073 IKEA Effect

The act of creating a thing increases the perceived value of that thing to the creator.

• Creating or partially creating a thing (e.g., assembling furniture) makes it more valuable to the creator.

• People are willing to pay more for products they create than equivalent preassembled products.

• People value things they personally create as much as if it had been created by an expert.

• The level of effort invested in creation corresponds to its level of valuation: high effort translates into high valuation, and low effort translates into low valuation.

• The IKEA effect only holds when tasks are completed.

• Consider the IKEA effect in product strategy and user-experience design. Engage users in the creation of products to increase their value perception.

See Also Closure • Cognitive Dissonance • Not Invented Here Sunk Cost Effect • Zeigarnik Effect


The effort people expend when assembling IKEA furniture actually makes them value the furniture more.

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