Absolute risk aversion, 229

Active return, 280

Adjusted present value, 621623

Adverse selection, 134, 193

Agency effects, 514

Agency theory, 180, 473474

Agent sentiment, 192

Alignment, 121, 135142

asset specificity, 140141

cost-effectiveness, 139140

deal attributes and, 138

deal terms, 141142

governance capabilities and, 138

principles, 136137

process, 137139

Allocation decisions, by individuals, 4

Allocative efficiency, 157

Alternative trading systems (ATS), 482n4

Ambiguity aversion, 191

American options, 414, 442443

Anchoring, 190

Arbitrage, 347349, 479497, See also Impediments to arbitrage

pricing derivatives by, 385410

Arbitrage-free prices, 366

Arbitrage, pricing derivatives by, 414448, See also Nonlinear payoff derivative

Arbitrage opportunities, 367369

absence of, 368369

efficient market hypothesis, 368

financial market efficiency, 368369

forms of, 367n3

fundamental security analysis, 368

profit-seeking eliminating, 367369

strong-form efficient market, 368

technical analysis, 368

Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), 236, 309, 317337

arbitrage opportunity, 319

in multifactor model, 320322

in one-factor model, 319320

Arbitrage without risk-neutral pricing, 393397

Arbitrary payoffs, 443445

Arrow-Debreu price, 347

Arrow-Debreu security, 200

Arrow possibility theorem, 462464

Arrow-Pratt risk aversion, 184, 184n16, 226230, 272n2

Asset-backed securities, 136, 570

Asset liquidity, 132

Asset pricing, 78, 339364

arbitrage, 347349

Arrow-Debreu price, 347

complete market, 343344

discount factor models, 354359, See also individual entry

equity risk premium puzzle, 359361

fundamental theorem of, 350354, See also individual entry

law of one price, 344347

linear pricing, 344347

market completeness, 340344

market completeness proposition, 344

one-period finite state economy, 339340

portfolios, 340344

positive state pricing, 347349

principles of, 339364

redundant assets, 342343

state price, 345347

state price vector, 347

Asset securitization, 159160, 159n14

Asset specificity, 140141

Asymmetric information, 4

Asymmetric payoff derivative, 388

Asymptotic principal components analysis (PCA), 330

At-the-money, 415

Aumann-Serrano axioms, 236n8, 238, 238240

Availability biases, 190

Average yield to maturity, 65


Backward bending supply, 488492

Bankruptcy process, 506507

costs, 506507

direct costs, 506

indirect costs, 506

Banks, 163

Bansal-Yaron model, 360361

Barclay Group Inc. factor model, 324, 326

Behavioral asset pricing theory, 191

Behavioral theory, 189192

anchoring, 190

belief perseverance, 190

beliefs, 189190

conservativeness, 190

descriptive approach to individual preference and choice, 189192

limits to arbitrage theories, 189

optimism and wishful thinking, 190

overconfidence, 190


ambiguity aversion, 191

prospect theory, 191

Shefrin's approach, 191192

representativeness, 190

subjective expected utility, 190

Belief perseverance, 190

Beliefs, 189190

Beta risk, estimating, 301302

Bilateral monopoly, 473

Binomial model, 437442

Black-Scholes formula and, 439441

dividends, accommodating, 441442

multiple periods, 437439

two-period binomial model, 438

Bird in the hand theory, 515

Bisection method, 434

Black-Scholes formula, 424437

derivation of, 444445

dividends, accounting for, 430431

formula, 427430

historical volatility, estimating, 433

implied volatility, estimating, 433435

lognormal stock price, 425427

assumptions in, 426

price sensitivity measuring to inputs, 435437

Bond prices, 377379

Bond valuation, 376379

Book-to-market equity ratios (B/M), 307

Boot-Thakor analysis, 568, 571

Borrowing terms, client reactions to, 486488

‘Bottom up’ approach, 121n1

Break-even analysis, 513

Broker markets, 156

Budget constraint, 257

Burmeister-Ibbotson-Roll-Ross (BIRR) model, 324

Business and financial risk, 9193

Business risk, 103


Call option, 414

Call value at expiration, 416

Callable bond, 208

Campbell-Cochrane model, 360

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 161, 236, 287315, 317319

in absence of risk-free asset, 296297

assumptions, 288289

homogeneous expectations assumption, 288

beta risk, estimating, 301302

capital market, deriving, 289293

capital market line, 289

capital market line (CML), 291

deriving, 293296

implications of, 297299

company specific risk, 298

company-unique risk, 298

decomposition of total risk, 297298

idiosyncratic risk, 298

investment management, 302303

pricing portfolios by, 298299

Rubinstein's proof of, 314315

tests of, 303311

behavioral explanation, 311

CAPM empirical tests, critiques of, 308309

cross-sectional approach, 304306

empirical results reported in literature, 307311

Fama-MacBeth test, 307

Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken (GRS) test, 304

methodology, 303306

multifactor explanation, 309311

standard ordinary least square (OLS) regression approach, 303

time-series approach, 303304

univariate method, 303

zero-beta CAPM, 297

Capital budgeting, 6, 102, 104

Capital budgeting in a risky world, 582586

capital expenditures with constant returns to investment, 586587

