

1966–69 bull market, major market top of, 27-29

final stages of, 44-47

1966–82 bear market, end of, 119-121

1968–70 bear market, major market bottom of, 71-74, 87-89

1969 market top, target calculations, 112-114

1970 market bottom, target calculations, 114-115

1970–73 bull market, major market top of, 29-31

final stages of, 47-48

1972–73 market top, target calculations, 115-116

1973–74 bear market, major market bottom of, 74-76, 89-91

1974–75 market bottom, target calculations, 117

1975–76 bull market, major market top of, 31-33

final stages of, 49-52

1976 market top, target calculations, 118-119

1980–81 bull market, major market top of, 33, 36

final stages of, 52-56

1981 market top, target calculations, 119-121

1981–82 bear market, major market bottom of, 77-78, 91-93

1982 market bottom, target calculations, 121-122

1982–2000 bull market

end of, 152

start of, 121-122

2000–2001 major market top, 151

Advance–Decline Line and, 157-159

major market indexes during, 152-157

NASDAQ Comp. Index during, 172-177

S&P 500 during, 167-172

S&P industry sectors and, 160-165

2000–2003 bear market

loss distribution in, 155

major market bottom of, 78-80, 93-96

2002–2003 market bottom, target calculations, 122-124

2003–2007 bull market, major market top of, 36-38

final stages of, 56-60

2007 market top, target calculations, 124-126

2007–2009 bear market

loss distribution in, 156

major market bottom of, 80-81, 96-99

S&P industry sectors and, 163-164

start of, 124-126

2008–2009 major market bottom, start of present bull market, 179-192

2009–present bull market, 179-192

30-week moving average (30-WMA)

calculating, 142-144

major market tops/bottoms and, 144-147

90% Days

in major market bottom identification, 64-67

in major market top identification, 25


accumulation phase (bull market life cycle), 20

Advance–Decline Line

calculating, 127-129

cyclical nature of, 140-142

during 2000–2001 market top, 157-159

major market tops/bottoms and, 129-138

operating companies only A–D Line, 138-140

AR (Automatic Rally) in major market bottom identification, 67-68

AR (Automatic Reaction) in major market top identification, 24, 40

Ayers, Leonard P., 128


Back Up to the Edge of the Creek in major market bottom identification, 86

basing pattern, 103

BC (Buying Climax) in major market top identification, 23, 40

bear markets. See also secular bear markets

1966–1982 bear market, end of, 119-121

2000–2003 bear market, loss distribution in, 155

2007–2009 bear market

loss distribution in, 156

S&P industry sectors and, 163-164

start of, 124-126

after major market tops

1968–69 market top, 44-47

1972–73 market top, 47-48

1976 market top, 49-52

1980–81 market top, 52-56

2007 market top, 56-60

life cycle of, 61-70

major market bottoms

1968–70 bear market, 71-74, 87-89

1973–74 bear market, 74-76, 89-91

1981–82 bear market, 77-78, 91-93

2000–2003 bear market, 78-80, 93-96

2007–2009 bear market, 80-81, 96-99

characteristics of, 62-71, 84-87

identifying, 195-196

target calculations

1969 market top, 112-114

1972–73 market top, 115-116

The Black Swan (Taleb), 151

Blumenthal, Earl, 105

bottoms. See major market bottoms

box size in point and figure charts, 104

bull markets. See also secular bull markets

1982–2000 bull market

end of, 152

start of, 121-122

2009–present bull market, 179-192

life cycle of, 20-21

major market tops

1966–69 bull market, 27-29, 44-47

1970–73 bull market, 29-31, 47-48

1975–76 bull market, 31-33, 49-52

1980–81 bull market, 33-36, 52-56

2003–2007 bull market, 36-38, 56-60

characteristics of, 21-27, 40-44

identifying, 194-195

phases of, 39-40

target calculations, 1970 market bottom, 114-115

Buying Climax (BC) in major market top identification, 23, 40

Buying Power Index

in Lowry Analysis, 17

in major market top identification, 25-26


Cause and Effect, 103-104


30-week moving average (30-WMA)

