Speeding up numerical expressions with Numexpr

Numexpr is a software package for the evaluation of numerical array expressions, which is also installed when you install pandas, and you may have seen it announced in the watermark of other recipes (tested with Numexpr 2.3.1). Numexpr tries to speed up calculations by avoiding the creation of temporary variables because reading the variables can be a potential bottleneck. The largest speedups are expected for arrays that can't fit in the CPU cache.

Numexpr splits large arrays into chunks, which fit in the cache, and it also uses multiple cores in parallel when possible. It has an evaluate() function, which accepts simple expressions and evaluates them (refer to the documentation for the complete list of supported features).

How to do it...

  1. The imports are as follows:
    import numexpr as ne
    import numpy as np
  2. Generate random arrays, which should be too large to hold in a cache:
    a = np.random.rand(1e6)
    b = np.random.rand(1e6)
  3. Evaluate a simple arithmetic expression and measure execution time:
    %timeit 2 * a ** 3 + 3 * b ** 9
    %timeit ne.evaluate("2 * a ** 3 +3 * b ** 9 ")

Refer to the following screenshot for the end result:

How to do it...

The code is in the speeding_numexpr.ipynb file in this book's code bundle.

How it works

We generated random data that should not fit in a cache to avoid caching effects and because that is the best use case for Numexpr. The size of the cache differs from one machine to another, so if necessary use a larger or smaller size for the arrays. In the example, we put a string containing a simple arithmetic expression, although we could have used a slightly more complex expression. For more details, refer to the documentation. I tested the code with a machine that has eight cores. The speedup is larger than a factor of eight, so it's clearly due to Numexpr.

See also

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