with diminishing marginal returns to investment, 588590

optimal capital expenditure plans, obtaining, 586590

Capital expenditures, 105, 579605, 624629, See also Market value criterion

capital budgeting, 582586, See also Capital budgeting in a risky world

contingency planning of, 624629

depreciation tax shield, 593594

economic conditions, 580

interest rates, 580

international conditions, 580

market conditions, 580

required rates of return, 590593

firm, division, and project, 590593

in a risky world, 579605

single-period versus multi-period investment models, 594602

taxes, 580

Capital gains, 51, 6263

Capital goods, market for, 594595

Capital investment, 6, 102

Capital loss, 681

Capital market imperfections, 2627, 451477

choosing criteria for financial decisions, 462472

Arrow possibility theorem, 462464

firm's utility function, 464466

firm's utility function, implications of using, 465466

preferences, 472

random variables, 472

single-peakedness condition, 464465

using dominance criteria, 467472

using utilities when possible, 466467

effects of, 458461

conglomerates, role for, 461

criterion function, absence of, 458459

financing decisions, 459460

firm's market value, 459460

firm's utility function, restricted applicability of, 460

mutual funds, role for, 460461

theory of share price determination, absence of, 459

heterogeneous expectations, 451455

integrated approach need to financial decision making, 461462

motivating managers to meet owners’ objectives, 473474

agency theory, 473474

tax differentials, 456457

transactions costs, 456457

types of, 451458

unequally distributed information, 455456

unsystematic risk, costs of, 457458

Capital market line (CML), 291

Capital market, 78

Capital projects, 6

Capital rationing, IRR criterion and, 113

Capital structure, 5, 8083, 501520

bankruptcy costs, 506507

bankruptcy, 506507

corporate taxation effect on leverage, 502504

decisions, 78

dynamic models, 516517

and financial distress, 504511

agency effects, 514

heterogeneous expectations, 511514

probability of technical insolvency, 508511

importance, 501520

interest deductibility and, 8485

limited liability role, 505506

optimal capital structure, 516

in a perfect capital market, 8797, See also Irrelevance theory

target capital structure, 516

and taxes, 8385

theory of dividend payments, 514516

Capital, 6

Cash-and-carry trade, 394

Cash flow risk, 103

Cash yield, 395

Central limit theorem, 712

Certainty-equivalent approach, 165n25, 227, 609610

Certainty equivalent return, 273, 273n3

Chance-constrained approaches to controlling risk, 220

Cheapest-to-deliver issue, 408

Clearing and settling payments, 123

Coefficient of variation, 615

Coherent risk measures, 250251

axioms for, 249250

Collateral as screening device, 557558

Commodity derivatives, 385

Company specific risk, 298

Company-unique risk, 298

Complementary projects, 106

Complete contracts, 558560

costly verification, 558559

incentives to report honestly, 559560

Complete market, 205, 343344

Complete versus incomplete contract, 135

Concave function, 184

Conditional form of discount factor model, 356

Conglomerates role for, 461

Conservativeness, 190

Consistent risk measures, 244247

Constant dividend growth, 5960

Constant investment policy, 279

Consumer choice theory, 12

Consumer financial decisions, 1530, See also Consumption-investment problem

consumption-investment theory, practical importance of, 2728

household investment decisions, 2728

essential features of, 16

initial wealth as the only constraint of, 2527, See also under Initial wealth

Consumption-based asset pricing model, 355

Consumption-investment problem, 1525

describing individuals’ preferences, 1718

indifference curves, 1718

utility function, 17

financing consumption expenditures, opportunities for, 1820

individual's wealth constraint, 20

wealth at time t, 19

mathematical example, 2325

numerical example, 2223

practical importance of, 2728

household investment decisions, 2728

reconciling preferences with opportunities, 2022

individual's constrained utility-maximizing choice, 21

Contingency planning

of capital expenditures, 624629

and capital structure choices, 539540

Contingent claims, 199215

financial instruments as packages of, 208209

incomplete markets for, 205206

investor's utility maximization in, 202205

Modigliani-Miller theorem, 206208

states of the world, 199200

unit claim on state, 200

unit contingent claim, 200

value of, 200202

Contingent claims, financial instruments as, 208209

Contingent projects, 106

Contingent strategies, 209212

formulating, 209

Continuous dividends, 430

Continuously compounded return, 425

Converted price, 407

Convertible securities, 208

Corporate taxation effect on leverage, 502504

Cost complementarities, 142

Cost-effectiveness, 139140

Cost of capital, 8587, 103

corporation's, 86

unaffected by leverage, 93

Credit market equilibria, 486493

Credit risk transfer (CRT) mechanisms, 160

Credit tranching, 571

Criterion choice, 221222

Criterion function, absence of, 458459

Cross-sectional approach, 304306

