
images   A

Android application project. See also Hello World application


        configure launcher Icon dialog

        drawable folders

        HDPI and LDPI

        key folders and sub-folders

        layout and menu folders

        menu folder

        values folders

    Java coding

        Android classes via import statements

        Android 4.2 emulator

        Auto Monitor Logcat

        Eclipse central editing pane

        MainActivity class and onCreate() methods

        onCreate() methods

        src and package-name folders

    XML mark-up

        constant values

        option menus

        user interface screen layouts

Android graphics design

    color depth

        8-bit indexed color image

        24-bit color/truecolor image

        CMYK color model

        RGB color model

        subtractive color

    Drawable class

        AnimationDrawable subclass

        BitmapDrawable subclass

        ColorDrawable subclass

        GradientDrawable subclass

        InsetDrawable subclass

        LayerDrawable subclass

        LevelListDrawable subclass

        ShapeDrawable subclass

        StateListDrawable subclass

        TransitionDrawable subclass

    image compression

    image formats

        Graphics Information (GIF)

        Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

        Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

        Web Photo (WEBP)

    image shaping using pixel

        aspect ratio

        image resolution

    image transparency

        alpha channel

        blending algorithm

        checkerboard pattern

        image compositing


        PorterDuff algorithm

    NewPlanet Activity

        screen layout XML editing

        stars image background addition

        TextView tag’s textColor parameter adjustment

        XML tag parameters adjustment


    TravelPlanet UI

        alpha channel inversion, virus selection

        alpha channel mask creation

        canvas size tool, mask image re-center

        GIMP’s File Export dialog

        GIMP XCF native format

        Image Resize tool

Android IDE

    attack plan

    configuration of

    Eclipse (installation)

        button download

        change of path

        executable file

        file extraction

        Java EE Juno services

        Juno 4.2

    Eclipse’s plug-in

    Java 6 programming


        JDK installation

        Oracle TechNetwork Java SE webpage

        standard edition


    SDK and tools

        button for Windows

        from Google Android Server Repository

        library and platform tools

        packages to install

        path for installation

        SDK manager

        setup process

    virtual device configures

Android vector animation

    alpha channel animation

        completion of tag

        Eclipse view of

        Java code for


        startAnimation() method

    complex, XML <set>

        alpha procedural animation

        <alpha> tag

        animation (rotate, scale, alpha)

        execution of, UI elements

        frame animation

        Java code for

        referencing frame animation

        repeat parameter

        <rotate> tag addition

        <scale> tag

        scaling (image)

        startAnimation() method


        tag configure

    motion animation (<translate> parameter)

        Java code for

        options for tag

        pulsing LaserCannon

        startAnimation() method

        tag configure

        XML mark-up

    procedural and bitmap combine

        background (fade)

        beam effect

        frames, special effects

        ImageButton, background insert

        ImageView tag

        Java code for

        pong configuration


        XML configure

    procedural concepts

    rotate, scale and translate (procedure)

    rotational, attack bomb

        cycle duration

        interpolation method

        Java code for

        parameter, Eclipse

        repeat count


        rotate tag completion


        tween animation

        XML naming schema (XMLNS)

    scalar, attack virus

        Eclipse, parameters

        Java code for



        startAnimation() method

        tag completion

Application Programming Interface (API)



        classes and methods

        import statements

        Java import statements file



    analog (sound waves and air)

    compression, digital and formats

        Android assets

        Audacity 2.0 screen

        blast digital audio

        in Eclipse ADT IDE

        FLAC format file

        import settings


        MPEG-3 format (MP3)

        MPEG-4 format (AMR)

        MPEG-4 format(M4A)

        OGG format file

        sample rate

        sample resolution

        uncompressed PCM

        wav format file

    digital foundation


        sampling resolution


    key attributes

        adaptive multi rate (AMR)

        advanced audio coding (AAC)

        Audacity 2 setup

        bit rates

        CD standard

        digital streaming

        formats, digital codecs

        free lossless audio codec (FLAC)

