Restricting the resolution values in a transition

Normally, issue resolution values such as Fixed and Won't Fix are global, so regardless of the project and issue type, the same set of values will be available. As you implement different workflows in JIRA, you may find that certain resolutions are not relevant in a given workflow.

In this recipe, we will select a subset of the global resolutions available when we close issues using our Simple Workflow.

How to do it…

Perform the following steps to selectively include a subset of resolutions for a given workflow transition:

  1. Select and edit the Simple Workflow.
  2. Select the Close workflow transition.
  3. Click on the View Properties button.
  4. Enter jira.field.resolution.include for Property Name and the IDs (comma separated) for resolutions we want to make available into Property Value. So, if we want to include the resolutions Fixed, Won't Fix, and Duplicate, we need to specify values 1, 2, and 3 as the property values.
  5. Click on Publish Draft to apply the change.

There's more…

Other than selecting a subset of resolutions, there is also a jira.field.resolution.exclude property that lets you exclude a subset of resolutions from the global list.

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