102 Picture Superiority Effect

Pictures are remembered better than words.

• Pictures are better recognized and recalled than words, although memory for pictures and words together is superior to either one alone.

• When recall is measured immediately after the presentation of pictures or words, recall for both is equal. When recall is measured more than thirty seconds after presentation, pictures are recalled significantly better.

• The recall advantage increases when exposure is casual and time-limited. For example, walking by an advertisement with a picture is more likely to be recalled than an advertisement without a picture.

• Use the picture superiority effect to improve recognition and recall. Use pictures and words together when possible, ensuring that they reinforce one another for optimal effect.

See Also Iconic Representation • Inattentional Blindness Mere-Exposure Effect • Recognition Over Recall


The authors know you are looking at the pictures in this book first, and then begrudgingly reading the text when needed.

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