
Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


Absolute Effect field, 138, 138f

Absolute Value field, 139

Accent, 170

Add Forces button, 202

Align tool, 158, 211, 211f, 212, 212f

Animated extrude, 260–263

Animated modifiers, 254, 260

Animation, 1, 7, 22, 28

3D, 251

effective, 169

gradient ramp, 263–264

keys in, 41

modeling and, 33

object out of view with step-key tangent, 252–253

parametric slicing, 254, 254f

pop-off screen solution in, 251

Slice Modifier, 254, 255f, 255–259

Animators, professional, 191

Anticipation, 230

Assign Controller Frame, 51

Assign Position Controller, 206f, 213f

Asymmetric pose, 172

Attachment Constraint, 239

Auto Key, 119, 119f

Auto Timing, 93

Autogrid, 36

Axis, face normal and, 36


Backfacing, 22

Baking in keys, 41

Ballet dancer, 192

Base animation, 189

Bend angle, 24

Bend Modifier, 22, 26

BIP motion file, 95

Biped Rollout, 79

Bipeds, 79, 89

structure of, 91

Bone Tools, 65

Bones, 130

Breaking joints, sequential, 192, 192f, 193f, 194f, 195f


Calf muscle’s mesh, 136

Cam morph teapots, 219

Cameras, animating, 156

Cap Holes Modifier, 256

Cartoon effect, 189

Clone Dialog Box, 68

Clone Options Dialog, 12, 26, 236

Cloth Modifier, 197, 203, 204

Cloth simulation

adding HairSimulationMesh object, 203, 203f, 204, 204f, 205f

with realistic effects, 196f, 196–205, 197f, 199f, 200f, 201f, 202f

Collapse function, 95

Collision Object button, 198, 204f

COM Object, 91, 99, 108, 117, 122

Comedic effect, 170

Command Panel, 22, 90

Construction planes, 60

Creation mode, aligning in, 36

Curve Editor, 27, 38, 38f, 55


Default Smooth Interpolation, 119

Destination Clip, 110

Displace Space Warp, 47, 52

Dope Sheet, 18, 174, 174f, 193, 195

accessing Graphic Editors Menu, 26f

Double-take movements, 170, 182, 189


hip_dummy, 73

lt_heel_dummy, 73

objects, 67, 108, 165, 166, 223, 226

DVD, 103, 113, 127


Edit Angle Keys Curves, 146

Edit Menu, 94

Edit Mesh Modifier, 220

Edit Poly Modifier, 154, 262

Editor’s filter, 193

Emotional expression, 169

End Effector, 70

Envelope Adjustment Tool, 133

Enveloping, 129, 130

Erase Simulation button, 201, 202

Express emotion, 183, 183f, 184f, 185f, 186f, 187f, 188f, 189f

Eye animation, 175

eye movement, 170, 177, 179, 181

eye position, 176, 176f, 177f

eyebrows, 181, 182f

eyelids, 174f, 178, 178f, 184

EyesLeftRight frame, 179, 180f

EyesUpDown slider, 179


Face animation, 169, 169f, 181

Face normal, and axis, 36

Figure mode, 79, 92

Footstep mode, 93, 98

Footstep Operations Rollout, 84

Frames, 42

Freeform mode, 122


Geometry, 36

Ghost Frames, 111

Gizmos, 133, 144

Glue, 223

Gradient ramp, animating, 263–264

Graphic Editor, 7, 106


H Key, 157, 158, 165

Hair and Fur Modifier, 203

HairSimulationMesh object, adding to cloth simulation, 203, 203f, 204, 204f, 205f

Havok 1 World Panel, 78

Havok Physics Engine, 78

Head motion, 170, 171

Head_Neck_Shoulder object, 171

control, 175

settings of, 171, 171f, 171t, 172f

values, 172, 172t, 173, 175t

Helper objects, 47

HI solvers, 64–67

Hierarchy Panel, 23, 36

Hierarchy Panel Link Info Section, 245

Hip dummy, 72–75


Icon intensive operation, 259

IK, see Inverse Kinematics

Inherit Panel 245f, 246

Inherit Rotate controls, 246

Interpolation Rollout, 34

Inverse Kinematics (IK)

