First pillar - stay calm, cool, and collected

Here we are only citing some examples to help you reflect on the areas in which you could keep your own cool at work. For instance, a colleague says something potentially hurtful but you don't respond with a snide comment in fact, you just assume the other person is having a bad hair day.

Don't take things personally, as everybody is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. Something goes wrong, but you don't swear at your computer or kick the photocopier when they don't work, or take it out on the help desk or the administration personnel. Sometimes it is the small situations that irritate and annoy people the most, and yet they can be the easiest to fix, from a calming point of view.

Staying calm in these situations is a healthy level of emotional intelligence as emotions such as anger can be a health hazard. Someone makes a snide remark--you don't go over and over it, in your mind, and fester on it, you let it go and stay content. Imagine that the snide remark is floating on the air and now settles in the dark cloud above the head of the author of the snide remark, and heavy rain starts to pour on him/her. Use your imagination to create a positive mindset and change the mood. This means no waking up at three o'clock in the morning plotting revenge!

Having the emotional intelligence skills to avoid sulking, clamming up, and festering can bring sleep benefits. If you have to give a presentation to an executive you don't go into fear and anxiety. Instead, you do your best and shine, and get a nod from the CEO at the end to indicate he or she is impressed! Use your imagination and rehearsal, as practice makes perfect and eases the anxiety. When you apply your emotional intelligence skills to develop a sense of calm like this at work, emotional intelligence can enhance and increase your life and work satisfaction. You will no longer be buffeted by your environment and what happens to you. Instead, you will be able to take responsibility for your emotional reactions. Bliss! This is an example of high emotional intelligence worth developing.

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