Cumulative prospect theory, 191

Current assets, 7

Curvature factor, 332


Deal attributes, 131132

Deal terms, 545575

costs of deals, 546547, See also individual entry

monitoring costs, 546547

screening costs, 546547

transactions costs, 546

Dealer versus broker markets, 156

Debt financing, governance value of, 83

Debt ratio, 80

Debt versus equity, 7980, 373376, 551553

valuing debt and equity, 374

Debt-to-assets ratio, 80

Decision criteria, 219222

criterion choice, 221222

dispersion-based criteria, 219

target-based, 220221

wealth-based criteria, 219

Default risk, 133

Delegated monitoring, 167169

Deliverable basket, 407

Deliverable issues, 408

Delivery date, 388

Delivery options, 408

Depreciation tax shield, 593594

Derivative instrument, 385

Descriptive approaches, 180192, 180n4

Descriptive theory, 179, 189192

Direct costs of bankruptcy, 506

Discount factor models, 351359

APT application in, 356357

CAPM application in, 356357

conditional form of, 356

consumption-based asset pricing model, 355

Hansen-Jagannathan bound, 358359

marginal rate of substitution, 356

stochastic discount factors, 354356

unconditional form of, 356

Discrete dividends, 430

Discrete return, 425

Dispersion-based criteria, 219

Diversification/Diversifying, 223225, 259262

effect of, 259262

imperfect correlation, 262

perfect negative correlation, 261262

perfect positive correlation, 260261

limits, 264265

Dividend policy, 6, 531533

Dividend reinvestment plan (DRP), 532

Dividends, 51, 51n2, 6263, 78

accounting for, 430431

continuous dividends, 430

discrete dividends, 430

dividend valuation models, 5154, 5658

Dominance orderings, 182

Dow Jones MicroSector Indexes, 405

Duality axiom, 238, 239

Dutch auction, 533

Dynamic complementarity, 128n9

Dynamic factor models, 334

Dynamic models, capital structure, 516517


Early exercise premiums, 442

Earning by firms, valuation model based on, 5458

Earnings, 50

earnings per share (EPS), 81

Economic life, investment projects classification and, 104105

Economic theory of agency, 44, 473

Efficiency, market, 157158

Efficient frontier, 236, 267

Efficient market hypothesis, 125, 157, 368

Efficient portfolios, 267

Elliptical distributions, 237

Embedded derivatives, 208

Entrepreneurial firms, 3138


borrowing required capital, 38

with no initial resources, 3738

opportunities, 3237

entrepreneurs, with no initial resources, 3738

investment decisions by managers on behalf of owners, 3941

production and consumption decisions, 3536

production and investment decisions, 3138

productive and capital market opportunities, 35

productive opportunities, 33

wine aging example, 4143

Epstein-Zin recursive utility function, 360

Equity, 54n5, 78

Equity risk premium puzzle, 359361

Equity structure, 91

Equivalent portfolio, See Replicating portfolio

Estimation errors, 278, 281283

European call, 418

European option, 414

Ex ante adjustment/information, 164, 546549, 567

Ex ante screening, 128130, 145

Ex Post adjustment/information, 128131, 135, 137, 162, 546548, 566567

Ex post asymmetry, 164

Exercise price, 414

Expansion projects, 105

Expectation maximization (EM) algorithm, 333

Expected inflation, 377379

Expected utility theory, 180, 226230

External finance, 127

Externalities, financial system, 493494

Extra-market sources of risk, 309


Factor models, 322328

estimation, 328335

application to bond returns, 331332

computational procedure, 328331

curvature factor, 332

dynamic factor models, 334

expectation maximization (EM) algorithm, 333

fixed N (Case 1), 329

large N (Case 2), 330

maximum likelihood (ML) method, 333

principal components analysis (PCA), 328

static factor models, 334

fundamental factor models, 325

known factors, 323326

latent factors, 326327

macroeconomic factor model, 325

business cycle, 325

inflationary expectations, 325

interest rates, 325

investor confidence, 325

short-term inflation, 325

normal factor model, 327

predictive factor models, 328

standardized, 327

strict factor model, 327

Factor risk premium, 318

Factors, 317

Fama-French three-factor model, 324325

Fama-MacBeth approach, 304305, 307

FE asset trust (FEAT), 570

Financial contracting, 545575, See also Complete contracts; Incomplete contracts

informational conditions, 548553, See also individual entry

moral hazard, 554558

multiple debt claims, issuance of, 568

securitization, 568572

2007–2009 Financial crisis, 9

Financial deals, 121, 131135

types of, 131135

asset liquidity, 132

complete versus incomplete contract, 135

deal attributes, 131132

informational differences, 134135

risk versus uncertainty, 132134

Financial decision criteria, 451477

Financial decisions

capital structure theory, 5

dividend policy, 6

by firm managers, 57

by individuals, 45

Modigliani-Miller theory, 6

Sharpe's model, 7

Financial derivatives, 385

Financial distress, 80

capital structure and, 504507

costs of, 505

Financial economic theory, 48

individuals, managers, and markets, 48

Financial system functions, 121126, See also Governance, financial system; Organization, financial system