        HD standard

        LADSPA plug in

        musical instrument data interface (MIDI)

        playback, optimization

    MediaPlayer class

    sound effects creation

images   B

Background processing

    processes (see Background processing:threads)

    rules and characteristics



        foreground process

        lifespan of process

        onPause() method

        onReceive() method

        onStop() method

        OS spawns

        process parameter

        startForeground() method

        system callbacks


        UI threads

        XML parameters

    threads in Android application


        button tags

        class dialog

        context reference

        Eclipse error dialog


        IBinder() method

        Java code, write

        lifecycle methods

        makeText() method

        MusicService class

        object intents

        <service> components configuring

        service subclass

        superclass selection

        testing MusicService

        TimePlanet, reference

        UI element, button

Broadcast receivers

    conepts and types


        Alarm broadcast

        AlarmReceiver BroadcastReceiver UI XML

        Android Toast class

        Java method, startTimer()

        message in Alarm

        onReceive() method

        parameter configuring

        parseInt() method


        <receiver> tag


        startTimer() method

        subclass, AlarmReceiver

        superclass dialog

        testing receiver subclass

        UI element label

    intents vs. activity

        NotificationManager class





    processing and affects

    register, dynamic vs. static

    security considerations


images   C

images   D

Datastores access

    AlienContact class

        adding menu

        addToAlliance() method

        button element

        coding addToAlliance() method

        coding UI elements

        contact creation

        ContactsContract DB

        getContentResolver().query() method

        helper options

        home screen menu

        launch contacts

        listAliens() method

        naming database

        new dialog creation

        onCreate() method

        onCreateOptionsMenu() method

        preparation of

        preview in graphical layout editor

        RawContacts DB

        superclass type

        switch() method

        test listAliens() method

        UI, activity_contact

        viewing contacts

        write XML mark-up

        XML mark-up

    deprecated DB structures


    open source DB engine

    OS content providers

        CalendarContract DBs

        ContactsContract DBs

        MediaStore DBs

        package and data types

    provider, add permissions

        Eclipse editor

        Eclipse Visual Editor




        XML-markup tags

    provider addressing, URI

        content URI


    and resolvers

    storage system


Digital imaging

    color depth

        8-bit indexed color image

        24-bit color/truecolor image

        CMYK color model

        RGB color model

        subtractive color

    image compression

    image formats

        Graphics Information (GIF)

        Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

        Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

        Web Photo (WEBP)

