046 Feature Creep

A continuous expansion or addition of new product features.

• Feature creep is one of the most common causes of cost and schedule overruns. This occurs because features are easy or convenient to add, accumulate over multiple generations of a product, or are added to appease internal project stakeholders.

• The key driver is the perception that more is better, and therefore features are continuously added and rarely taken away. But adding features adds complexity, and complexity is expensive.

• Beware feature creep in design and development. Ensure features are linked to customer needs, and are not added out of convenience or appeasement. Create a milestone to formally freeze the product specification, and shout “feature creeper” at any person attempting to add features beyond that point.

See Also 80/20 Rule • Design by Committee • KISS


On its maiden voyage in 1628, the Swedish warship Vasa sank after going less than one mile. The cause? Extra guns, decks, and carvings added during construction compromised its stability. Feature creep literally sank the ship.

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