5.2 Hierarchical Object Search with Top-down Instructions

Most visual attention models are based on low-level features that may not concern a complete object and they aim to find some salient locations namely space-based saliency. However, in some scenes these salient locations may not represent any significant object. In the other words, salient locations are probably speckle noise or blemishes on the image that is unrelated to any interesting object. A lot of recent literature [35–40] suggests an object-based attention to directly locate significant objects. For an example of object-based attention, two overlapped objects or a blocked object in a scene, which are difficult to pop out in space-based attention, can still draw observers' attention in some cases. In addition, one object probably has very complex structure: several features constituting the same object or an object group maybe includes several small objects. In that case, space-based visual attention will not be effectual. For example, some salient locations extracted from these low-level features do not contain any significant object, and thereby object-based visual attention models and the models integrating both object-based and location-based attentions have been proposed in the literature of psychophysics and computer vision [35–38].

A hierarchical object search model [13] proposed in 2003 is a typical object-based computational model with top-down instructions of a simple binary code flag. All competition in the model is not only based on pixels, but also based on object groupings. The object groupings in a scene are not always salient, but if an object grouping is related to the features of the observer's requirement its salience will be enhanced through top-down controlling of the competition between different groupings and between a grouping and its surroundings. An interesting issue [13] is to simulate a hierarchical object search in different scales when a large object grouping at a coarse resolution becomes an attention focus which is of interest to the observers. Each small object grouping within the large object grouping is attentive at the fine resolution at almost the same location, and then the smaller object grouping is searched by the observers at the finer scale if necessary and so on until the required object grouping or object is found. Taking the example of looking for your son in a park as mentioned above, if you know that your son is playing with his friends. You first search the group of children with the similar ages as him in the square, and then search each child in the selected group in details. This search process (from coarse to fine resolution) is like the covert search case (covert attention). Of course, this model can also carry out overt attention as most bottom-up and top-down computational models do; when the top-down signal representing the observer's idea indicates that a deep search is not needed, the inhibition of return will reset the current focus and then the eye will move to other salient object groupings. Consequently, a hierarchical object search model covers both overt and covert attention that will be determined by top-down instructions. In this section, we mainly introduce object-based covert attention.

The hierarchical object search model includes (1) perceptual grouping; (2) bottom-up information extraction and computation of the grouping-based saliency map; (3) top-down instruction and integrated competition; (4) hierarchical selection from top-down instructions.

5.2.1 Perceptual Grouping

In object-based attention, the grouping processes and perceptual organization play an integral role. The groupings are the primary perceptual units that embed object and space in saliency estimation. However, perceptual grouping is a complex issue which involves in a lot of facts related to bottom-up and top-down information. In a bottom-up process, spatial proximity, feature similarity, continuity and shared properties are often considered as a grouping or an attention unit. For instance, two boats on a river can be classified as two groupings because of the different colours of the surrounding (water) and the discontinuity of the two boats. The water in the river and the bank on both sides of the river can be regarded as two other groupings. In a top-down process, the prior knowledge, experience and required task guide the grouping of the scene. Actually, the bottom-up and top-down processes are interlaced with each other. In [13], the grouping is generated by manual preprocessing on gestalt principles. An example of finding some persons (as top-down heuristic knowledge) in a scene is shown in Figure 5.3. By sharing common features (colour or orientation) and by separating from their surroundings with different features (water), under top-down guidance (with the aim being searching for persons), the image of Figure 5.3 is organized into two groupings related to the persons: one is the person grouping on the boat and the other is the person grouping on the bank, denoted as 1 and 2 in the rings of Figure 5.3, respectively. Two objects (persons) belonging to each of the two large groupings respectively may be segmented into a multilevel structure, from person groupings, single person, face of each person and so on. In Figure 5.3 we only draw two levels: person grouping (marked as 1 and 2) and single person (marked 1–1, 1–2, 2–1 and 2–2), with the number after the hyphen denoting the objects in the next level.

Figure 5.3 Perceptual grouping in two levels


In the following description of the hierarchical object search model, we suppose that the grouping has been segmented in the preprocessing stage.

