Sample questions - self-awareness

The answers to the following questions will give you an insight into the level of self-awareness of the candidate:

  • Could you tell us about a situation where someone (colleague, stakeholder, client/customer, and so on) interpreted in a negative way something you did or said--even though, your intention was good? Could you explain to us why they gave a negative interpretation to your words/actions?
  • Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt uneasy and uncomfortable to the point you needed to adjust your behavior to fit in with the environment? How did you know that you needed to adjust your behavior to adapt? And what action did you take to adjust?
  • When you know in advance that you will be facing a stressful and negative situation, do you purposely prepare in advance to deal with it? What do you do to prepare yourself? And how does it work out?
  • Do you feel that you still miss a professional expertise or a skill?
  • We all have had times when we had to reach out to others for help Could you tell us when was the last time you asked for help in your work?
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