Chapter 19 – Understanding Elastic Beanstalk

  1. True.
  2. True: you can see all the resources that EB creates in the respective parts of the management console.
  3. False: we can customize every part of the deployment by using the .ebextensions file.
  4. A .zip or .war file of a maximum size of 512 MB.
  5. 100 versions.
  6. Implement life-cycling with the application's age set to 30 days.
  7. Change the instance type in the configuration of the application. The application will be redeployed with the new instance type.
  8. Use all-at-once updates. The instances are deleted and new ones are created, which means there are no additional costs incurred by the update process.
  9. Use the blue/green approach, as this will allow you to have two production-grade parallel deployments running during the update. If the green environment doesn't perform well, you can instantly switch back to blue, thus maintain up-time throughout.
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