044 Face-ism Ratio

The ratio of face to body in an image that influences how the person is perceived.

• The face-ism ratio is calculated by dividing the head height by the total visible body height.

• Images depicting a person with a high face-ism ratio—i.e., the face takes up most of the image—focus attention on the person’s intellect and personality.

• Images depicting a person with a low face-ism ratio—i.e., the body takes up most of the image—focus attention on the person’s body and sexuality.

• When a design requires a thoughtful response, use images of people with high face-ism ratios. When a design requires an emotional response, use images with low-face-ism ratios.

See Also Attractiveness Bias • Baby-Face Bias Classical Conditioning • Law of Prägnanz


The high face-ism ratio image emphasizes attributes like intelligence and ambition. The lower face-ism ratio images emphasize attributes like sexuality and physical attractiveness.

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