Setting up permissions

The first thing you need to do when you start setting up permissions is to try and match the existing Jira permissions to your requirements. In our case, we want to do the following:

  • Restrict who can assign issues
  • Restrict who can be assigned to an issue
  • Disable issues from being moved

Looking at the existing list of Jira permissions, you can see that we can match the requirements with the Assign IssuesAssignable Users, and Move Issues permissions, respectively.

Once you work out what permissions you need to modify, the next step is to work out a strategy to specify users that should be given the permissions. Restricting the Move Issue options is simple. All you have to do is remove the permission for everyone, thus effectively preventing anyone from moving issues in your project.

The next two requirements are similar, as they are both granted to the reporter (the user that submitted the ticket) and our new hr-team group:

  1. Browse to the Permission Schemes pages
  2. Click on the Permissions link for HR Permission Scheme
  3. Click on the Grant permission button
  4. Select both the Assign Issues and Assignable Users permissions
  5. Select the Reporter option
  6. Click on the Add button
  7. Repeat the steps and grant the hr-team group both permissions

By selecting both the permissions in one go, you have quickly granted multiple permissions to users. Now, you need to remove all the users granted with the Move Issues permission. There should be only one granted at the moment, Any logged in user, but if you have more than one, you will need to remove all of them:

  1. Browse to the Permission Schemes page
  2. Click on the Permissions link for HR Permission Scheme
  3. Click on the Remove link for all the users that have been granted the Move Issues permission

That's it! You've addressed all your permission requirements with just a few clicks.

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