Chapter 6. Bayesian Methods

Bayesian inference is a different paradigm for statistics; it is not a method or algorithm such as cluster finding or linear regression. It stands next to classical statistical analysis. Everything that we have done so far in this book, and everything that you can do in classical (or frequentist) statistical analysis, you can do in Bayesian statistics. The main difference between frequentist (classical) and Bayesian statistics is that while frequentist assumes that the model parameters are fixed, Bayesian assumes that they have a range, a distribution. Thus, from the frequentist approach, it is easy to create point estimates—mean, variance, or fixed model parameters—directly from the data. The point estimates are unique to the data; each new dataset needs new point estimates.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Examples of Bayesian analysis: one where we try to identify a switch point in a time series and another with linear regression, where we compare the methods from  Chapter 4 Regression
  • How to assess the MCMC run from Bayesian analysis
  • A very short introduction on plotting coordinates on maps, which can be very important when presenting and investigating data

The Bayesian method

From the Bayesian approach, data is seen as fixed. Once we have measured things, the values are fixed. On the other hand, parameters can be described by probability distributions. The probability distribution describes how much is known about a certain parameter. This description might change if we get new data, but the model itself will not change. There is lots of literature on this, and there is no rule of thumb for when to use frequentist or when to use Bayesian analysis.

For simple and fairly well-behaved data, I would say that the frequentist approach is fine when you need a quick estimate. To get more insights and for more constrained problems, that is, when we know more about our parameters and can estimate the prior distributions with more than a simple uniform prior, it is better to use the Bayesian approach. Due to the slightly more intuitive handling of things in Bayesian analysis, it is easier to build more complex models and answer complex questions.

Credible versus confidence intervals

A nice and common way to highlight the differences is to compare the confidence interval of frequentists with the corresponding notion in Bayesian statistics, credible interval. Confidence interval is from the frequentist's approach, where the parameter is fixed. The confidence interval is based on the repetition of the observations. A 98% confidence interval means that repeating the experiment to measure the parameter a large number of times and calculating the interval for each experiment, 98% of the intervals will contain the value of the parameter. This goes back to the fact that the data is random.

Credible (or probability) interval stems from probabilities, that is, the Bayesian approach. This means that the parameter is random and we can say that, given the data, there is a 98% chance that the true value of the parameter is in the interval.

Bayes formula

Bayesian analysis boils down to Bayes formula; thus, a chapter about Bayesian analysis without mentioning Bayes formula would not be worth much. In Bayesian analysis, everything done can be expressed in a probability statement:

Bayes formula

This is read as probability of a given b, where b is the data and a is the parameter that you are trying to estimate. With Bayesian analysis, we build models that we can test against data. Bayesian analysis (inference) uses probability distribution(s) as input to the model (hypothesis) that we are building (testing).

With some prior knowledge of statistics in our luggage, we write out Bayes formula:

Bayes formula

The Bayes formula follows from conditional probabilities. Describing it in words, the posterior probability is the probability of the observations (given the parameter) times the prior of the parameter divided by an integral over the whole parameter space. It is this denominator that causes trouble with the analysis because, to calculate it, we need to employ some advanced analysis; in these examples, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is used. We assume that you are familiar with the basics of Bayes formula. We will see how to implement the analysis in Python with the help of the PyMC package.

Python packages

One popular Bayesian analysis package in Python is PyMC ( ). PyMC is an actively developed package to make Bayesian models and fitting in Python accessible and straightforward. One of the fitting algorithms available is MCMC, which is also one of the most employed. There are other packages such as the feature-rich emcee package ( ). We will use PyMC in this book. To install PyMC in Anaconda, open an Anaconda command prompt (or terminal window) and use the conda command to install PyMC:

conda install pymc

It will check the Anaconda Python package index and download and install/upgrade the necessary dependencies for PyMC. Next, we can start a new Jupyter Notebook and put in the default imports.

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