Saving Private Ryan, 275

Scene-Angle-Take information, 78

Scene/take reference data, 67

code book entry of, 145

time code/other, 45


budget and, 372373, 472473

postproduction, 154, 171, 173174

re-recording mixing, 485487

Scheider, Roy, 168, 192, 193

Schell, Maurice, 165

Schoeps microphones, 7374, 75, 76, 214, 215, 327

School Daze, 165

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 475476

Scorsese, Martin, 522

Screening, 54, 115, 116, 151, 167169

Screenplay, 151, 152, 186


breakdown, 211213

budget and, 320

lined, 291

Scrubbing dialog track, 346

Seivers, Zach, 328, 487488

Sennheiser MKH60 microphone, 73

Sennheiser 416 microphone, 94

Sensor-interactive technology, 503

Separation, sound cue, 299

Sequence sheets, dialog editing, 347349

She, 521

Shock mount, 79

Shoes, Foley, 416

Shotgun microphones, 70, 7172, 77, 80, 563

Show Boat, 403

Show kits, 336

Shugart, Joe, 161163

Shure mixer, 321, 322323

Sibilance, 563

Signal cancellation, 563

Signal conversion, 10 dB, 355

Signal process device, 272, 560

Signal processing, 363

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 564

Sikorski, Joe, 189190, 212, 404, 406

Silence, 21

Silent era, 403

Simpson, George, 177

Sine wave, 131, 564

Slate, 60, 61, 64, 564. See also Smart slate

Slate clap, 140, 146

Slate marker, 139

Slide shows (DVD), 569

Smart slate, 69, 7778, 353, 564

Smith, Howard, 158161

SMPTE, 564

Snow, 9495, 428

Socket. See Jack plug/socket


ADR, 381387

Dolby encode, 501

nonlinear, 122

Nuendo postproduction, 450458

Sonic Solutions, 346


accidental, 431

advent of optical, 403

audience acceptance of, 402403

budgeting for, 3436

clutter, 57

first, 403404

layering, 252

library, 39

magnetic stripe, 13, 120, 127128

metal, Foley and, 412

off-source, 87

over polishing, 272

palette, 336

photographed, 220

preservation, 507509

preservation/restoration, 505510

reality v. entertainment, 9

striping, 13

synchronous, early efforts at, 10

syncing, 139147

worldizing, 272277

Sound apprentice, 284

Sound Branch Academy, 19, 22

Sound cues, 16, 219, 223224, 250

Foley, 28

numbering of, 219, 250

separation of, 299

Sound design, 252278

American, 255

as art form, 24, 255, 318

Big Sound myth in, 254255

explosions and, 269270

illusion and, 278

legacy of, 255256

misinformation and, 257258

mixing and, 339341

sound designers on, 261169

special effects and, 256257

subtlety in, 270

worldizing/re-recording and, 272277

Sound designer, 252254, 277, 284285

as mixer, 488

Sound Designer II software, 239

Sound Devices 7-Series, 100101, 189

Sound director, 55

Sound editing

in 1960s, 9

low-budget strategies for, 328331

spotting sessions and, 173174

temp dubs and, 170

Sound Editing award, 2223

Sound editor, 221222. See also Sound designer; Supervising sound editor

first assistant, 283284, 354

re-recording mixer blending with, 331335

sound effects recorded by, 190192

sound mixers and, 320321

Sound editorial, 120, 279317

crew, 280287

cut list development in, 293294

Foley effects in, 286287

low-budget strategies for, 318344

mixing and, 282

organization and, 317

picture cues in, 313317

preparation techniques in, 294317

sound effects and, 285

strategy involved in, 287288

turn-over process in, 288

Sound effects, 285, 336. See also Custom recording; Foley; Foley stage

access drive for, 449

career in, 189

contract for, anecdote, 39

custom Foley, 433

custom recording, 181217

drive management of, 449

explosion, 206210, 269270

Foley, 419

historical, 222223

for hydrogen jet car, 49

illusion and, 210, 211, 278

inventory databases for, 243247

mastering, 230237

microphones for, 200, 202

mixers and, 41

music score and, 460462, 471

overprocessing, 230

P-FX preparation, 358359

picture editing and, 158, 160

prerecorded, 9

sound library of, 218219

specialists in, 186, 188190

