A Memorial to Excellence





John Bonner

Before we begin, I wish to remember these two gentlemen. Without question, John Bonner and John Mosely had the greatest influence on my personal education in the audio arts as well as the development of my professional discipline to serve that art form.

John Bonner worked within the studio environment, serving both professionals and studios alike, always placing the good of the art form above the short-term and often artificial profit gain.

John Mosely was the classic independent maverick, willing to lay his job and reputation on the line for the things he believed in. When it came to his craft, he was unwavering and uncompromising, but also extremely inventive and innovative.

From John Mosely I learned the physics and disciplines along with his personal theology on how the ideal presentation of sound should be. We did not always agree on the creative applications, but no one could dispute his expertise or mastery of audio engineering.

From John Bonner I had the infusion of practical application, the realities of working within an industry that is forever changing, forever reinventing itself. He taught me how to hold onto my own principles and creative applications in the everpresent factory-style grind that often suffers the unfortunate effects of artistic mediocrity. This book's title is derived from the practical approach.


John Mosely

To both these men I owe the success of my career and my reputation and for a benchmark standard of professional excellence to strive for that has never failed me. For this, I hope you will always remember their names and their contributions to the motion picture and television industries, as well as to our craft.

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