The consequences of having bad social skills

Usually, when one is a leader, manager, CEO, and so on, and lack the skill to managing others' emotions, this influence and shift the mood of the team in the workplace, a tense team and a miserable environment, with gossips, backstabbing, lack of engagement, is the result. We can see below the major consequences of lacking social skills:

  • Being able to manage your own emotions day-by-day, hour-by-hour, and even minute-by-minute when you are busy at work and in a highly pressurized environment, takes a high level of skill. You may find your work colleagues are tense and unhappy and stay that way. This can lead to fighting, backstabbing, gossiping, and unproductive working relationships. You may, therefore, end up stressed, tense, and agitated and find yourself having to work longer hours than you wanted.
  • You may avoid situations in which strong emotions arise so that when problems first occur you fail to nip them in the bud and just hope they will go away. Instead, they may escalate and cause even larger problems and difficulties in the future. One angry or upset team member can develop into a whole team being angry and upset if it is not dealt with early.
  • There may be low levels of employee engagement and productivity. It may be hard to you or your organization to attract or retain good quality staff so that you suffer from a high staff turnover. High staff turnovers waste money and resources.
  • You may feel uncomfortable engaging with people in difficult or tense situations because of their emotions and thus avoid completing important tasks, such as performance reviews with your senior managers or staff.
  • You may be unsettled or afraid if people are aggressive to you and you can't shift their emotions, which makes tasks such as handling customer complaints extraordinarily hard and stressful.
  • People may suck the life out of you so you end up overwhelmed and exhausted. You may be distracted from what you need to do if the people around you are unfocused and very excited.
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