
Different users have different goals, some users aim to have the stable installation without the need to pay much attention to it, some users prefer to be up-to-date with recent features, other users just want to give it a try and so on. That's why we reviewed all the above options of Redmine installation. Thus, there is no need to spend much time for setting up Redmine from sources, if you just want to play with it. So having read this chapter you now have an idea, which option is the best for you, and should be able to install Redmine quickly and easily.

Most probably you end up reading this chapter with the running Redmine. If it's so you can take time out to play with Redmine for a while. Doing this would be good because when you get back to the book you will understand what is written in the next chapters better.

However, remember, that the just installed Redmine is too raw. Before using it you should spend some time configuring it. That's what we are going to speak about in the next chapter. But don't expect to see only basic configuration there. We have only one chapter for configuring Redmine, so we will also review the advanced configuration. That's perhaps why the next chapter should be interesting not only for the ones, who will be configuring Redmine, but also for everyone else, as they will see, what powerful things can be done in Redmine.

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