Route 53 supported DNS resource record types

Amazon Route 53 is designed to support the most common DNS record types. While a huge subset of record types exists, the AWS team has designed the service to be as inclusive as possible and to provide the record types that are most commonly used with internet-based applications and websites. The following resource types are supported on Route 53 at the time of writing:

  • A and AAAA records are designed to resolve IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) server names to IP addresses and allow browsers and applications to access our content via FQDN names
  • CAA records are designed to allow us to specify which Certificate Authority (CA) servers are allowed to issue certificates for our domain and thus increase the security of our websites
  • CNAME or Common Name records allow us to resolve complex DNS names to simpler or more general DNS names; for instance, the name can have a CNAME record that points to the public S3 bucket DNS name
  • MX or Mail Exchanger records are used to determine the mail server(s) that receive email for a particular domain
  • NAPTR or Name Authority Pointer is used by the Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) to dynamically determine application or service endpoints; for example, NAPTR can be used to convert telephone numbers to SIP endpoints
  • NS or Name Server records are used to determine which DNS server is authoritative to serve responses to DNS queries for the domain
  • PTR or Pointer records allow us to look up DNS records in reverse by specifying an IP address and then determining the FQDN
  • SOA or Start of Authority records are mandatory records for each domain that determine the authoritative DNS servers and keep a timestamp and version record of the domain zone
  • SPF or Sender Policy Framework records allow email systems to determine whether the email sender is authorized to send messages on behalf of the domain
  • SRV or Service records are designed to help us deliver information about the ports the host serves its services on
  • TXT or Text records are designed to allow us to share arbitrary strings of text within the DNS service and thus extend the functionality or security of our domain and the services running on the servers belonging to our domain
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