Implementing a basic terms database

As you know, natural language processing has many applications:

  • Full text search as implemented by commercial and open source search engines
  • Clustering of documents
  • Classification, for example to determine the type of text or the sentiment in the context of a product review

To perform these tasks, we need to calculate features such as TF-IDF scores (refer to Stemming, lemmatizing, filtering, and TF-IDF scores). Especially, with large datasets, it makes sense to store the features for easy processing. Search engines use inverted indices, which map words to web pages. This is similar to the association table pattern (refer to Implementing association tables).

We will implement the association table pattern with three tables. One table contains the words, another will implement the association table pattern with three tables. One table contains the words, another table holds the information about the documents, and the third table links the other two tables as shown in the following schema:

Implementing a basic terms database

How to do it...

The program is in the file in this book's code bundle:

  1. The imports are as follows:
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy import Column
    from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
    from sqlalchemy import Float
    from sqlalchemy import Integer
    from sqlalchemy import String
    from sqlalchemy.orm import backref
    from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
    import os
    import dautil as dl
    from nltk.corpus import brown
    from sqlalchemy import func
    import ch8util
    Base = declarative_base()
  2. Define the following class for the text documents:
    class Text(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'texts'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        file = Column(String, nullable=False, unique=True)
        terms = relationship('Term', secondary='text_terms')
        def __repr__(self):
            return "Id=%d file=%s" % (, self.file)
  3. Define the following class for the words in the articles:
    class Term(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'terms'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        word = Column(String, nullable=False, unique=True)
        def __repr__(self):
            return "Id=%d word=%s" % (, self.word)
  4. Define the following class for the association of documents and words:
    class TextTerm(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'text_terms'
        text_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
        term_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
        tf_idf = Column(Float)
        text = relationship('Text', backref=backref('term_assoc'))
        term = relationship('Term', backref=backref('text_assoc'))
        def __repr__(self):
            return "text_id=%s term_id=%s" % (self.text_id, self.term_id)
  5. Define the following function to insert entries in the texts table:
    def populate_texts(session):
        if dl.db.not_empty(session, Text):
            # Cowardly refusing to continue
        fids = brown.fileids(categories='news')
        for fid in fids:
  6. Define the following function to insert entries in the terms table:
    def populate_terms(session):
        if dl.db.not_empty(session, Term):
            # Cowardly refusing to continue
        terms = ch8util.load_terms()
        for term in terms:
  7. Define the following function to insert entries in the association table:
    def populate_text_terms(session):
        if dl.db.not_empty(session, TextTerm):
            # Cowardly refusing to continue
        text_ids = dl.collect.flatten(session.query(
        term_ids = dl.collect.flatten(session.query(
        tfidf = ch8util.load_tfidf()
        logger = dl.log_api.conf_logger(__name__)
        for text_id, row, in zip(text_ids, tfidf):
  'Processing {}'.format(text_id))
            arr = row.toarray()[0]
                [{'text_id': text_id, 'term_id': term_id,
                  'tf_idf': arr[i]}
                 for i, term_id in enumerate(term_ids)
                 if arr[i] > 0]
  8. Define the following function to perform a search with keywords:
    def search(session, keywords):
        terms = keywords.split()
        fsum = func.sum(TextTerm.tf_idf)
        return session.query(TextTerm.text_id, fsum).
            join(Term, TextTerm).
  9. Call the functions we defined with the following code:
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        dbname = os.path.join(, 'news_terms.db')
        session = dl.db.create_session(dbname, Base)
        printer = dl.log_api.Printer()
        printer.print('id, tf_idf', search(session, 'baseball game'))

We performed a search for "baseball game." Refer to the following screenshot for the end result (file IDs and TF-IDF sums):

How to do it...

How it works

We stored TF-IDF scores using the association table database pattern. As an example of using the database, we queried for "baseball game." The query looked up the IDs of both words in the terms table and then summed the related TF-IDF scores in the association table. The sums serve as a relevancy score. Then, we presented the corresponding file IDs with relevancy scores in descending order. If you are showing the result to end users, you will have to do at least one more query to replace the file IDs with filenames. As it happens, the files we are analyzing are named ca01 to ca44, so the query is not strictly necessary.

Because I had the TF-IDF scores already, I found it convenient to store them directly. However, you can also decide to store the term frequency and inverse document frequency and derive the TF-IDF scores from those. You only need to determine the term frequency for each new document and the words in the document. All the inverse document frequencies need to be updated when documents are added or removed. However, establishing a link via the association table is already enough to calculate the term frequency, inverse document frequency, and TF-IDF scores.

See also

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