Evaluating smoothing

Many aspects of smoothing are comparable to regression; therefore, you can apply some of the techniques in Chapter 10, Evaluating Classifiers, Regressors, and Clusters, to smoothing too. In this recipe, we will smooth with the Savitzky-Golay filter, which conforms to the following equation:

Evaluating smoothing

The filter fits points within a rolling window of size n to a polynomial of order m. Abraham Savitzky and Marcel J. E. Golay created the algorithm around 1964 and first applied it to chemistry problems. The filter has two parameters that naturally form a grid. As in regression problems, we will take a look at a difference, in this case, the difference between the original signal and the smoothed signal. We assume, just like when we fit data, that the residuals are random and follow a Gaussian distribution.

How to do it...

The following steps are from the eval_smooth.ipynb file in this book's code bundle:

  1. The imports are as follows:
    import dautil as dl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import seaborn as sns
    from IPython.display import HTML
  2. Define the following helper functions:
    def error(data, fit):
        return data - fit
    def win_rng():
        return range(3, 25, 2)
    def calc_mape(i, j, pres):
        return dl.stats.mape(pres, savgol_filter(pres, i, j))
  3. Load the atmospheric pressure data as follows:
    pres = dl.data.Weather.load()['PRESSURE'].dropna()
    pres = pres.resample('A')
  4. Plot the original data and the filter with window size 11 and various polynomial orders:
    sp = dl.plotting.Subplotter(2, 2, context)
    cp = dl.plotting.CyclePlotter(sp.ax)
    cp.plot(pres.index, pres, label='Pressure')
    cp.plot(pres.index, savgol_filter(pres, 11, 2), label='Poly order 2')
    cp.plot(pres.index, savgol_filter(pres, 11, 3), label='Poly order 3')
    cp.plot(pres.index, savgol_filter(pres, 11, 4), label='Poly order 4')
  5. Plot the standard deviations of the filter residuals for varying window sizes:
    cp = dl.plotting.CyclePlotter(sp.next_ax())
    stds = [error(pres, savgol_filter(pres, i, 2)).std()
            for i in win_rng()]
    cp.plot(win_rng(), stds, label='Filtered')
    stds = [error(pres, pd.rolling_mean(pres, i)).std()
            for i in win_rng()]
    cp.plot(win_rng(), stds, label='Rolling mean')
  6. Plot the box plots of the filter residuals:
    sp.ax.boxplot([error(pres, savgol_filter(pres, i, 2))
                for i in win_rng()])
  7. Plot the MAPE for a grid of window sizes and polynomial orders:
    df = dl.report.map_grid(win_rng()[1:], range(1, 5),
                     ['win_size', 'poly', 'mape'], calc_mape, pres)
    sns.heatmap(df, cmap='Blues', ax=sp.ax)

Refer to the following screenshot for the end result:

How to do it...

See also

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