

3PDh (Three Peaks and a Domed House), 47

8-year intervals, 155–159

12-year intervals, 152, 159

15-year intervals, 149–150, 158

107-day counts, combining with LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 124–125

107-day intervals, Lindsay Timing Model, 100

107-Day Top-to-Top count, 95

1960s case study

1960-1961 advance, 204–205

1961-1962 decline, 208

1962-1966 advance, 208–211

1966 decline, 213–215

1966-1968 advance, 215–216

1968-1970 decline, 220–224


Adams, Brooks, 24

Adams, Henry, 24

The Advisor, 16

advisory service, 16

agitation, 25

Creative Concentration, 31–32

emotional, 29–31

unsuccessful revolts, 26–28

“An Aid to Thinking,” 12

Alphier, James, 16, 18

American Civil War, 26

analyst, 13–14

appearance of George Lindsay, 14

artist, 9–10

Ascending Middle Section, 191, 194–196



Domed House formation, 60–61

Symmetrical Base, 62

longer-than-normal Domed House, 66

basic advances, 163–166

declines following extended basic advances, 171–174

extended basic advances, 164

long basic advances, 164

short basic advances, 164

basic declines, 166–170

Basic Movements, 161

basic advances, 163–166

basic declines, 166–170

long-term intervals, 171

secondary low sequence, 176, 179

secondary lows, 174–176

sideways movements, 181–183

moving upward out of, 183–185

Standard Time Spans, 162–163

bear markets, 48

Bottom to Top Counts (BTC), 111

Brown, John, 16–18

BTC (Bottom to Top Counts), 111

bull markets, 48

shorter-than-normal Domed House, 67


calculation steps, Tri-Day Method, 81–82

Campaign GM, 15

case study: the 1960s

1960-1961 advance, 204–205

1961-1962 decline, 208

1962-1966 advance, 208–211

1966 decline, 213–215

1966-1968 advance, 215–216

1968-1970 decline, 220–224


identifying in Three Peaks and a Domed House, 42–47

of Three Peaks formations, 50–51, 54

Chicago Board of Trade, 10

Christian church, founding, 29

Clusters, 133–136

Coincident Counts, 130–133

Compact Top formations, 105–106

BTC (Bottom to Top Counts), 111

Clusters, 134

Double Bottom Top formations, 107

Double Top formations, 106

Final Dip, 109–110

Head-and-Shoulders Top formations, 108

PTC (Post Top Counts), 113–114

Range Dip, 110

Sinking Key Range, 114

Special Class, 112

Complex Arrangement, Tri-Day Method, 86–89


Coincident Counts, 130–133

Domed House formation, 62–64

expiring, 130

important counts, LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 123

LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 122, 137

medium-term counts, 161

Middle Section, 189, 192

Standard Time Spans, 193–194

minor counts, LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 123

Creative Concentration, 31–32

Cupola, Domed House formation, 75–77

cycles, 143

long-term, 144–148


dates, key dates, 103

Key Range, 104–105

Compact Top formations, 105–114

Major Top formations, 105, 115–116

death of George Lindsay, 20

declines, 166–170

Domed House formation, 75–77

expected size of LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 125–126

following extended basic advances, 171–174

Descending Middle Section, 191, 196–198

difficult to easy, 26

Domed House formation, 48, 59, 77

bases, 60–61

counts, 62–64

Cupola and the decline, 75–77

First Floor Roof, 70

false starts, 74

missing roofs, 72

roof rallies, 71–72

First Floor Wall, 69–70

longer-than-normal, 64

descending bases, 66

short bases, 66

Second Floor Wall, 74

shorter than normal, 67

Double Bottom Top formations, 107

Double Top formations, 106

Douglas Aircraft, 12


easy to difficult, 28

Einstein, Albert, 32

Elliott, R. N., 1

emotional agitations, 29–31

Enlightenment, Creative Concentration, 32

Esty, William, 10

expiring counts, 130

extended basic advances, 164


false starts, First Floor Roof

Domed House formation, 74

family history of George Lindsay, 7–8

Final Dip, 109–110

First Floor Roof, 45

Domed House formation, 70

false starts, 74

missing roofs, 72

roof rallies, 71–72

missing, shorter-than-normal Domed House, 67

First Floor Wall, 45

Domed House formation, 69–70

fractals, 54–56

funnel approach, 143


George Lindsay’s Opinion, 16

Georgel, Gaston, 24

Germany, unsuccessful revolts, 28

Granville, Joe, 17–18


Head-and-Shoulders Top formations, 108

Hirsch, Yale, 13, 18

Hitler, Adolf, 28


identifying characteristics, “Three Peaks and a Domed House,” 42–47

important counts, LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 123

intervals, 143

long-term, 146–149, 162

8-year intervals, 155–159

12-year intervals, 152, 159

15-year intervals, 149–150, 158

Basic Movements, 171