clearing and settling payments, 123

information production, 125

managing incentives, 125126

managing risks, 124125

pooling resources, 123124

transferring resources, 124

Financing decisions in practice, 522543

agency costs, 530531

contingency planning and, 539540

creditors, investors, and capital structure choices, 527528

dividend policy, 531533

dividend reinvestment plan (DRP), 532

funding sources, estimating the costs of, 522524

issuance of debt, timing, 524527

preemptive rights offering, 535539

dilution effect of rights issue, 537

repurchasing firm's common stock, 533535

restrictive covenants, 530531

stock dividends, 532533

stock splits, 532533

target versus actual capital structures, 526527

technical insolvency, significance of, 529530

upward-sloping supply curves, effects of, 526

Financing decisions, 4446

Firm financing decisions, 78101

in a perfect capital market, 78101

capital structure, 8083

cost of capital, 8587

debt ratio, 80

debt vs. equity, 7980

debt-to-assets ratio, 80

financial leverage, 8083

governance value of debt financing, 83

implication for lenders, 79

implication for owners, 79

interest tax shield, 85

operating earnings, 79

Firm investment decisions, 102117

investment projects, classification of, 104106

owners’ wealth maximization and, 103104

Firm managers, financial decisions by, 57

financing firms, 5

productive assets, selection, 5

Firms valuation, 5076

by investors, 5076, See also Investors way of firms valuation

Firms, types of, 156157

large, 156

small, 156

First-degree stochastic dominance (FSD), 245, 468

First-order conditions (FOCs), 265

Fisher separation theorem, 37

Flexibility, financial, 83

‘Flight to quality’, 218

Flotation costs, 524

Forward contracts, 388397

description, 388389

determination, 391393

marked-to-market (MTM), 389

nonmarked-to-market, 389

valuing, 389391

Forward price, 388

Foster-Hart riskiness measure, 234n1, 238, 244

Foundations of Statistics, 3, 190

Free cash flow, 83

Frequency distribution, 616

Frictions, 289

Frontier portfolios, 267

Functions, 121

Fundamental factor models, 325

Fundamental Law of Active Portfolio Management, 300

Fundamental security analysis, 368

Fundamental theorem of asset pricing, 350354

discount factor, 351353

pricing using risk-neutral probabilities, 353354

stochastic discount factor, 352

Funding costs, securitization and, 571572

Futures pricing/contracts, 398409

margin requirements, 398399

initial margin, 398

investor's equity, 398

maintenance margin, 399

and non-marked-to-market forward prices, relation between, 399401

stock index futures, pricing of, 405406

treasury bond and note futures contracts, 406409


Gaussian distribution, 225n17

Geometric mean rate of interest, 65

Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken (GRS) test, 304, 306307

Global mean-variance portfolio, 267

Gordon growth model, 60

Gorton-Kahn model, 562

Governance value of debt financing, 83

Governance, financial system, 121, 126142

intermediary-oriented systems, 127128

market-based systems, 127128

mechanisms, 128131

intermediaries, 129130

internal organizations, 128, 130131

markets, 128129

types of, 126128

Governance, incomplete contracts, 565566

Growing firm

meaning, 5859

valuing, 6769

Growth stocks, 5863

description, 5863

returns from, 5863


Hansen-Jagannathan bound, 358359

Hard commodities, 385

Heavy-tailed distributions, 226

Hedge ratio, 435

Hedging, 222223

Hedging portfolio, 420, 422423

Heterogeneous expectations, 451455, 511514

Hierarchical governance, 130131

Higher moments, measures recognizing, 237

Historical volatility, 432433

Holding period yields, 65

Homemade diversification argument, 683

Homemade leverage, 91

Homogeneous expectations assumption, 288

Household finance, 4

decisions, by individuals, 4

Household investment decisions, 2728


Idiosyncratic risk, 298

Illiquid asset portfolios, funding, 159160

Impediments to arbitrage, 479497

adverse selection, 488492

backward bending supply, 488493

client reactions to borrowing terms, 486488

credit market equilibria, 486493

financial system externalities, 493494

informational asymmetries, 486493

limits to arbitrage, 482483

liquidity, 479482

differences in practice, 481482

market failure, 493

market segmentation, 483486

moral hazard, 492493

securities markets, 479482

Stiglitz-Weiss adverse selection model, 491492

Imperfect correlation, 262

Implied repo rate, 408

Implied volatility, 433435

Incentives to repay, 555557

Incentives, managing, 125126

Incomplete contracts, 135, 560567

bondholder threat to liquidate, 560562

bypassing uncertainty, 567

governance, 565566

renegotiating a bank loan, 562565

research findings, 567

uncertainty, 565566

Incomplete markets for contingent claims, 205206

Independent and identically distributed (IID), 279

Independent projects, 106107

Index funds, 460

Index of absolute risk aversion, 228

Index tracking, 280281

active return, 280

risk budget, 280

tracking error, 280

Indifference curves, 1718

Indirect costs of bankruptcy, 506

Individual's wealth constraint, 20

Individuals, financial decisions by, 45

allocation decisions, 4

household finance, 4

household finance decision, 4

portfolio selection theory, 5

Information asymmetry, 193

Information economics, market failure, 3

asymmetric information, 4

Information production, 125, 158159

Information sharing, intermediary governance, 164167

Informational asymmetries, 486493, 549550

Informational conditions, 548553

asymmetries and financing choice, 551553

incomplete contract, 549

information and contract types, 548549

third-party information, 550551

Informational differences, 134135

Initial wealth

as constraint on consumer decisions, 2527

capital market imperfections effects, 2627

income and initial wealth combined, 2526

Insurance companies, 162

Insurance premium, 387

