Setting up workflows

The first step is to create a new workflow for our Termination issue type, since we still want to keep the existing workflow for the Task issue type. The easiest way to get started is to clone the current workflow to save us some time:

  1. Browse to the View Workflows page
  2. Click on the Copy link for the HR: Task Management Workflow workflow
  1. Name the new workflow HR: Termination Workflow
  2. Click on the Copy button to create our workflow

The next step is to add in the extra status we need. Make sure that you are in the workflow designer by selecting the Diagram option:

  1. Click on the Add status button.
  2. Enter the name for our new status as In Exit Review, set the Category to In Progress, and click on Add. You will need to hit the Enter key on your keyboard since we are creating a new status.
  3. Click on the Create button to create the workflow status.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to create a new status called Collecting Assets.

Now that we have our statuses added to our workflow, we need to connect them into the workflow with transitions. For now, we will make the workflow to go in a sequence in the order of To Do | In Exit Review | Collecting Assets | Done. Let's start with creating a transition going from To Do | In Exit Review:

  1. Click on the Add transition button
  2. Select To Do as the From status
  3. Select In Exit Review as the To status
  4. Name the new transition as Conduct Exit Review
  5. Select Workflow Screen for Screen
  6. Click on the Add button to create the transition
  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to create two more transitions, linking In Exit Review to Collecting Assets, and Collecting Assets to Done
  8. With the new transitions in place, we will also want to remove the existing transitions between To Do and Done, so people cannot skip the process steps

Your workflow will look something like the one shown in the following screenshot. You can rearrange the elements in the workflow to make the diagram flow more naturally:

The next customization we will do is to make sure that only authorized personnel can transition the issue along the workflow. For now, we will set it so only members of the jira-administrators group can transition an issue after it is created. Once we cover Chapter 9Securing Jira, we can change this security setting:

  1. Click on the Conduct Exit Review transition and click on Conditions from the transition property section
  2. Click on the Add condition button to bring up the Add Condition To Transition page
  3. Select the User Is In Group option
  4. Select the jira-administrator group
  5. Click on Add to add the condition to the transition
  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 on the remaining transitions

Using the Users Is In Group option will ensure that only users in the selected group, jira-administrator in this case, will see the transition with the condition applied to it.

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