stinging, 461462

storage of, 218219

temp dubs and, 170, 175

transferring, 219

unions and, 191

worldizing, 274277

Sound effects editors, 285286, 293

Sound librarian, 222223

being own, 218

Sound libraries, 39, 218251, 337

audio CD, 308309

audio file protocol and, 237239

catalog databases for, 247250

CD-ROM/DVD-R technology and, 226228

DAT technology and, 224226

inventory databases for, 243247

mixed-medium synchronous mastering for, 240243

multichannel mastering for, 239241

sound effects mastering and, 230237

storage mediums in, 218219, 226228

upgrading, 96 kHz/24-Bit, 250251

Sound library system, 222224

Sound mixer, 5758, 64, 272

notes of, 6569

original material in possession of, 63

sound editor and, 320321

supervising sound editor and, 320321

Sound Mixing award, 2324

Sound One, 14

Sound report, 6566, 6769, 114

Sound stages, 144

Sound transfer, breaking down, 140

Sound utility. See Cable man

Sound-editorial budget, 4750

Sound-Effects Editing Award Rules Committee, 20

Sound-on-sound projectors, 13

Soundtrack. See also Production track

direct-to-picture, 403

final, success/failure of, 25, 288

lowering levels of, 21

misunderstanding of, 255

temporary, 288

Soundtrack formats, 494496

Soviet Union, 467

Sparticus, 404


in digital workstation, 445

theatrical format for, 498501

underwater, 277

Special effects

old-fashioned, 144

sound design for, 256257

Specialists, 44, 293

custom recording/sound effect, 186, 188190

vocal, 398399

Spherical-audio, 504

Spiegel, Scott, 12, 13

Spielberg, Steven, 173, 183185, 187, 190, 201

ADR accessibility in episode by, 361

Hall on, 470

Splet, Alan, 334335

Splitting off tracks, 311312

Spotting sessions, 173180

dialog track and, 174

final soundtrack and, 173174

music, 463, 471

notes during, 176177

production track and, 174175

Square wave, 131, 135, 564

SRT, 564

Stallone, Sylvester, 277

Stand by Me, 473

Star Wars, 255, 278

Starship Troopers, 49, 234, 295, 335

Start mark, 143

Stepper. See Foley artists


dummy head, 556

M-S, 559

recording, 324325, 327, 400

Stereo capsule microphones, 88, 89

Sting effects, 461462


budgeting, 46, 5152

mag-stripe, 13, 120, 127128

Nagra IV-S, 526

for production mixer, 46, 50

transfer, 5052

Stoker, Bram, 261

Stone, David, 171

on sound design, 261263

Storage, sound library, 218219, 226228

Storr, Karola, 260

Storytelling, Foley and, 430

Stripe for Transfers line item, 50, 51

Subwoofers (baby booms), 499

Super 8-mm, 13

Supercardioid microphone, 70, 7172

Supervising Foley editor, 417419

Supervising sound editor, 20, 23, 176, 279, 281283, 564

custom recording and, 186, 218

cut lists of, 293294

dialog editing and, 346347

labor requirements/budget issues and, 283

not listening to, 28

as re-recording mixer, 338341

role of, 331333

sound mixers and, 320321

spotting session notes of, 176177

Surround speakers, 500

Sweet, Ken, 181, 252253, 361362

Sync (synch), 5, 13, 87, 287, 290, 564

ADR/Looping in dialog, 365401

eyeball, 10

Foley and, 287

jam, 558

looping technique for dialog, 365368

OMF/Pro Tools, 121, 351

Sync generator, 564

Sync-block. See Synchronizer


frame, 134

time-code address, 134, 137

Synchronizer (sync-block), 132, 143, 163, 298, 565

Synchronous sound, 10


dailies, 115, 116, 139147

dialog, 352353

filmmatic, 139144, 352353

Sync-to-picture approach, 405

Synth score, 464

Syriana (Warner Bros.), 110


Tail pops, 292293

Talkies, 403

Talvisota: The Winter War, 26, 57, 9495, 254255

Tamiroff, Akim, 274

Tapert, Rob, 11, 14


custom recording in, 203

in low-budget strategies, 338339

Teamwork, 82, 262, 422423

re-recording, 485487

Technical disciplines, 3, 32, 44, 63, 144

Technicians, craftsperson v., 45

Technicolor Weddington, 129

Technology, 34, 63. See also Audio technologies; Digital technology; Nonlinear systems