Insuring, 223

Integrated approach need to financial decision making, 461462

Interest deductibility and capital structure, 8485

Interest rate swap, mechanics of, 409

Interest tax shield, 85

Intermediary finance, 129130

Intermediary governance, 160169

information sharing, 164167

adverse selection, 164166

cooperative lending association, 167

delegated monitoring, 167169

high-quality firms, 166

informational asymmetries, 164166

low-quality firm, 166

signalling, 166

intermediary information processing, 169

maturity intermediation, 162

successful financial intermediaries, 162164

banks, 163

insurance companies, 162

venture capital firms, 163

in value creation, question of, 160162

Intermediary-oriented financial systems, 127128

Internal governance, 169173

investments and investment returns, 169

private benefits, 170

Internal rate of return (IRR), 111114

and capital rationing, 113

multiple internal rates of return, 113114

and mutually exclusive projects, 112

Internal governance, 128

Intertemporal capital asset pricing model (ICAPM), 309

In-the-money, 415

Intrinsic value, 416

Investment and financing decisions, consequences for, 4347

Investment cash flows, 107

Investment decisions by managers on behalf of owners, 3941

corporations and market value criterion, 3940

maximizing market value thereby maximizing profits, 4041

Investment management, CAPM application in, 302303

Investment profile, 110111

Investment projects, classification of, 104106

according to dependence on other projects, 106

complementary projects, 106

contingent projects, 106

independent projects, 106

mutually exclusive projects, 106

according to economic life, 104105

long-term investment, 105

short-term investment, 105

according to risk, 105106

expansion projects, 105

mandated projects, 105

new products and markets, 105

replacement projects, 105

assessment criteria with a perfect capital market, 108114

internal rate of return (IRR), 111114

investment profile, 110111

net present value (NPV), 108111

investment criteria in practice, 114115

market value rule application to independent projects, 107

project's incremental cash flows, 106107

Investor's utility maximization in contingent claims, 202205

Investors way of firms valuation, 5076

based on firm's capacity to generate investor returns, 5158

dividends size, 5154

firm's earnings, 5456

based on growth stocks, 5863

capital gains, 6263

constant dividend growth, 5960

dividends, 6263

low P/E stocks, underpricing, question of, 62

price-earnings ratios, 6061

market values and different planning horizons, 6474, See also individual entry

valuing the growing firm, 6769

Invoice price, 407

Irrelevance theory, 8797

business and financial risk, 9193

consequences of Modigliani-Miller theorem, 9091

me-first rules, 8890

Issuance of debt, timing, 524527


Jensen's free cash flow theory, 83


K-factor model, 309, 326

Knightian uncertainty, 2

Known factors, 323326


Large firms, 156

Latent factors, 326327

Law of one price (LOP), 344347

Level effect, 332

Leverage, 8083

corporate taxation effect on, 502504

cost of capital unaffected by, 93

financial leverage and financial flexibility, 83

Limited liability, 505506

Linear payoff derivatives, 385410

derivative instruments, 386387

nonlinear versus, 386388

swaps, 409410

Linear pricing, 344347

Linear utility function, 185

Liquidity, 159, 479482

illiquid asset portfolios, funding, 159160

Local risk aversion, 227

Logarithmic utility function, 185

Lognormal stock price, 425427

assumptions in, 426

Long position, 258

Long-term investment, 105, 279280

Lotteries, 182, 182n13


Macroeconomic factor model, 325

Managers’ decisions, and owners’ decisions, separation of, 4647

Mandated projects, 105

Many risky assets, 262268

diversification and its limits, 264265

efficient frontier, 267

optimal portfolios, derivation of, 265267

two-fund theorem, 268

Marginal concept, 85

Marginal rate of substitution, 356

Marginal tax rate, 85

Marked-to-market (MTM) forward contracts, 389

Market-based financial systems, 127128

Market completeness proposition, 344

Market completeness, 340344

Market efficiency, 157158

allocative efficiency, 157

efficient market hypothesis, 157

operational efficiency, 157

Market failure, 34, 153, 493

information economics, 3

market power, 3

Market finance, 128129

Market governance, 151160

dealer versus broker markets, 156

descriptive and economic characteristics, 154156

financial markets, functions of, 152154

central location creation, 152

firms, types of, 156157

frequency of trading, 152

illiquid asset portfolios, funding, 159160

information production, 158159

liquidity, 159

market trade instruments, 153

non-market governance, 160169, See also Intermediary governance

primary versus secondary markets, 155156

public versus private markets, 154155

volume of trading, 152

wholesale versus retail markets, 156

Market model, 302

Market opportunity line, 20

Market portfolio, 161, 290

Market price per unit of risk, 291

Market rate of interest, 27

Market risk, 376379

premium, 295

Market segmentation, 483486

consequences of, 485486

Market value criterion, 580586

capital budgeting, 582586

Market value rule, 31

application to independent projects, 107

Market values and different planning horizons, 6474

and time horizons, 6566

financial instruments outstanding for several periods, returns on, 6465

relations to profit maximization, 7374

share price determination, 6667

Markowitz efficient portfolios, 271276

preferences, 271

quadratic utility function, 272274

Markowitz risk premium, 227n21

Markowitzian portfolio theory, 236

Maturity intermediation, 162

Maximum likelihood (ML) method, 333

Mean absolute deviation, 235

Mean variance frontier, 267

Mean-variance portfolio choice, 257285, See also Many risky assets; Two risky assets

