095 Nudge

A method of modifying behavior without restricting options or changing incentives.

• Nudges use the following methods to modify behavior: smart defaults, clear feedback, aligned incentives, structured choices, and visible goals.

• Smart Defaults: Select defaults that do the least harm and most good versus the most conservative defaults.

• Clear Feedback: Provide clear, visible, and immediate feedback for actions.

• Aligned Incentives: Align incentives to preferred behaviors, avoiding incentive conflicts.

• Structured Choices: Provide the means to simplify and filter complexity to facilitate decision making.

• Visible Goals: Make simple performance measures clearly visible so that people can immediately assess their performance against goals.

See Also Constraint • Framing • Gamification • Hick’s Law


Why does etching an image of a fly into urinals reduce spillage by 80 percent? When people see a target, they try to hit it.

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