Blu-Ray, 226

colorization, 509524

DAT, 224226

digital, 34, 63, 154155, 290, 555

magnetic stripe, 155

MR8/MR16, 137

nonlinear, 156, 157, 159, 202, 290, 372

old, 138

optical track, 220, 221

relying on, 262

sensor-interactive, 503

supervising sound editor's role and, 333

Telecine transfers, 123, 290


film conversion to, 134

Foley and, 420422

home, 421

language restrictions on, 375376

reality, 163

time code and, 132

VITC in, 136

Temp dubs, 3638, 159, 169172, 464

budget for, 49, 52, 53

sound effects and, 170, 175

Temp mix, 174

Tempest, 360

Ten-Ten cue technique, 313

Terror Tract, 63

Test screening, 167169

Thatching, 299, 300

THD (total harmonic distortion), 565

Theater Sound Inspection Committee, 2324

Theatrical format, 498501

Them, 256

The Thing, 27, 170, 178, 252, 298

Foley for, 423, 430, 432

supervising sound editor's position and, 331333

vocalizations for, 257258

Third man. See Cable man

Three Stooges, 12

THX, 35

Time budget

for Foley stage, 52

screening, 54

Time code, 77, 78, 131137, 550551, 565

address, 133, 134137

ADR use of, 369

audio signals for, 135, 353

digital recorders and, 102, 103

drop-frame, 136, 556

first, 132

mismatched, 131132

rates, 135

scene/take reference data, 45

in sound report, 69

television and, 132

video transfer specifications of, 135136

VITC, 566

Tisks, 357358

Tone generator, 322323

Tonemeister, 16

Tones folder, 447448

Tools, art form v., 155

Topic-Roll-Cue System, 223

Topper, 510

Total immersion, 502505

A Touch of Evil, 272, 274

Trans-Am, 43

Transducer, 565

Transducer microphone, 75

Transfer bay, 565

Transfer department, 67, 69

Transfer engineer, 352353, 354

Transfers, 49

35-mm, 137

ADR, 354

analog, 128, 137

budgeting, 5052

custom recording, 219, 251

dialog editing techniques for, 353354

digital, 129

drop-frame, 136

magnetic film, 54

picture editorial, 4445, 115, 120, 121

protocol, 114126

sound preservation and, 507

stock purchase and, 5052

telecine v. digitized, 123, 290

video, 45, 135136, 289, 290

Transparency, 361362, 439

Transport drive. See Layback drive

Transylvania 6–5000, 36

Triangle law, 35, 319

Troutman, Clancy, 330331

Troutman, Jim, 168, 187, 330, 489

Trumbo, Dalton, 156

Turner, Ted, 512

20th Century Fox, 265

Twilight Zone: The Motion Picture, 182, 361, 471

Tyrannosaurus rex CGI, 169


Uher model 1000 ¼” tape deck, 910

Unions, sound effects and, 191

Unit production managers (UPM), 40

Universal Studios, 403


Van Cleef, Lee, 271

Vari-speed projector, 13

Varney, Bill, 21

Vaughn, Robert, 256, 257

Vehicle sounds

custom recording, 192203, 310

cutting, 309311

mechanicals and, 194195

Verhoeven, Paul, 466


cutting nonlinear from, 123125

phantom power and, 322

pop, 292

shot on, 123125

transfers, 45, 135136, 289, 290

Video cameras, 322

Video dupes, 289291

Visual memory, 157

VITC (vertical interval time code), 136, 566

Vocal specialists, 398399

VoiceQ, 383387

Volume, distortion v., 1718

Volume graphing, equalizing and, 363364, 312313

VU meter, 18, 129, 130, 208, 566


Walt Disney Studios, 138

Walters, Barbara, 8485

War of the Worlds, 189, 190, 201, 256, 374

Wardrobe, microphones and, 85

Washington Post newsroom set, 92

Water pit, Foley stage, 410, 411

Watt, 566

Wavelength, 566

Wayne, John, 510


custom recording, 181185

in sound recording, 83

WW II, 183185

Weather, 25

Webb, Jim, 91, 9294

A Wedding, 91, 92

Weddington Productions, 218, 219, 225

Weddington Sound Effects Library, 247248

Weitzman, Bernie, 513

Welles, Orson, 272, 274

Wells, Vernon, 202

Whip Pan techniques, 307308

Whittaker, David, 277278, 279

Wild tracks, 43, 8586, 329

talking during, 213

Williams, John, 462

Williams, Robin, 362

Wilson, Stuart, 111113

Wind screen, 7980, 94

Wink-outs, 88, 327

Winterbottom, Michael, 112

Wipe Cue technique, 313

Wireless transmitter, 8081

Wise, Robert, 189190, 256, 402

Foley and, 406

Wolfgang, Erich, 459

Wolfman, Ed, 16

Workprint, 118, 120, 139142

Workstation, 47

digital, 440458

transfer exports, 49

World War II weapons, 183185

Worldizing, 272277

Wow, 566

WT. See Wild tracks

Wyler, William, 148


X-DIA tracks, 355357

Xena, 16

XLR, 566

X-Y pattern, 87, 566


Yapp, Jeff, 516


Zaxcom, 100

Zaxcom Deva V, 95100

Zelniker, Mel, 1415

Zeppelin wind screen, 7980

Zip drips, 431432

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