advanced topics, 278283

estimation errors, 281283

index tracking, 280281

long-term investment, 279280

Markowitz portfolios, 271276

portfolio weights, restrictions on, 276278

practical issues, 276278

estimation errors, 278

portfolio rebalancing, 278

restrictions on portfolio weights, 276278

risk-free asset, adding, 268270

Me-first rules, 8890

Microeconomic foundation of financial economics, 179198

assumptions underlying, 192194

asymmetric information, 193

costly information, 193

costly transactions, 194

principal-agent relations, 193194

descriptive approaches, 180192

expected utility theory, 180, See also Utility theory

prescriptive approaches, 180192

Microeconomic theory, 14

agents decisions, types, 1

consumer choice, 12

utility function, 1

economic decisions, 24

individuals, managers, and markets, 19

market failure, 34

objective probabilities, 3

price theory, 2

production theory, 2

for risk, 23

state-preference framework, 3

subjective probabilities, 3

for uncertainty, 23

Minimum portfolio risk, 267

Modigliani-Miller (MM) theorem, 6, 78, 87, 206208, 551

consequences of, 9091

Monitoring costs, 546547

Monotonicity, 250

Moral hazard, 134, 193, 492493, 554558

avoiding, 554555

collateral as a screening device, 557558

incentives to repay, 555557

MSCI Barra fundamental factor model, 324

Multifactor asset pricing theory, 309

Multifactor explanation, 309311

Multifactor model, 320322

with known factors, 324326

Multi-period investment models, 594602

Multi-period valuation in a risky world, 595597

Multiple debt claims, issuance of, 568

Multiple internal rates of return, 113114

Multiple periods, 437439

Mutual funds, role for, 460461

Mutually exclusive projects, 106

IRR criterion and, 112


Naperian logarithm, 242n25

Narrow-based index, 405

Negative exponential utility function, 185

Neoclassical paradigm, 160, 179, 192

Net financing cost, 397

Net operating loss, 85

Net present value (NPV), 108111

Newton-Raphson algorithm, 434

No-mimicking condition, 166

Noncontingent NPV, 630

Noncontingent strategies, 211

Nonlinear payoff derivative, 385388, 414448, See also Black-Scholes formula

American options, 442443

arbitrary payoffs and general models, 443445

basic concepts, 414417

derivative instruments, 387388

linear versus, 386388

options, 414418

single-period binomial model, 420424, See also Binomial model

Nonmarked-to-market (non-MTM) forward contracts, 389

Non-market governance, 160169, See also Intermediary governance

Nonsatiable agent, 184

Normal distribution, 225

Normal factor model, 327

Notional amount, 409

Notional coupon, 406

Notional principal amount, 409


Objective probabilities, 3

One-factor model, 319320

One-period finite state economy, 339340

One-period-two-states model, 427

Operating decisions, 4446

and financing decisions, separation, 4446

Operating earnings, 79

Operating risk, 103

Operational efficiency, 157

Optimal capital structure, 78, 516

Optimal consumption choices, 2122

Optimal portfolios

derivation of, 265267

with risk-free asset, 269

Optimism and wishful thinking, 190

Option premium, 414

Option price, 414

Option's delta, 435

Option's gamma, 435

Option's rho, 436

Options, 414

simple uses of, 417418

Ordinary least square (OLS) regression approach, 303

Organization, financial system, 142144

financial firms, 143144

intermediaries, 142143

internal finance, 142143

markets, 142143

specializing, 143

Out-of-the-money, 415

Overconfidence, 190

Owners’ decisions, 4647

Owners’ equity, 78


P/E stocks, underpricing, question of, 62

Parallel effect, 332

Partial ordering, 239

Pauline problem, 626

Perfect capital market, 7

capital structure in, 8797, See also Irrelevance theory

extension of, 78

individuals decision, market failures of, 78

risk in financial decision making, 7

financing decisions of firms in, 78101, See also under Firm financing decisions

Perfect negative correlation, 261262

Perfect positive correlation, 260261

Pooling resources, 123124

Portfolio rebalancing, 278

Portfolio return, 257259

Portfolio risk, 259

Portfolio selection theory, 5

Portfolio weights, restrictions on, 276278

Portfolios, 340344

Positive homogeneity axiom, 238239, 250

Positive state pricing, 347349

Power utility function, 185

Predictive factor models, 328

Preemptive rights offering, 535539

Preferences, 271

individuals’, 1718

reconciling preferences with opportunities, 2022

Prescriptive approaches, 180192, 180n4

Prescriptive financial economics, 179

Prescriptive theory, 179, 181189

Present value, 22

Price-earnings ratios, 6061

Price sensitivity measuring to inputs, 435437

Pricing corporate securities, 366381

arbitrage opportunities, 367369

bond prices, 377379

bond valuation, 376379

debt versus equity, 373376

expected inflation, 377379

market risk, 376379

pricing securities relative to each other, 369370

risk-neutral probability measures, calculating, 370372

risky debt, 374376

Pricing derivatives by arbitrage, 385410, 414448 See also Linear payoff derivative, Nonlinear payoff derivative

Pricing of interest rate swaps, 410

Pricing portfolios by CAPM, 298299

Primary security, 200

Primary versus secondary markets, 155156

Primitive securities, 342

Principal-agent relations, 193194

Principal component analysis (PCA), 328

Private markets, 154155

Probability distribution function, 181, 225226

Production theory, 2

Productive opportunities, investing in, wealth creation by, 3149

Profit maximization, 7374

Profit, 50

Profitability risk, 133

Project risk in capital budgeting, evaluating, 607637, See also Stand-alone risk, measuring

certainty-equivalent approach, 609610

contingency planning of capital expenditures, 624629

project's market risk, measuring, 617623, See also individual entry

risk-adjusted discount rate, 608609

stochastic dominance, application of, 628629

Projects, See also Investment projects

project's market risk, measuring, 610623

adjusted present value, 621623

financial leverage, 617620

market risk, 617620

pure-play firm, using, 620621

project's operating cash flows (OCF), 107

Proprietary firms, 31

Prospect theory, 191

Public versus private markets, 154155

Pure-play firm, using, 620621

Put-call parity relationship, 418

Put option, 414

Put value at expiration, 416

Putable bond, 208


Quadratic utility function, 185, 272274


Random walk, 425

Rational behavior, 183

Rational expectations adjustment model, 600

Real options valuation (ROV), 630634

challenges in implementing, 634

options on real assets, 630632

Redundant assets, 264, 342343

Reference rate, 409

Relative risk aversion, 229

Replacement projects, 105

Replicating portfolio, 420422

Representativeness, 190

Required rate of return (RRR), 103

Resource pooling, 123124

Retail markets, 156

Retained earnings, 78

Return on assets (ROA), 81

Reverse cash-and-carry trade, 395

ρ*(), Properties of, 240244

Risk(s), 78, 216233, See also Project risk in capital budgeting, evaluating; Two risky assets

