Creating new issue types

JIRA comes with a number of issue types out of the box designed for software project management. In this recipe, we will look at creating custom issue types.

How to do it…

Proceed with the following steps to create a new issue type:

  1. Navigate to Administration | Issues | Issue Types.
  2. Click on the Add Issue Type button.
  3. Enter the name for the new issue type.
  4. Select whether the issue type will be standard (a normal issue) or sub-task (needs to have a parent issue).
  5. Set an icon for the issue type. You can either click on the select image link, select an existing icon, or type in a full URL to a custom icon.
  6. Click on Add to create the new issue type.


    You can place custom icons in the JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/images/icons/issuetypes directory. The icon files need to be 16 pixels by 16 pixels in size.

The following screenshot shows how to create a new issue:

How to do it…
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