Creating announcements in JIRA

This recipe shows you how to create system announcements in JIRA to display important messages to users.

How to do it…

Perform the following steps to add an announcement message in JIRA:

  1. Navigate to Administration | System | Announcement Banner.
  2. Enter the following announcement message (you can use any valid HTML, CSS, and JavaScript):
    <div class="aui-message warning">
        <span class="aui-icon icon-warning"></span>
        <p>JIRA will be down on <b>Friday 7PM</b> for a planned upgrade. Please make sure you save all your work.</p>
  3. Select whether the message will be private (only shown to logged-in users) or public.
  4. Click on Set Banner to create the announcement:
    How to do it…

There's more…

The built-in system announcement feature is simple and handy to create ad-hoc announcement messages. Since you can use any valid HTML tags, you need to make sure you close your tags properly. Otherwise, this can lead to JIRA being unable to render its pages correctly. When this happens, you can remove the announcement content directly from the database with the following SQL statements:

select, pt.propertyvalue from propertytext pt join propertyentry pe on where pe.property_key='jira.alertheader';
update propertytext set propertyvalue='' where id='<id from above>';

There is an add-on called Public Announcement Service for JIRA which provides you with more intelligence. For example, you can schedule announcements ahead of time and let the system display them when the time comes, and you can set expiry dates on announcements and the system will automatically take them down at the right time. You can download the add-on from the following link:

To use the add-on's advanced announcement management features, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration | System | Public Announcement Service.
  2. Set the start time for the announcement. This is the time for the announcement to start appearing.
  3. Set the end time for the announcement. This is the time for the announcement to stop appearing.
  4. Set the announcement message.
  5. Provide an option URL for users to click on to get more information on the event.
  6. Restrict the visibility of the announcement by optionally specifying the groups that will see it.
  7. Click on the Schedule button to schedule the announcement.

Once scheduled, JIRA will automatically display the announcement as per its start time. For example, as shown in the following screenshot, the scheduled System Review Meeting announcement will be displayed on April 8, 2014:

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When JIRA displays the announcement, it is in a slightly higher location than the built-in system announcement location. If you have specified a (more info) URL, it will be displayed at the end of the announcement message:

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