5.2.2 Grouping-based Salience from Bottom-up Information

Suppose all grouping segmentations in the input colour image have been finished. The calculation of a grouping saliency map from bottom-up information includes extraction of primary features (colour, intensity and orientation) at different scales, contrast computation of the grouping at each feature channel in the same scale and the combination of the salient components in all features of the grouping:

1. Extraction of primary features
As mentioned in Chapter 3, for a pure bottom-up BS model, the input colour image is decomposed into multiscale feature maps by filtering processing via several kinds of filters to generate nine pyramids below: four broadly tuned colours R (red), G (green), B (blue) and Y (yellow), one intensity and four orientations with the scales (1, 2, . . . l). The computation of the grouping salience is based on each feature at the same pyramid scale level.
2. Contrast computation
Since any grouping, regardless of its size, consists of the pixels, the contrast of each pixel is first considered. It is not like the BS model. In this model, the contrast computation is at a same scale, and the properties in each pixel of a grouping can represent a tensor composed of a four-dimensional colour vector (R, G, B, Y), one-dimensional achromatic intensity (pI) vector and a four-dimensional orientation vector (θ).


where xp,R is the property tensor of a pixel x in the grouping R. The computation of the property tensor contrast contains two colour opponents and one intensity opponent and orientations (0, π/4, π/2, 3π/4) in different locations in the same pyramid scale level. Since the colour contrast (opponent-colour R/G, B/Y) and achromatic intensity contrast (white/black) have a close relationship with each other in the visual contrast process, the colour and intensity channels are integrated together in the salience computation. If x and y are two pixels in the grouping R at a given scale and time, the property contrast between x and y can be computed in double colour opponent (R/G, B/Y) and intensity differences as follows:

(5.8) equation

where img and img are the weighting parameters and the subscript R in img and img is omitted for simplification. The salience of colour intensity between pixels x and y is

(5.9) equation

where α and β are the constants, α + β = 1. Let Nx be the neighbourhood of x and ykNx (k = 1, 2, . . . n × m − 1) be a neighbour, the colour intensity salience of x can be calculated as

(5.10) equation

where img is the Gaussian distance which is inversely proportional to the Euclidean distance between x and yk, and it makes the saliency decrease with increasing distance. It is obvious from Equation 5.10 that the larger the property's difference between pixel x and its neighbourhood, the more salient the pixel x is.

The computation of orientation salience is more complicated than the salience of colour intensity, because it needs to consider the situation of homogeneity/heterogeneity of each neighbourhood point. Here we do not explain it in detail, in order to concentrate on the model's main idea. The detailed equations can be found in [13].

If θx,y is the orientation difference between pixels x and y, the orientation contrast of x to y is defined as

(5.11) equation

where sin(.) is sine function for the angle θx,y. After the computation for neighbourhood pixels of x and considering the case of homogeneity/heterogeneity in the neighbourhood, the orientation salience of the pixel x can be expressed as

(5.12) equation

where img is the neighbourhood of pixel x in the radius r (r = 1, the neighbourhood of x is eight pixels, and r ≠ 1, img has 8r2 pixels in the neighbourhood of x), the function img represents a complex computation for orientation salience. Equations 5.85.12 show the neighbour inhibited effect if the properties of neighbour pixels are similar to the pixel under consideration.

Suppose xi is a component within a grouping img, where xi may be either a pixel (point) or a subgrouping within the grouping img. The integrated grouping salience can defined as

(5.13) equation

where img and img are the weighting coefficients that denote the contributions of the colour intensity and the orientation properties to the grouping saliency. The more generalized equation for the grouping salience representing the inhibited effect or contrast computation between the groupings or between the subgroupings is described as follows.

Suppose R is an arbitrary given grouping at the current resolution scale at time t, Θ is the surroundings of R and the subgroupings in img and in Θ is denoted as imgi and imgj respectively which satisfies img, img, the salience for colour intensity SCI and the salience for orientation Sθ of subgrouping Ri can be calculated by

(5.14) equation

where fCI and fθ are the functions to calculate colour intensity salience and orientation salience between imgi and imgj, respectively, as the computation of pixel salience mentioned above. Here the subgroupings imgi and imgj can be object, region or pixel. The final salience of the grouping imgi is given as

(5.15) equation

where img is normalization and integration function.

Consequently, the salience of a grouping is to integrate all components of spatial location, features and objects in the grouping together, which includes the calculated contrast within a grouping (each pixel with its neighbour pixels, each subgrouping with other surrounding subgroupings) and the competition between the grouping and other surrounding groupings. It is illustrated by the following example. A garden with many flowers in full bloom and a group of persons on the background of a green lawn is regarded as two groupings, 1 and 2. Each single flower of grouping 1 or each single person in grouping 2 are regarded as the subgrouping in their respective groupings. Without loss generality, we first consider the salience of grouping 1. All the pixels' salience (contrast between the pixels) within grouping 1 and outside of the grouping 1 (pixels in the green lawn or in grouping 2) and all single flowers' salience (contrast between the subgroupings) within grouping 1 and out of grouping 1 are integrated together to generate the salience of grouping 1. The salience of grouping 2 can also be computed in the same manner.

We need to bear in mind that Equations 5.85.15 operate at a given resolution scale and in a given time, each scale of the pyramid has the saliency map with their groupings. In addition, the computation of groupings' salience is only based on bottom-up information.

