Strategies to enhance customer support

Customer support is the ultimate example of a tough mind and warm heart they are needed every day to reassure your customers and clients after something goes wrong with your product or service. Though, mindfulness, kindness, empathy, and compassion are the secret skills to endure the tough task of reassure your customers/clients and prevent highly stressful situations. Let's learn how to bring loving, kindness, empathy, and compassion to your customer support team:

  • Use mindful listening: Good listening means mindful listening, because listening takes a combination of intention and attention. Intention is showing a genuine interest in the other person in their experiences, views, feelings, and needs. Attention is being able to stay present, open, and unbiased as we receive others' complaints. We all love the sweet feeling of being heard with the heart. Though, being a good listener entails the ability to listen to oneself, to be self-aware of your own beliefs, opinions, needs, and fears.

To improve your self-awareness and enhance your listening skills, necessary to be an excellent customer support member, you need to do the following:

  • Check your emotions: "How am I feeling now? Is there anything preventing me from being fully present with the customer/client?" If you feel that something is in the way, decide whether it needs to be addressed first or whether it can wait until you are off service. Then return your full attention to the customer/client.
  • Be mindfully present: Be mindful of your calm and loving presence and extend it to the customer/client with the intention of listening fully and openly, with interest, empathy, and mindfulness. The customer/client will feel it and will be calmer.
  • Mirror the words of the customer/client: Paraphrasing or summarizing with the words used by the customer/client helps the other person feel heard.
  • Acknowledge the customer's/client's point of view: Before replying to the customer/client, acknowledge their point of view. Acknowledging is not agreeing with the client, but it involves making the customers/clients feel cared. Use friendly, open-ended questions to clarify your understanding and probe for more. Affirm before you differ.
  • Show the love: It is useful to find several ways to show your customers/clients how much you value, appreciate, and love them. They will return that love in various ways such as sharing your information, buying more, and ultimately becoming devoted fans and a constant source of referral business. Never miss an opportunity to thank your customers. Thank them on social media, thank them personally, and thank them on your blog. The more thanks you show to your customers, the more they are going to trust you.
  • Call them by their names: Yes, of course, your customers will know that much of the personalization in emails and so on is automated. Yet, their brains will notice it and appreciate it. Sending personal thank you notes with their names, especially if the note is hand-written, helps build relationships faster and make them much closer. When a customer spends a lot of money buying your products, a nice thank-you phone call is always appreciated. Even if you just leave a voice message, they will know that you thought enough about them to thank them. It is amazing how great a personal phone call can make people feel. And at the same time, you are building a trustworthy relationship.
  • Be easy to contact: Customers like when they have doubts or problems with your product and can easily contact you. A relationship is a never-ending process, we cannot stop building it. The best way to build a relationship is to have an open communication that is a two-way line. Ask open-ended questions, respond to your customer's questions, and help the communication flow back and forth.
  • Run a satisfaction survey: Give them some time to use your products or services, then send them a survey that asks about their satisfaction and take another opportunity to thank them.

The more you can surprise and delight your audience, the better. Doing just a little something can make all the difference. Try to think outside the box about the ways that you can please your customers, ways that are inexpensive to you but would mean a lot to them.

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