
In this chapter, we covered the best practices to attract the best IT fit to an open position, the best hiring practices for IT talent, and the rules to follow before and during an interview to have the best outcome. We also covered how to prepare for the interview and maintain a legal hire process, and how to master the behavioral and situational interview process to screen for emotional intelligence in all the candidates, especially in leadership roles, management, sales teams, and customer service.

You have learned that the best practices to attract the a good fit of a candidate to IT are: know what you need and make that clear to your candidate in the job description, use all the resources, speak IT to IT people, know your people, and understand the position's requirements.

You have learned that the best four practices to hire the best IT professional, with a lower turnover, are behavioral interviewing and situational interviewing, selection assessments, job tryouts, and background screening.

You have learned that to have the best outcome of an interview, you need to follow five simple rules: get clarity about the role and the questions you want to ask; use a consistent interview process for everyone; relax before the interviews; focus on the candidate rather your fear/anxiety; and be direct without being confrontational.

You have learned that when creating a job description, you need to follow the law and keep all your hiring processes legal.

You have learned to ask the right questions in order to master the behavioral and situational interview processes and to screen for emotional intelligence in a star candidate or in leadership, management, salespeople, and customer service candidates. In the next chapter, you will learn how a sales team uses self-awareness to debrief sales meetings, uses assertiveness to enhance opportunities, uses empathy to enhance trust and a rapport with prospects and customers, and uses mindfulness to be present and focused, and will deal with a potential problem and practice active listening.

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