calculating, 142-144

major market tops/bottoms and, 144-147

Advance–Decline Line

calculating, 127-129

cyclical nature of, 140-142

major market tops/bottoms and, 129-138

operating companies only A–D Line, 138-140

point and figure charts

1969 market top, 112-114

1970 market bottom, 114-115

1972–73 market top, 115-116

1974–75 market bottom, 117

1976 market top, 118-119

1981 market top, 119-121

1982 market bottom, 121-122

2002–2003 market bottom, 122-124

2007 market top, 124-126

constructing, 105-108

explained, 104-105

target calculations, 108-111

counts in point and figure charts

1969 market top, 112-114

1970 market bottom, 114-115

1972–73 market top, 115-116

1974–75 market bottom, 117

1976 market top, 118-119

1981 market top, 119-121

1982 market bottom, 121-122

2002–2003 market bottom, 122-124

2007 market top, 124-126

calculating, 108-111

Creek in major market bottom identification, 85

cyclical markets, secular markets versus, 2


de Villiers, Victor, 105

Desmond, Paul, 25, 62, 64, 67

distribution phase (bull market life cycle), 21

DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average), 19

during 2000–2001 market top, 152-157

theoretical versus actual high and low, 113

Dow Theory, 13

Dow, Charles H., 11

downtrends. See bear markets


Elliott, Ralph N., 11

Falling through the Ice in major market top identification, 43

“flash crash,” 184-185

fractal nature of patterns, 193

Gann, William D., 11

“head and shoulders” top, 187-188

horizontal count, 108

“Identifying Bear Market Bottoms and New Bull Markets” (Desmond), 62

Jump Across the Creek in major market bottom identification, 85

Kirkpatrick, Charles, 138


Last Point of Supply (LPSY) in major market top identification, 42

Last Point of Support (LPS) in major market bottom identification, 85-86, 98

Law of Cause and Effect, 15, 103-104

Law of Effort vs. Result in Wyckoff Method, 15

Law of Supply and Demand

in Lowry Analysis, 13-14

in major market top identification, 25-26

measuring, 8

in Wyckoff Method, 12, 15

loss distribution

in 2000–2003 bear market, 155

in 2007–2009 bear market, 156

Lowry analysis

90% Days in major market bottom identification, 64-67

2000–2001 market top

NASDAQ Comp. Index during, 172-177

S&P 500 during, 167-172

2009–present bull market, 179-188

Buying Power Index in, 17

explained, 16-18

major market bottoms, characteristics of, 70-71, 86-87

major market tops, characteristics of, 24-27, 44

Selling Pressure Index in, 17

usefulness of, 193

Lowry, Lyman M., 7, 11, 83

biography, 12-14

Lowry Research, xv

LPS (Last Point of Support) in major market bottom identification, 85-86

LPSY (Last Point of Supply) in major market top identification, 42


The Magazine of Wall Street, 12

major market bottoms

30-week moving average (30-WMA) and, 144-147

1968–70 bear market, 71-74, 87-89

1973–74 bear market, 74-76, 89-91

1981–82 bear market, 77-78, 91-93

2000–2003 bear market, 78-80, 93-96

2007–2009 bear market, 80-81, 96-99

2008–2009 market bottom, start of present bull market, 179-192

Advance–Decline Line and, 129-138

characteristics of

Lowry analysis, 70-71, 86-87

Wyckoff analysis, 62-70, 84-86

identifying, 195-196

target calculations in point and figure charts, 108-111

1970 market bottom, 114-115

1974–75 market bottom, 117

1982 market bottom, 121-122

2002–2003 market bottom, 122-124

major market tops

30-week moving average (30-WMA) and, 144-147

1966–69 bull market, 27-29

final stages of, 44-47

1970–73 bull market, 29-31

final stages of, 47-48

1975–76 bull market, 31-33

final stages of, 49-52

1980–81 bull market, 33, 36

final stages of, 52-56

2000–2001 market top, 151

Advance–Decline Line and, 157-159

major market indexes during, 152-157

NASDAQ Comp. Index during, 172-177

S&P 500 during, 167-172

S&P industry sectors and, 160-165

2003–2007 bull market, 36-38

final stages of, 56-60

Advance–Decline Line and, 129-138

characteristics of, 21

combining Wyckoff and Lowry analyses, 26-27

Lowry analysis, 24-26, 44

Wyckoff analysis, 22-24, 40-42

identifying, 194-195

phases of, 39-40

target calculations in point and figure charts, 108-111

1969 market top, 112-114

1972–73 market top, 115-116

1976 market top, 118-119

1981 market top, 119-121

2007 market top, 124-126

market indexes during 2000–2001 market top, 152-157

market leadership as secular bull/bear indicator, 4

measuring Supply and Demand, 8

Mills, Mansfield, 14

moving averages, 30-week moving average (30-WMA)

