Brief Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

MVP contributors and their chapters



About War Child

About this Book

About SQL Server MVPs

1. Database design and architecture

Chapter 1. Louis and Paul’s 10 key relational database design ideas

Chapter 2. SQL Server tools for maintaining data integrity

Chapter 3. Finding functional dependencies

2. Database Development

Chapter 4. Set-based iteration, the third alternative

Chapter 5. Gaps and islands

Chapter 6. Error handling in SQL Server and applications

Chapter 7. Pulling apart the FROM clause

Chapter 8. What makes a bulk insert a minimally logged operation?

Chapter 9. Avoiding three common query mistakes

Chapter 10. Introduction to XQuery on SQL Server

Chapter 11. SQL Server XML frequently asked questions

Chapter 12. Using XML to transport relational data

Chapter 13. Full-text searching

Chapter 14. Simil: an algorithm to look for similar strings

Chapter 15. LINQ to SQL and ADO.NET Entity Framework

Chapter 16. Table-valued parameters

Chapter 17. Build your own index

Chapter 18. Getting and staying connected—or not

Chapter 19. Extending your productivity in SSMS and Query Analyzer

Chapter 20. Why every SQL developer needs a tools database

Chapter 21. Deprecation feature

Chapter 22. Placing SQL Server in your pocket

Chapter 23. Mobile data strategies

3. Database Administration

Chapter 24. What does it mean to be a DBA?

Chapter 25. Working with maintenance plans

Chapter 26. PowerShell in SQL Server

Chapter 27. Automating SQL Server Management using SMO

Chapter 28. Practical auditing in SQL Server 2008

Chapter 29. My favorite DMVs, and why

Chapter 30. Reusing space in a table

Chapter 31. Some practical issues in table partitioning

Chapter 32. Partitioning for manageability (and maybe performance)

Chapter 33. Efficient backups without indexes

Chapter 34. Using database mirroring to become a superhero!

Chapter 35. The poor man’s SQL Server log shipping

Chapter 36. Understated changes in SQL Server 2005 replication

Chapter 37. High-performance transactional replication

Chapter 38. Successfully implementing Kerberos delegation

Chapter 39. Running SQL Server on Hyper-V

4. Performance Tuning and Optimization

Chapter 40. When is an unused index not an unused index?

Chapter 41. Speeding up your queries with index covering

Chapter 42. Tracing the deadlock

Chapter 43. How to optimize tempdb performance

Chapter 44. Does the order of columns in an index matter?

Chapter 45. Correlating SQL Profiler with PerfMon

Chapter 46. Using correlation to improve query performance

Chapter 47. How to use Dynamic Management Views

Chapter 48. Query performance and disk I/O counters

Chapter 49. XEVENT: the next event infrastructure

5. Business intelligence

Chapter 50. BI for the relational guy

Chapter 51. Unlocking the secrets of SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Chapter 52. Reporting Services tips and tricks

Chapter 53. SQL Server Audit, change tracking, and change data capture

Chapter 54. Introduction to SSAS 2008 data mining

Chapter 55. To aggregate or not to aggregate—is there really a question?

Chapter 56. Incorporating data profiling in the ETL process

Chapter 57. Expressions in SQL Server Integration Services

Chapter 58. SSIS performance tips

Chapter 59. Incremental loads using T-SQL and SSIS


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