    image shaping using pixel

        aspect ratio

        image resolution

    image transparency

        alpha channel

        blending algorithm

        checkerboard pattern

        image compositing


        PorterDuff algorithm

    NewPlanet Activity

        screen layout XML editing

        stars image background addition

        TextView tag’s textColor parameter adjustment

        XML tag parameters adjustment


    TravelPlanet UI

        alpha channel inversion, virus selection

        alpha channel mask creation

        Canvas Size tool, mask image re-center

        GIMP’s File Export dialog

        GIMP XCF native format

        Image Resize tool

images   E

images   F

Frame animation, XML constructs

    and data optimization


        AnimationDrawable object

        compositing UI element

        container tag

        execution in Nexus S Emulator

        forcefield animation

        getBackground() method

        <item> tags

        preview, padding


        setStartUpScreenAnim() method

    full screen, transitions

        API level support

        background image

        Relativelayout container

        set up

        tag elements


    list tag

        add <item> tag

        change of state

        <item> tags

        referencing, attack_virus.xml file

        resource type, drawable

        root element

        state_enabled parameter

images   G

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design

    custom activity screen

        constants creation

        interface screens

        labels configure

        new screen title

        renaming ic_launcher_old

        title labels and icons

    elements compositing

        alpha transparency

        background color

        graphical editor

        home screen preview

        home screen upgrade

        ImageView tag preview

        LinearLayout editing

        preview in Nexus S Emulator

        space background

        TextField UI, formatting

    multi-state elements


        attackinvadepress button

        channel editing mode

        eraser tool

        focused state

        GIMP launch

        gold hoop import, compositing

        hoop layer import

        ImageButton creation

        modal software

        mode conversion, image

        move tool

        normal state

        pressed state

        resolution density, icons

        Soldier’s face

    XMl, Android’s selector tag

        activity screen layout

        addition of <item> tag

        execution in Nexus S Emulator

        new file creation

        referencing ImageButton

images   H

Hello World application See also Java programming language

    Android application development Lingo

        application permissions definition

        communications layer


        data storage layer


        inter-application communications

        Linux 2.6 Kernel

        presentation layer

        processing layer

    Android application project


        application, project and package

        configure launcher icon dialog

        configure project dialog

        create activity dialog

        new blank activity dialog




images   I


    explicit intents

        abstract method view, implementation

        addition of, intents

        AttackPlanet UI event handling, enable

        ConfigPlanet UI event handling, enable

        constructor, event handler method

        event handling (keypadskeyboards)

        exiting attack mode

        finish() Intent method

        functional activity screens

        ImageView object

        Java code, ConfigPlanet

        layout container, button


        menu inflation

        OnClickListener() method

        onCreateOptionsMenu() method

        onFocusChange event

        onKeyDown() method

        OnKey event handlers

        OnLongClick event

        onOptionsItemSelected() method

        planet intent addition

        planet UI event hadling, enable


        setPlanetColonies() method

        TravelPalnet UI event handling, enable

        UI definition

        unimplemented method

    filters, implicit intents

    high level communication, object


        component (class) name


        data reference




        type reference

Inter-application programming


    explicit vs. implicit intent

    intent messaging

        implementation, intent usage

        structure, intent anatomy

    intent resolution-implicit


        activity, Hello World

        Android XML file

        atomic clock button

        callTimeIntent object activity


        graphical layout editor

        graphic parameters

        import statement


        layout values

        LinearLayout XML

        naming TimePlanet

        onCreate() method

        returnIntent object


        string constants

        testing TimePlanet

        <TextView> UI


        TransitionDrawable UI screen

        XML tag, filters

IntWorldGen interface

    abstract and static modifiers

    interface creation

        code statement

        implements keyword


        WorldGen() constructor method

    public interface

    WorldGen Java class

        abstract classes

        concrete class



        final modifier

        public intefrface


images   J, K

Java programming language


        child, derived, and extended classes

        constructor method




        instance variables

        local variables

        parent and base class

        primitives/primitive data types





        variable description

        WorldGen objects

    IntWorldGen interface

        abstract and static modifiers

        interface creation

        public interface

        WorldGen Java class


        access control modifiers

        assignment operator







        public, private and protected modifiers

        return data types

        setBaseProtection() method

        setColonyImmigration() method

        setPlanetColonies() method

        turnForceFieldOn() and turnForceFieldOff() methods

        WorldGen() method




        code modularity

        data encapsulation

        instance variables



        real-life objects


        states and behaviors

images   L

images   M



    setup and load (digital data)

        Alien Voiceover Audio

        Audacity 2.0

        Audio FX button

        audio loop play

        Background Ambient Audio activity

        eSpeak application

        event handler onCLick() method

        getApplicationContext() method

        MainActivity looping

        MPEG-4 AAC data file

        onClick() method

        setAudioPlayers() method

        setLooping() method

        special effects coding

        start() method

        value as null

        voice synthesis

    state engine


        layout of

        oncreate() method

        preparing state

        reset() method

        SoundPool class

        states of

images   N

images   O

images   P, Q, R

images   S


    and MIDI

        performance data sequencing


    audio synthesis


        pitch shifting


        and sequencing caveats


    audio synthesis and sequencing caveats

    class rules and methods

    planet activity

        append() method


        configure, AudioManager

        Eclipse, warning message

        HashMap object

        import, Eclipse helper

        load, HashMap class

        object setup

        parameters, play()

