Encrypting Local Databases

Security is an issue in every company, and should your laptop become lost or stolen, the information stored in your Notes databases is no longer secure.

To help ensure that company information is accessible only to your company employees, you might want to encrypt the local copies of databases on your laptop. To encrypt local copies, you must have Manager access to the database. You are the Manager of your mail database, so you can encrypt that without a problem. If you are going to travel with company-sensitive information contained in other databases, check with your Notes administrator before you make replicas of additional databases. Ask your administrator if he advises encryption and ask him to show you how you can have Manager access to the local copy when you first create the database(s) replicas.


Encryption Can Slow You Down! Encrypted databases can take a long time to open. Use encryption only if you have a real security issue.

To encrypt a local copy of a database, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the database icon on your Notes workspace and choose Database Properties.

  2. On the Basics tab, click the Encryption button.

  3. From the Locally encrypt this database using drop-down list, select Medium encryption. Select Strong encryption only if your system administrator instructs you to.

  4. Click OK.

In this lesson, you learned how mobile Mail differs from online Mail and how to use remote replication. In the next lesson, you will learn how to configure the Replicator page.

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