Arrow-Pratt measures of risk aversion, 220n10

business and, 9193

business risk, 103

cash flow risk, 103

decision criteria, 219222, See also individual entry

default risk, 133

factors, 317

investment projects classification and, 105106

management, 124125, 216233

measures, 234253

Aumann-Serrano risk measure, 238240

based on first two moments, 235237

coherent risk measures, 247251

consistent risk measures, 244247

first-degree dominance, 244245

Foster-Hart risk measure, 238

generalizations, 247, 251

limitations, 247, 251

monotonicity, 250

positive homogeneity, 250

recognizing higher moments, 237

ρ*(), properties of, 240244

selecting, 234253

stochastic orderings, 244247

subadditivity, 250

translation invariance, 250

using, 234237

value at risk, 247251

variance, 236, 236n7

operating risk, 103

probability distributions, characteristics, 225226

profitability risk, 133

risk-adjusted discount rate, 608609

risk-adjusted rate of return, 582

risk averse, 184

risk budget, 280

risk-free asset, adding, 268270

optimal portfolios with, 269

risk-free interest rate effect, 392

risk-neutral pricing

arbitrage without, 393397

borrowing rates, 397

cash flows from underlying asset, 395397

finding futures prices using, 401404

lending rates, 397

risk-neutral probabilities, 370372, 423

calculating, 370372

pricing using, 353354

risk-neutral probability measure, 354

for securities valuation, 372373

valuation with, 376377

risk-neutral valuation, 423424

risk premium, 227, 367

risk sharing arrangement, 386

risk transfer methods, 222225

diversifying, 223225

hedging, 222223

insuring, 223

Risk, Uncertainty and Profit,2

sales risk, 103

source of, 599602

uncertainties and, 217219

uncertainty versus, 2, 132134

Risky debt, 374376

Rothschild-Stiglitz dominance (RSD), 246247


Sales risk, 103

Scale economies, 142, 194

Scope economies, 142

Screening costs, 546547

Secondary markets, 155156

Second-degree stochastic dominance (SSD), 245, 470471


markets, 479482

valuation, risk-neutral probabilities for, 372373

Securitization, 10, 10n16, 136, 568572

basics of, 569

and funding costs, 571572

illustration of, 569571

senior bond classes, 570

subordinate bond classes, 570

Security market line (SML), 295, 307

Semi-variance, 250n42

Senior bond classes, 570

Sensitivity analysis, 611615

Separation principle, 31, 46

managers’ and owners’ decisions, 4647

operating and financing decisions, 4446

Servicing, 569

Settlement date, 388

Share price determination, 6667

Sharpe ratio, 291

Shefrin's approach, 191192

Short position, 258

Short selling, 258

Short-term investment, 105

Signalling, 166, 193

Simulation analysis, 615617

Single-index market model, 302

Single-peakedness condition, 464465

Single-period binomial model, 420424

hedging portfolio, 422423

replicating portfolio, 420422

risk-neutral valuation, 423424

Single-period versus multi-period investment models, 594602

market for capital goods, 594595

multi-period valuation in a risky world, 595597

source of risk, 599602

Skewness parameter, 226

Small firms, 156

Soft commodities, 385

Specializing, 143

Special-purpose entity (SPE), 570

Special-purpose vehicle (SPV), 570

St. Petersburg Paradox, 182

Stand-alone risk, measuring, 610617

sensitivity analysis, 611615

simulation analysis, 615617

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), 274

Standardized factor model, 327

Standby fee, 536

Standby underwriting arrangement, 536

State price, 345347

state price condition, existence, 346

state price vector, 347

uniqueness of, 347

State-preference framework, 3

States of the world, 199200

Static complementarity, 128n9

Static factor models, 334

