Ranking stocks with the Sharpe ratio and liquidity

The Sharpe ratio, defined by William Sharpe, is a fundamental investing metric. The ratio is given as follows:

Ranking stocks with the Sharpe ratio and liquidity

The ratio depends on the returns of the asset and the returns of a benchmark. We will use the S&P 500 index as the benchmark. The ratio is supposed to represent a reward to risk ratio. We want to maximize reward while minimizing risk, which corresponds to maximizing the Sharpe ratio.

Another important investing variable is liquidity. Cash is the ultimate liquid asset, but most other assets are less liquid, which means that they change value when we try to sell or buy them. We will use trading volume in this recipe as a measure of liquidity. (Trading volume corresponds to the number of transactions for a financial asset. Liquidity measures how liquid an asset is—how easy it is to buy or sell it.)

How to do it...

You can find the code in the sharpe_liquidity.ipynb file in this book's code bundle:

  1. The imports are as follows:
    import numpy as np
    import dautil as dl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import ch7util
  2. Define the following function to calculate the ratio and logarithm of the average trading volume:
    def calc_metrics(ticker, ohlc):
        stock = ohlc.get(ticker)
        sp500 = ohlc.get('^GSPC')
        merged = ch7util.merge_sp500(stock, sp500)
        rets_stock = ch7util.log_rets(merged['Adj Close_stock'])
        rets_sp500 = ch7util.log_rets(merged['Adj Close_sp500'])
        stock_sp500 = rets_stock - rets_sp500
        sharpe_stock = stock_sp500.mean()/stock_sp500.std()
        avg_vol = np.log(merged['Volume_stock'].mean())
        return (sharpe_stock, avg_vol)
  3. Calculate the metrics for our basket of stocks from the ch7util module:
    dfb = dl.report.DFBuilder(cols=['Ticker', 'Sharpe', 'Log(Average Volume)'])
    ohlc = dl.data.OHLC()
    for symbol in ch7util.STOCKS:
        sharpe, vol = calc_metrics(symbol, ohlc)
        dfb.row([symbol, sharpe, vol])
    df = dfb.build(index=ch7util.STOCKS)
  4. Plot the ratio and logarithm average volume for the stocks:
    _, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(df['Log(Average Volume)'], df['Sharpe'])
    dl.plotting.plot_polyfit(ax, df['Log(Average Volume)'], df['Sharpe'])
    dl.plotting.plot_text(ax, df['Log(Average Volume)'],
                          df['Sharpe'], ch7util.STOCKS)
    ax.set_xlabel('Log(Average Volume)')
    ax.set_title('Sharpe Ratio & Liquidity')

Refer to the following screenshot for the end result:

How to do it...

See also

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