036 Depth of Processing

Thinking hard about a thing improves the likelihood that it can be recalled.

• Information that is analyzed deeply is better recalled than information that is analyzed superficially.

• Memorization results from two types of rehearsal: maintenance and elaborative. Maintenance rehearsal involves repeating information back to yourself. Elaborative rehearsal involves deeper analysis, such as answering questions and creating analogies.

• Elaborative rehearsal results in recall that is two to three times better than maintenance rehearsal.

• The key factors determining recall are distinctiveness, relevance, and degree of elaborative rehearsal.

• Consider depth of processing when recall and retention are important. Get people to think hard about information by engaging them in different types of analysis. Use case studies, examples, and similar devices to make information interesting and relevant.

See Also Serial Position Effects • von Restorff Effect


Information presented in a highly legible typeface (top) is easier to read, but less memorable than the same information in a less legible typeface (bottom). The reason? A typeface that is difficult to read makes readers think harder about the content, making it more memorable.

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