Static NPV, 630

Steepness factor, 332

Stiglitz-Weiss adverse selection model, 491492

Stochastic discount factors, 191192, 352, 354356

Stochastic dominance

types, 185189

second-degree stochastic dominance, 188, 188n21

Stochastic orderings, 244247

first-degree stochastic dominance (FSD), 244245

Rothschild-Stiglitz dominance (RSD), 246247

second-degree stochastic dominance (SSD), 245246

Stochastically constant returns to scale, 587

Stock dividends, 532533

Stock splits, 532533

Straddle strategy, 418

Strategic NPV, 630

Strict factor model, 327

Strike price, 414

Strong-form efficient market, 368

Sub-additivity, 242, 250

Subjective expected utility, 190

Subjective probabilities, 3

Subordinate bond classes, 570

Subscription price, 535

Swaps, 409410

interest rate swap interpretation of, 410

mechanics of, 409

pricing of, 410

Symmetric payoff derivative, 387

Systematic risk, 297


Takeover defense, 514

Tangency portfolio, 269

Target-based criteria, 220221

Target capital structure, 516

versus actual capital structures, 526527

Targeted block repurchase, 534

Tax differentials, 456457

Technical analysis, 368

Technical insolvency, significance of, 529530

Tender offer, 533

Theory of consumer choice, 15

Theory of dividend payments, 514516

Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, The, 3, 181

Theory of screening, 193

Theory of share price determination, absence of, 459

Third-party information, 550551

Three-factor Fama-French model, 310

Time horizons, market values and, 6566

Time tranching, 570

Time-series approach, 303307

Timing option, 408

‘Top-down’ approach, 121n1

Tracking error, 280

Tranches, 570

credit tranching, 571

time tranching, 570

Transactions costs, 194, 456457, 546

Transferring resources, 124

Transformation curve, 3234

Translation invariance, 250

Two-fund separation, 237

Two-fund theorem, 268

Two-period binomial model, 438

Two-period bond, 377

Two-point lotteries, 235

Two risky assets, 257262

diversification effect, 259262

portfolio return, 257259

portfolio risk, 259


Uncertainties, 2, 218219

incomplete contracts, 565566

Knightian uncertainty, 2

new product development, 218

possible outcomes of a situation, 218

risk and, 217219

Unconditional form of discount factor model, 356

Underlying asset, 385

Unequally distributed information, 455456

Unit contingent claim, 200

Univariate method, 303, 306307

Unsystematic risk, costs of, 457458

Upward-sloping supply curves, effects of, 526

Utility function, 17

Utility theory, 181189

prescriptive approach to preference and choice, 181189

probability distribution, 181

St. Petersburg Paradox, 182

stochastic dominance, types, 185189

utility functions, types, 184185

linear, 185

logarithmic, 185

negative exponential, 185

power, 185

quadratic, 185

von Neumann—Morgenstern approach, 182


Value additivity principle, 107

Value at risk (VaR), 247251

Valuing debt and equity, 374

Variance, 236, 236n7

variance-covariance model, 237

Venture capital firms, 163

von Neumann—Morgenstern approach, 182, 189


Wait value, 443

Wealth at time t, 19

Wealth creation by investing in productive opportunities, 3149, See also Entrepreneurial firms

investment and financing decisions, consequences for, 4347

managers’ and owners’ decisions, separation of, 4647

operating and financing decisions, separation, 4446

Wealth-based criteria, 219

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 87, 608

Wholesale versus retail markets, 156

Wildcard option, 408

Working capital, 7, 102


Zero-beta CAPM, 297

Zero-coupon bonds, 376

Zero transactions costs, 595n11

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