Using global transitions

While a common transition is a great way to share transitions in a workflow and reduce the amount of management work that will otherwise be required, it has the following two limitations:

  • Currently, it is only supported in the classic diagram mode (if running on older JIRA versions)
  • You still have to manually create the transitions between the various steps

As your workflow starts to become complicated, explicitly creating the transitions becomes a tedious job; this is where global transitions come in.
A global transition is similar to a common transition in the sense that they both share the property of having a single destination status. The difference between the two is that the global transition is a single transition that is available to all the statuses in a workflow.

In this recipe, we will look at how to use global transitions so that issues can be transitioned to the Backlog status throughout the workflow.

Getting ready

As usual, you need to have a workflow you can edit. Since we will demonstrate how global transitions work, you need to have a status called Backlog in your workflow and ensure that there are no transitions linked to it.

How to do it…

Perform the following steps to create and use global transitions in your workflow:

  1. Select and edit the workflow you will be adding the global transition to.
  2. Select the Diagram mode.
  3. Select the Backlog status.
  4. Check the Allow all statuses to transition to this one option.
  5. Click on Publish Draft to apply the change.

The following screenshot depicts the preceding steps:

How to do it…

If you are running JIRA prior to JIRA 6.2, you need to click on the Add a global transition button and then specify the transition name and screen, as shown in the following screenshot:

How to do it…


You can only add global transitions in the Diagram mode.

After the global transition is added to the Backlog status, you will be able to transition issues to Backlog regardless of its current status.

See also

Refer to the following recipe, Restricting the availability of workflow transitions, on how to remove a transition when an issue is already in the Backlog status.

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