127 Similarity

Things that are similar are perceived to be more related than things that are dissimilar.

• One of the Gestalt principles of perception.

• Similarity indicates and reinforces the relatedness of elements. Lack of similarity indicates and reinforces differences among elements.

• Color similarity is an effective grouping strategy when there are no more than 3-4 colors, and the design is still usable by the color blind. Size and shape similarity are effective grouping strategies when elements are clearly distinguishable from one another.

• Design elements so that similarity corresponds to relatedness. Design unrelated- or ambiguously-related items using different colors, sizes, and shapes.

• Use the fewest colors and simplest shapes possible for the strongest grouping effects, ensuring that elements are sufficiently distinct to be detectable.

See Also Chunking • Consistency • Mimicry • Self-Similarity


The Tivo remote control uses buttons of different colors, sizes, and shapes to reduce complexity and improve usability.

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