        play() method

        playSample() method

        put() method

        setAudioPlayers() method



        SparseIntArray() method

images   T

images   U

UI Design

    AttackPlanet activity

        aligning image

        chevron < character

        compositing image source

        image assets

        ImageButton tag

        Java code, planet UI elements

        nested LinearLayout containers

        onCick() handlers

        preview in Nexus S Emulator

        referencing image

        text labels to attack icons

        XML mark-up, caption

    ConfigPlanet activity

        Android EditText UI

        EditText UI elements

        event handlers

        getText() method

        implemented screen

        import EditText

        Java code, new UI elements

        nested layout containers

        setText() method

    ImageView UI Widget


        Android Toast class

        assets, DPI folder

        button add, done


        Java code, new UI

        makeText method

        properties panel


        RelativeLayout parameter

        screen in Nexus S Emulator

        text captioning

        TextView tag

    interface elements, view and subclasses

    TravelPlanet activity

        Java code, new UI element

        onClick() handler

        onTouch() handler

        remove UI button tag

        VideoView UI elements

images   V


    assets, resource’s raw folder

        DPI resolution

        MPEG-4 files

        naming resolutions

        new file creation


        Android settings

        codec settings

        FPS compression

        HDPI resolution

        importing files

        key frame

        MDPI resolution

        MP4 video (compressed)

        Sorenson Squeeze

        in Squeeze, Multi-Pass H.264


    digital attributes

        bit rate

        captive data access

        data access

        high definition (HD)

        imbedded video


        standard definition (SD)

        streaming, access data

    digital, foundation of

    formats (digital)

        advanced video coding (AVC)

        codecs in Android



    Mars Planet creation

        animation parameters

        animation rendering

        anti-aliasing effect

        Bryce 7 Proffessional

        buttons (set and edit)

        3D animation options

        document resolution

        open a file

        render engine

        render report information

        resolution files

        terrain generation software

        uncompressed frames

    playback and resolution

    play, VideoView class

VideoView Class

    Android MediaController Class

        digital video files Activity

        travelVideo VideoView

        Uri class

    Nexus S emulator

        aspect ratio

        button UI element

        Mars digital video

        MediaController Transport

        planet surface data



        Button tag parameters

        Graphical Layout Editor tab

        Java Code

        layout_alignParentTop parameter

        user experience design

        VideoView UI element

        XML tags

ViewGroup Classes

    activity creation


        attack, LinearLayout

        contentDescription parameter

        control-spacebar keystroke

        FrameLayout container

        GLE tag

        graphical buttons

        ImageButton tags

        ImageView tag

        ImageView UI elements

        layout parameters

        LinearLayout container

        onCreate() method

        package field

        RelativeLayout XML mark-up

        setContentView() method

        string references

        subclass, activity definitions

        superclass field

        toRightof parameter


        UI elements

        VideoView UI element

        XML file dialog

    Android screen layout

    layout, Android subclasses

    RelativeLayout class

        alignStart parameter

        coding setStartUpScreenText() method

        data addition, TextView

        definition, menu

        dummy variables

        Eclipse GLE

        Eclipse view

        functioning menu

        getMenuInflater() method

        graphical layout editor (GLE)

        inflate() method

        labelling strings

        LinearLayout containers

        MainActivity screen

        marginLeft parameter

        menu inflater

        naming the class

        naming XML definitions

        Nexus S Emulator screen


        output screen design

        parameter(s), TextView

        parameter configure, pop-up dialog

        renaming text to data

        setStartUpScreenText() method

        setStartUpWorldValues() method

        setText() method

        start up screen, XML

        string constants

        tag closing of XML

        TextView, subclass

        toRightof parameter

        UI elements dataView, Java code

        variables, strings

        various TestView XML tags

        WorldGen method

        write data, Java

        XML menu

        XML tags

    user experience (UX)

    user interface design (UI) design

images   W, X, Y, Z

WorldGen class. See Java programming language

    comments, warnings and errors


        Eclipse ADT IDE

        Java code

        new Java class dialog

        public modifier

        superclass selection dialog


        constructor method

        dot notation

        earth.setForceFieldOn() method

        Eclipse object methods

        Java code

        MainActivity class

        new() method

        onCreate() method

        setColonyImmigration() method

        setPlanetColonies() method

        setPlanetMilitary() method

        super.onCreate() and setContentView() method

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