Subscribing to a filter

You have seen in Chapter 8Emails and Notifications, that Jira is able to send out emails when certain events occur to keep the users updated. With filters, Jira takes this feature one step further by allowing users to subscribe to a filter.

When you subscribe to a filter, Jira will run a search based on the filter and send you the results in an email. You can specify the schedule of when and how often Jira should perform this. For example, you can set up a subscription to have Jira send you the results every morning before you come to work so when you open up your mail inbox, you will have a full list of issues that require your attention.

To subscribe to a filter, you will need to be able to see the filter (either created by you or shared with you by other users):

  1. Browse to the Manage Filters page.
  2. Locate the filter you wish to subscribe to.
  3. Click on the Subscribe link for the filter.
  4. Select the recipient of the subscription. Normally, this will be you (Personal Subscription). You can also create subscriptions for other people by selecting a group.
  5. Check the Email this filter even if there are no issues found option if you wish to have an email sent to you if there are no results returned from the filter. This can be useful to make sure that the reason you are not getting emails is not other errors.
  6. Specify the frequency and time when Jira can send you the emails.

This is shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click on the Subscribe button. This will create the subscription and take you back to the Manage Filters page. The Subscribe link will increment the number of subscriptions; for example, 1 Subscription.
  2. Click on the 1 Subscription link to verify the subscription is created correctly.
  3. Click on the Run now link to test your new subscription:

You should see something like the above on your subscription screen once you are done.

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