The INTP personality type

INTPs see the world as a big and complex machine where everything is interconnected and they love the challenge of analyzing these connections, even if they are a product of their imagination. Their open-mindedness makes them highly receptive to alternative theories as long as they are supported by logic and facts. Regardless of INTPs being very reserved, they can be very enthusiastic when a new idea piques their interest. Though, you can't expect outward fireworks of enthusiasm, a stare into the distance or a silent pacing is more their way of showing enthusiasm. After all, they don't search for emotional validation. They believe that the truth is of the utmost importance thus, most often, they hurt others' feelings with their straightforwardness. Yet, they expect that their honesty is appreciated and reciprocated. INTPs are very shy in any social setting such as parties or networking events, but even close friends might struggle to get into their hearts and minds. INTPs are considered insensitive because they dismiss subjectivity as irrational, failing to show timely sympathy when necessary. They are absent-minded to the extent of forgetting to sleep, rest, eat, and take care of their own health.

If an INTP during a conversation where he is trying to explain one of his brilliant ideas dismisses you with a "never mind," take it as an insult. Their open-mindedness can become a problem when the INTP delays the commitment to a decision with constant revisions and sometimes quitting even before they start.

INTP - strenghts and weaknesses

In the workplace, INTPs, whether they are in the position of colleagues, employees, or managers, love intellectual stimulation, freedom from social obligations, and solitude, though, because they have the tendency to live in their heads and vent inspiration and creativity randomly, they should be paired with a colleague that complements them so that all creativity doesn't get lost. Let's learn with the help of the following chart, the main traits of the INTP at work as an employee, subordinate, and manager:

INTP in the workplace

Emotional intelligence speaking, INTPs are considered emotionally closed off because they choose to ignore their own feelings and the feelings of others in favor of a logical analysis. Frequently, they recognize their emotions, or understand that something emotionally important has happened only after the damage is done. Since they are so fearful about acknowledging and/or sharing their feelings they are very selective about who they choose to associate with on a deeper level than mere acquaintances. Thus, INTPs needs to take action to improve their emotional intelligence in the following areas:

  • Social awareness and social skills: Regardless of the fact that they are open-minded to others' opinions or thoughts, INTPs often become frustrated, agitated, and even angry when others rely more on their thoughts and feelings to find a solution to a problem, than in logic. In this regard, INTPs need to improve their nonjudgment and acceptance of differences, with kindness, compassion, and mindfulness, even if the INTP finds it illogical or ineffective. The only real way to increase their level of emotional intelligence is to engage more with their emotions and with the emotions of others. Through more exposure and experience dealing with emotions, they will learn how to more accurately navigate them. They surely would significantly benefit from being more open toward the mental and emotional processes of their peers, allowing themselves to open up in response.
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