Strategies to enhance emotional intelligent leadership

Emotional intelligent leadership is the skill of having the willingness to be in service, to help others to grow, and take charge and inspire with a vision.

Like influence, leadership is not restricted to hierarchical positions. Leaders can be found anywhere in an organization, especially emotional intelligent leaders. They can be at the bottom rung of the organizational ladder and still be able to perform their job in a way that has their co-workers following along after their example. Because they know how to work with people, keep the peace, use resources wisely, share the credit, and support and develop their people. As it relates to emotional intelligence, leadership involves appealing to and managing the emotions of others, in order to get the job done. That is why you cannot be an emotional intelligent leader if you don't know how to influence others. An emotional intelligent leader takes on a leadership role when they see the need, no matter what their position. They guide others' performance, they hold others accountable, and they lead by example. To build or enhance your emotional intelligence leadership, consistently practice the following:

  • Build optimism: Your boss does not want to hear what is wrong with a project--he wants to hear your suggestions for solving it or improving it.
  • Show enthusiasm: Personal energy is contagious, and so is the lack of it. No matter what the job is, complete it with a sense of urgency. When others notice, they will become enthusiastic also.
  • Be flexible: Show you can handle change by volunteering for a new project or by helping others with change.
  • Stop micromanaging: Delegate projects to the right employees.
  • Stand by your employees: Show you trust them, and they will be trustworthy.
  • Ask your peers for advice: When you are new to a leadership position, you don't know everything. Identify your most respected peers, and ask them how they have succeeded.
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