calculating, 142-144

major market tops/bottoms and, 144-147

multicolinearity, 149

Murphy, John, 130


NASDAQ Advance–Decline Line, 127, 141

NASDAQ Comp. Index during 2000–2001 market top, 172-177

NASDAQ during 2000–2001 market top, 152-157

1966–69 bull market, major market top of, 27-29

final stages of, 44-47

1966–82 bear market, end of, 119-121

1968–70 bear market, major market bottom of, 71-74, 87-89

1969 market top, target calculations, 112-114

1970 market bottom, target calculations, 114-115

1970–73 bull market, major market top of, 29-31

final stages of, 47-48

1972–73 market top, target calculations, 115-116

1973–74 bear market, major market bottom of, 74-76, 89-91

1974–75 market bottom, target calculations, 117

1975–76 bull market, major market top of, 31-33

final stages of, 49-52

1976 market top, target calculations, 118-119

1980–81 bull market, major market top of, 33, 36

final stages of, 52-56

1981 market top, target calculations, 119-121

1981–82 bear market, major market bottom of, 77-78, 91-93

1982 market bottom, target calculations, 121-122

1982–2000 bull market

end of, 152

start of, 121-122

90% Days

in major market bottom identification, 64-67

in major market top identification, 25

NYSE Advance–Decline Line. See Advance–Decline Line


operating companies only (OCO) A–D Line, 138-140

P/E ratio as secular bull/bear indicator, 4

panic phase (bear market life cycle), 62

patterns, fractal nature of, 193

point and figure charts

constructing, 105-108

explained, 104-105

target calculations, 108-111

1969 market top, 112-114

1970 market bottom, 114-115

1972–73 market top, 115-116

1974–75 market bottom, 117

1976 market top, 118-119

1981 market top, 119-121

1982 market bottom, 121-122

2002–2003 market bottom, 122-124

2007 market top, 124-126

The Point and Figure Method of Anticipating Stock Price Movements (de Villiers), 105

Preliminary Supply (PSY) in major market top identification, 23, 40

Preliminary Support (PS) in major market bottom identification, 63-65

price as secular bull/bear indicator, 2

price/earnings ratio as secular bull/bear indicator, 4

Pring, Martin, 130

Pruden, Henry O., xv-xvi

PS (Preliminary Support) in major market bottom identification, 63-65

PSY (Preliminary Supply) in major market top identification, 23, 40


recessions. See bear markets

reversal amount in point and figure charts, 104

S&P 500 during 2000–2001 market top, 152-157, 167-172

S&P industry sectors

2000–2001 market top and, 160-165

2007–2009 bear market and, 163-164

S&P Mid and Small Cap Indexes, 153

SC (Selling Climax) in major market bottom identification, 65-67

Secondary Test (ST)

in major market bottom identification, 68-69

in major market top identification, 24, 41

secular bear markets

1966–1982 bear market, end of, 119-121

investment examples, 6-7

secular bull markets versus, 2-6

secular bull markets

1982–2000 bull market

end of, 152

start of, 121-122

investment examples, 6-7

secular bear markets versus, 2-6

secular markets. See also secular bear markets; secular bull markets

cyclical markets versus, 2

defined, 2

Selling Climax (SC) in major market bottom identification, 65-67

Selling Pressure Index

in Lowry Analysis, 17

in major market top identification, 25-26

Shakeouts in major market bottom identification, 69-70

Sign of Strength (SOS) in major market bottom identification, 85

Sign of Weakness (SOW) in major market top identification, 42

Silver Thursday, 33

Springs in major market bottom identification, 69-70

ST (Secondary Test)

in major market bottom identification, 68-69

in major market top identification, 24, 41

Study Helps in Point and Figure Technique (Wheelan), 105

Supply and Demand

in Lowry Analysis, 13-14

in major market top identification, 25-26

measuring, 8

in Wyckoff Method, 12, 15


Taleb, Nassim, 151

target calculations with point and figure charts, 108-111

1969 market top, 112-114

1970 market bottom, 114-115

1972–73 market top, 115-116

1974–75 market bottom, 117

1976 market top, 118-119

1981 market top, 119-121

1982 market bottom, 121-122

2002–2003 market bottom, 122-124

2007 market top, 124-126

Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians (Kirkpatrick), 139

Terminal Upthrust in major market top identification, 42

30-week moving average (30-WMA)

calculating, 142-144

major market tops/bottoms and, 144-147

The Ticker Magazine, 12

tops. See major market tops

2000–2001 major market top, 151

Advance–Decline Line and, 157-159

major market indexes during, 152-157

NASDAQ Comp. Index during, 172-177

S&P 500 during, 167-172

S&P industry sectors and, 160-165

2000–2003 bear market

loss distribution in, 155

major market bottom of, 78-80, 93-96

2002–2003 market bottom, target calculations, 122-124

2003–2007 bull market, major market top of, 36-38

final stages of, 56-60

2007 market top, target calculations, 124-126

2007–2009 bear market

loss distribution in, 156

major market bottom of, 80-81, 96-99

S&P industry sectors and, 163-164

start of, 124-126

2008–2009 major market bottom, start of present bull market, 179-192

2009–present bull market, 179-192


Upthrust after Distribution (UT) in major market top identification, 41-42

uptrends. See bull markets

vertical count, 108

volume, quantifying, 194

weight of evidence, 127

Wheelan, Alexander, 105

Wyckoff analysis

2000–2001 market top

NASDAQ Comp. Index during, 172-177

S&P 500 during, 167-172

2009–present bull market, 188-192

Law of Cause and Effect, 103-104

major market bottoms, characteristics of, 62-70, 84-86

major market tops, characteristics of, 22-27, 40-42

point and figure charts, 104

usefulness of, 193

Wyckoff Method

explained, 15-16

Law of Cause and Effect in, 15

Law of Effort vs. Result in, 15

Law of Supply and Demand in, 15

Wyckoff, Richard D., 7

biography, 11-12

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