irregular timing, 3PDh (“Three Peaks and a Domed House”), 46

irregularities, Three Peaks formation, 50–51, 54


key dates, 103

Key Range, 104–105

Compact Top formations, 105–114

Major Top formations, 105, 115–116

Key Range, 104–105, 130

Compact Top formations, 105–106

BTC (Bottom to Top Counts), 111

Double Bottom Top formation, 107

Double Top formation, 106

Final Dip, 109–110

Head-and-Shoulders Top formation, 108

PTC (Post Top Counts), 113–114

Range Dip, 110

Sinking Key Range, 114

Special Class, 112

Major Top formations, 105, 115–116


Lindsay Sr., George, 8

Lindsay Timing Model, 64, 93–94, 100

introduction to, 95–98

Top-to-Top count, 96

tops, 99

Lindsay, Albert Loftus, 7

Lindsay, Frank Loftus, 8

Lindsay, George, 1–3

analyst, 13–14

artist, 9–10

death of, 20

family history, 7–8

Lindsay, Nellie Victoria Meyer, 7

LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 119–120, 137

combining with 107-day counts, 124–125

counts, 122

determining lows, 121–122

expected size of decline, 125–126

important counts, 123

minor counts, 123

LLH (Low-to-Low-to-High) intervals, 103

long basic advances, 164

long basic declines, 167

long-term cycles, 144–148

long-term interval

12-year intervals, 152, 159

15-year intervals, 149–150, 158

8-year intervals, 155–159

long-term intervals, 146–149, 162

Basic Movements, 171

longer-than-normal Domed House, 64

descending bases, 66

short bases, 66

Los Angeles, 12

lost manuscripts, 33

Low-Low-High Count (LLH), 119–120, 137

combining with 107-day counts, 124–125

counts, 122

determining lows, 121–122

expected size of decline, 125–126

important counts, 123

minor counts, 123

Low-to-Low-to-High intervals, 103


LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 121–122

secondary low sequence, 176, 179

secondary lows, 174–176


M-Pattern of history, 33

Major Top formations, 105, 115–116

Clusters, 133

trading ranges, 138

McKinley, President, 27

medium-term counts, 161

Middle Section, 189–191

Ascending Middle Section, 191–196

Descending Middle Section, 191–198

Standard Time Spans, 193–194

Middle Sections, counts, 192

minor counts, LLH (Low-Low-High Count), 123

minor formations, 54–56

missing roofs, First Floor Roof (Domed House formation), 72

Model 3, Tri-Day Method, 84–86

moving upward out of sideways movements, 183–185


Nader, Ralph, 15


On Balance Volume indicator, 18

“One Year Later: A Follow-Up of the Three Peaks and Domed House,” 40

The Other History, 23


Parker, Charlie, 3

patterns at secular bull market tops, shorter-than-normal Domed House, 67

physical appearance, 14

political views, 15–16

Post Top Counts (PTC), 113–114

Principle of Alternation, 170

Principle of Equalization, 47

PTC (Post Top Counts), 113–114


Range Dip, 110

retrograde movement, 26

revolts, unsuccessful, 26–28

Right Shoulder, 172

roof rallies, First Floor Roof (Domed House formation), 71–72

rounded effect at the top, 46

Rukeyser, Louis, 19

Rule of Continuity, 162


Second Floor Wall, 45

Domed House formation, 74

secondary low sequence, 176, 179

secondary lows, 174–176

Separating Decline

Three Peaks formations, 56–57

short basic advances, 164

short basic declines, 166

shorter-than-normal Domed House, 67

sideways movements, 164, 181–183

moving upward out of, 183–185

Sinking Key Range, 114

Special Class, 112

Special Rule, declines following extended basic advances, 171–174

square effect, 46

Standard Time Spans, 162–163

Middle Section, 193–194

Stock Trader’s Almanac, 18

subnormal, 164

subnormal basic decline, 166–170

Swingover ratio, 80

Symmetrical Base, 62


target dates, Lindsay Timing Model, 96

technical history, 23

Teisch, Stuart, 17

terminology, tops, 99

“Three Peaks and a Domed House,” 39

identifying characteristics, 42–47

Three Peaks formation, 49

characteristics and irregularities, 50–51, 54

minor formations, 54–56

Separating Decline, 56–57

time intervals, 25–26

agitation, 25

A Timing Method for Traders, 93

Timing Model, 64, 93–94, 100

introduction to, 95–98

Top-to-Top count, 96

tops, 99

Top-to-Top count, 125

Lindsay Timing Model, 96

Top-to-Top counts, 129

Topping Range. See Key Range

Topping Ranges, 117

tops, 99

track record, 17, 19

trading ranges, 137–138

Tri-Day Method, 79–80

calculation steps, 81–82

Complex Arrangement, 86–89

Model 3, 84–86

Swingover ratio, 80


unsuccessful revolts, 26–28


Victoria, Nellie, 8

violence of fluctuations, 122

von Reichenbach, Stromer, 24


Wall Street Week, 19–20


Yates, James, 9

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