5.2.3 Top-down Instructions and Integrated Competition

In the model, the bottom-up salience of various groupings at each pyramid level is dynamically generated via the competition between these groupings, and the visual saliency interaction with top-down attentive bias. How does the top-down bias influence the competition? If the competition is implemented by a WTA neural network mentioned in Chapter 3, then one method is that the top-down control signal influences the dynamic threshold for neuron firing on each pyramid level and each location, the activity on the neuron with high threshold will be suppressed and otherwise will be enhanced. However, the adaptation for each neuron at each pyramid level is time-consuming. Another idea is the top-down bias for special objects or groupings in the scene, which is also complicated since it is related to object recognition in the high-level processing of the brain. In the model, the top-down bias only acts on the level of two basic features (colour intensity and orientation), which is set to four states encoded by the flag with a binary code for the current bottom-up input at any competition moment:

1. Positive priming (flag ‘01’): all groupings with a positive priming feature will gain a preferment of competition and at the same time other groupings are suppressed.
2. Negative priming (flag ‘10’): all groupings with a negative priming feature will be suppressed and at the same time other groupings are enhanced.
3. Aimless or free (flag ‘00’): all groupings compete for visual attention in a pure bottom-up way.
4. Unavailable state (flag ‘11’): no visual attention is available at the moment; that is, the attention of all groupings having these features is prevented.

The code (00, 01, 10, 11) as the top-down instruction is set to each feature channel on each pyramid level by the observer and is integrated in the course of competition. Another kind of top-down instruction is a flag for ‘view details’ which finishes the hierarchical selectivity in the different resolutions, as follows.

5.2.4 Hierarchical Selection from Top-down Instruction

Hierarchical selectivity is implemented on the interaction between grouping salience and top-down instruction (flag 1 and flag 0). Flag ‘0’ means that the winner grouping will continue to explore its details, where ‘details’ refers to the subgroupings within the winner grouping, if the salient object exists at the current resolution or the finer resolution (covert attention). Flag ‘1’ means that the attention focus is shifted from the current winner grouping to the next potential winner grouping at the same resolution if the potential winner groupings exist. The competition between the groupings first occurs at the coarsest resolution and the winner grouping pops out at the coarsest resolution, and then a top-down control flag determines if the search continues to view the details within the winner grouping or to shift attention out of the winner grouping. There are four states for the hierarchical attention selectivity:

1. If the flag is ‘0’, the local competition is started first among the subgroupings within the winner grouping at the current resolution and then among the subgroupings at the finer resolution until the most salient subgrouping wins the attention. Of course, the search can go on at the finest resolution if needed.
2. When the winner grouping in the coarsest resolution receives a flag ‘1’, an inhibition of the return mechanism reduces the current winner grouping to make the next competitor become the winner. The new winner can repeat steps 1 and 2.
3. The local competition between subgroupings at the fine resolution needs to consider the order of the next potential winner. Since each subgrouping has its parent at its coarser resolution. So the most salient unattended subgrouping that is a sibling of the current subgrouping and shares the common parent, which should gain the first priority. If the most salient unattended subgrouping is not available, the parent's sibling of the current attended subgrouping gets the priority.
4. If no winner can be obtained in the fine resolution, a backtracking operation to coarser resolution is executed, and then steps 1–4 repeat.

Figure 5.4 shows an example of the hierarchical search from a coarse resolution to a fine resolution. The groupings 1 and 2 in coarser resolution are a boat with several people and the people on the bridge, respectively. In the coarser resolution the two groupings have high salience since the people are wearing coloured clothes in a sombre environment. First, in coarser resolution the grouping 1 is the winner and the top-down flag shows ‘0’, so it needs a detailed search in subgroupings within the boat. Subgrouping 1–1 is a girl wearing flamboyant clothing. She can pop out in the coarser resolution, but other people on the boat need to be searched at fine resolution. The order of the search is subgrouping 1–1, 1–2, 1–3 and 1–4 via inhibition of the return mechanism. After that, there are no salient objects, so the search is backtracked to grouping 2 and continues the subgroupings 2–1 to 2–2 if the ‘view details’ flag rises.

Figure 5.4 Hierarchical searching of an object from coarser resolution to fine resolution


In summary, the hierarchical object search model has two specialties compared with other models: one is that it integrates object-based and space-based attention by using grouping-based salience to treat the dynamic visual task, and the other is hierarchical selectivity from low resolution to high resolution which is coincident with human behaviour. The weakness of the model is that the top-down instruction needs the observer's intervention, and the determination of the perceptual grouping needs preprocessing such as image segmentation or the subject's intervention and so on.

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