chains, 66

dummy helpers, creating, 67–69

goal, 206, 211, 212, 213

HI solvers, 64–67

hip dummy, 72–75

linking objects, 69–72


Joint Angle Deformer, 143, 144


Key filters button, 184, 184f

Key Info Dialog, 43f

Key Tangent, 252, 253, 254

Key Toggle mode, 29, 123

Keyboard shortcut, 34

Keyframes, 2, 27, 173, 181, 182, 184

creating, 4

tangent types for, 37f, 43f, 252f

Keyframing Tools Panel, 249

Keyframing Tools Rollout, 117


Layers Rollout, 88

LeftEyeUpper/Lower sliders, 181

Leg’s mesh, 130, 130f, 131f

Leg_Skinning_Exercise.max, 130

Link Tool, 48f, 49

Linking objects, 69–72

Linking process, 49

Living objects, 31

Local Modifiers, 46

Locks Panel, 245f, 246

Loop, 138, 138f


Make Group button, 204, 204f

Marquee line, 50, 50f

Material Editor, 21

Material IDs, assigning, 22

Mental Ray, 161, 161f

Mini-Curve Editor, 7, 7f, 8, 55, 55f

Mirror mode, 147, 148, 149, 149f, 150

Modeling, and animation, 33


animated, 254

noise, 260

stack, 20, 237

sub-object of, 19f, 20

Modify Panel, 26, 48, 130, 136, 153, 166, 221

parameter adjustments in, 19

Morph Angle Deformer, 151

Morph Bent, 153, 153f

Morpher Modifier, 218, 222

Morphing, 130

Motion, 38, 41

of object, 5

realism of, 31

Motion Blur, 5f, 15

Motion Flow, 105

Motion Mixer, 90, 105, 111, 114

Motion Mixer Editor, 107

Motion Panel, 51, 78, 90, 229, 239, 247

Motion Panel Rollouts, 117

Move All Mode, 96

Multi-Pass Effect, 15


Name Selection Set, 91

Natural feel, 173, 173f

NeckNod, 173, 187

Noise Modifier, 260

Nonrenderable objects, 47

Normalizing, 142



control of appearance, 5f

motion, 5

Object out of view, animating with step-key tangent, 252–253

Object Properties, 5, 6

Object Properties Dialog, 6


Param Out-of-Range Repeats, 37

Parameters Panel, 237

Parametric slicing, animated, 254, 254f

Path Deform Binding, 237, 237f

Path Deform Modifier, 237

configuration of, 237f

Photographic Exposure Control, 162

Pivot of object, 19f, 22

Pivot selection, 228

Pop-off screen solution, in traditional animation, 251

Pose to pose motion, 194

Professional animators, 191

Properties Panel, 205, 205f

Prototype objects, 114

Push Modifier, 154


Quad Menu, 6



bipeds, 79

Havok 1 World Panel, 78

Havok Physics Engine, 78

Layers Rollout, 88

Motion Panel, 78

Reactor Toolbar, 83

Realistic clothing, animating, 196

Renaming files, command for, 30

Rendering controls, 5f

Rig, animation, 130

Right Click command, 34

RightEyeUpper/Lower sliders, 181

Robotic machine joints, 170

Rotoscoping, 127


S Key, 159

Scrubbing, 141

Secondary motion, 192

Set Driven Keys, 145

Set Key, 117, 119, 119f

Shell Modifier, 256

Shift Key, 12, 12f

Skin Modifier Panel, 132, 143, 147

Skin Morph deformer, 153

Skin Wrap Modifier, 153, 153f, 203

Skinning, 129, 130

SkyDome, 161

Slice Modifier, animated, 254, 255f, 255–259

Smooth tangent type, 38

Snapshots, 12f, 13

Softening, in joint, 135

Source clip, 110

Space warps, 47

Sphere, 36

Spin camera object, 157, 157f, 158

Spine top control, 75

Spine-head, 102

Spit-take, 182

Spline, 235

objects, 11

Spring Constraints, 205–216, 206f, 208f–215f

Spring Controller, 193f, 208, 209, 213, 214

Spring Dynamics tab, 214, 214f

Spring Parameters, 214

Spring-like effect, 193

Squeeze Modifier, 221

Step-key tangent, 252–253

Sub-object IDs, 21

Sub-object Spline level, 235

Sub-object Vertex level, 235

Sweep Modifier, 256


Tangent types

changing and viewing, 7

for keyframes, 37f, 43f, 252f

setting, 38

smooth, 38, 119f

step-key tangent, 252

3d object, 156

3d program, components of, 36

3ds MAX, 1, 21, 31

Hair and Fur system in, 202

Time Configuration button, 184

Time Configuration Panel, 42

Time slider, 8, 8f, 9, 121f, 171, 173, 175, 184, 185, 187, 224, 226, 241f

Time-based keys, 145

Timeline, 106, 221, 224f, 225, 241f

Black Range Bar at bottom of, 44f

scrubbing, 25, 40

Track View Curve Editors, 55

Traditional animation, pop-off screen solution in, 251

Transition track, 109

TurboSmooth Modifier, 151

Tweaking technique, 140


User interface, 2


Vertex, 130, 133, 136–139, 142

Weight Table, 137, 137f

Viewport, 19, 22, 26, 158, 162–166

Background, 163, 163f

Visual freeze, 159

Visualization, 115

Volume Select Modifier, 262, 262f


Whip-like motion, 195, 209

Wiring parameters, 229, 229f

World Space Modifier (WSM), 52

WSM, see World Space Modifier

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