Updating workflow post functions

In Chapter 7Workflow and Business Process, we created a few new workflow transitions. We now need to update these new transitions to make sure they fire the appropriate events:

  1. Browse to the View Workflows page.
  2. Click on the Edit link for HR: Termination Workflow.
  3. Click on any transitions other than Done.
  4. Update the post function to fire the Issue Updated event rather than the Generic Event.
  5. Repeat this for all other transitions except the Done transition.
  6. Publish the draft workflow. You can save a backup copy in case you want to revert.

We are using the Issue Updated event because it reflects the fact that the issue is being updated; also, the event is tied to more appropriate email templates. We can, of course, also create a new custom event and email templates and make the post function fire the custom event instead.

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