Thierry Schiel

A Magical World Using Layers and Light


The Journey’s End


Film Director, artist, animator, Illustrator

Duchy of Luxembourg

Director Thierry Schiel describes his technical process in creating this piece using the layers feature, and details in lighting. This is a clear example of the axiom in art that it’s not the tool but the artist’s creativity and raw talent that will ultimately shine through.

Picture 1—Rough Sketch

For this illustration, created in the app “Brushes”, I am looking for a concept that uses the layers feature of the app as much as possible, in order to emphasize depth of field. A scene with a strong foreground would be ideal. The sketch is done with the smallest brush at a medium opacity and is placed on its own layer.

Picture 2—Color Step 1

I separate the coloring onto three different layers, keeping the sketch on a fourth layer, placed at the top of the stack. Layer 1: background; layer 2: the rocks in the middle; layer 3: foreground with bridge and characters. At this stage the colors of the background feel wrong, and I change them for a different palette of tones. Layers are great for this. Because the background is on its own layer, nothing else gets disturbed, no need to change a line on the characters. The decisions I make here about the light source will determine how everything is painted from now on.

Picture 3—Color Step 2

The color for the background is now set and works well with the characters. I use large brushes with a low opacity to color the sky and land masses. Using brush strokes that are a little more precise, I rough in, then refine, the mid- and foreground elements.

Picture 4

Now I finish the background and work on the middle layer with the towers and buildings, always keeping an eye on the global lighting picture. This consistency is key to placement of highlights and shadows that work.

Picture 5—Final Art

What remains to do now is the final detailing for the characters. I improve them a lot by adding more contrast and a stronger light source coming from the holo-map the girl is holding and the staff of the bridge troll. Some final detailing on the top branches of the tree and in the foreground flora completes the piece.

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