
Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


Abstract silhouette effect, 16

Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard, 85, 88

Adobe Photoshop CS4, 85, 88

Adobe’s In-Design CS3, 230

Ambient occlusion, selection of, 221, 221f

Animation export function, 21, 35

Apple’s free MakeCubic. app, 204, 224, 224f

Apple’s QuickTime Player, QTVR panorama in, 225f


integration, 258–259

integration background, 259

models, 262

Arch, creation, 139f

Argenteuil-Bezons Environment Agency, 189

Artlantis, 5, 16


exporting to, 196

SketchUp model to, exporting, 196f

model rendered in, 15, 15f

PowerCADD drafting software, 190

Section Cut tool, 10

SEPRA, 190

site insertion module

2D view, 199

3D view, 199

Photoshop, 198f, 199

techniques, 190–191

updating, 196–197

Use Reference File

function, 196, 197f

AutoCAD, 48, 162

exporting models to, 155, 164

AutoCAD LT, 64

Axis tool, 211


Ballista model, 246

Base building

constructing, 207

and placing the section, 207, 207f

Base model, 104–105

Blending Mode, 9

Bomb.rb plug in, 205, 217

Bookcase, 134

designing gothic-style cornice molding for, 136–141

mahogany, 134

Bow truss, modeling, 211–214, 212f, 213f


lower carcase, 144

modeling, 72–74

covered market, 74f, 80f

cultural centre, 73f, 80f

former school, 74f, 79f

school, 73f

textured model of, 207f

Butler, Michael, 154

Byng Inlet, 278


CAD, see Computer-aided design

Calendar tool, 107, 108f


creation, 54–55, 56f

glass, modeling, 214–217, 214f, 215f, 216f, 217f

Carcase, building, 144, 145f

CGSociety, 242

Cheetah camera, setting up, 223f

Cheetah3D, 205

features of, 204

importing model into, 219, 219f


initial, 220–222, 220f, 221f, 222f

supplementary, 222, 223f

QTVR panorama in, generation of, 223–225, 223f, 224f, 225f

Choice of SketchUp, decisive factor in, 62

Classic SketchUp model, 105

Clay render mode, 6, 7f, 10

CMS, see Content management system

Color reference document in PDF format, 193f

Complex structure, modeling, 203–204

1:1 scale plan, preparing, 206–207, 206f

approaches, 206

base building and placing the section, constructing, 207, 207f


importing model into, 219, 219f

initial lighting in, 220–222, 220f, 221f, 222f

QTVR panorama in, generation of, 223–225, 223f, 224f, 225f

supplementary lighting in, 222, 223f

export from SketchUp, model for, 217–218, 218f


on elevation, constructing, 209, 209f

extruding, 210, 210f

modeling, 211, 211f

on plan, constructing, 208, 208f

glass canopy, modeling, 214–217, 214f, 215f, 216f, 217f

main bow truss, modeling, 211–214, 212f, 213f

SketchUp, selection of, 205

techniques, 205

Component instances, 21

creating nested component from, 32

modified to various degrees, 30f

proportional modifications of, 31f

reloading of, 29f

Component options, 295, 297

Component Spray plug-in, 7

Components for objects, 91

Computer-aided design (CAD), 134

Concept art techniques

CGSociety, 242


background objects, 247

composition adjustments and details, 251

final detailing, 252–253

hull construction, 245

laying down rough colors, 250

photograph elements, 251–252

refined sketches and elevations, 244

rough sketch, 243–244

scene composing, 249

Scylla, 248–249

ship details, 246

SketchUp to painter, 250

technical aspects of, 242–243

Construction management techniques, 102

Content management system (CMS), 99

Contour elevations of surface, 65, 66f

Coplanar points, 206

Cornice molding

assembled, 140f

gothic-style, 136–144


after intersection, 140f

full-size template, 144f

preparation for intersecting, 139f

Cupboard doors, creating, 144–145, 145f

Curbs modeling, 70–72

extrusion of edges of, 70f

isolating faces, 71f

off setting, 71f

Cut-out tools, 139f


Danaher, Tim, 203

Data asset management system (DAMS), 99

Depth of Field (DOF), applying to direct SketchUp outputs, 35–37

Depthmap, 36, 36f

creating, 36

in image editors, 37

settings for, 36f

Digimap, 47

Digital elevation model, 267, 267f

Dimensions-Studio, 102

Door rail, 146f

Door stiles, 146f

Dreaded dust, 218

Drilling program creation, 272, 272f

Drop to Intersection plug-in, 63, 75

DWG format, importing plans and elevations in, 192–193, 192f, 194f

DynaComp Crowd Control, 300, 302

Dynamic components

DynaComp Crowd Control, 300, 302

Interact with Model tool, 293

Multiple DynaComp Vehicles, 293

multiple option style, 295

NOT(Hidden) trick, 298

OnClick attribute value field, 294

RANDBETWEEN( ) function, 299, 300

Sloppy DynaComp Parking component, 296, 297, 299


Edit Poly modifier, 181

Episode listing, 232

Episode models, 233

Eraser tool, 139, 215, 216f

Export options, SketchUp’s, 218, 218f

Extrude modifier, 181

Extrusion function of projections plug-in, 66


Fakiosity lighting technique, 182

Flickering shadows, 204

Fog function, 21, 36

Follow Me tool, 137, 138f, 160, 213, 213f, 216, 245, 248

4D models, 102, 103

visualization in, 102

FredoScale, 91

From Contours tool, 55

Front Face plug-in, 71

Full-sized templates, printing, 141

Furniture design, SketchUp features for, 135


Generic geological models creation

ArcGIS, SketchUp models, 262

drilling and production visualization, 262–263

Google Earth visualization models, 261, 261f

SketchUp petroleum trap models, 260–261

Geographical information system (GIS), 258

Georeferenced terrain data, 281–283

Geoscientists, SketchUp, 258

originality, 259–260, 259f


ArcGIS/SketchUp integration, 258–259

ArcGIS/SketchUp integration background, 259


on elevation, 209, 209f

extruding, 210, 210f

modeling, 211, 211f

on plan, 208, 208f

triangulating, 213f

GIS, see Geographical information system

Glass canopy, modeling, 214–217, 215f, 216f, 217f, 259f

Global position sensors (GPSs), 271

validation, 270–271

Google Earth, 278

exporting model to, 288–289

PhotoMatch buildings for, 279

SketchUp and, 280

terrain layer of model, 286

visualization models, 261, 261f

Gothic-style cornice molding for bookcase, 136–141

GPSs, see Global position sensors

Gradient angle, 52f, 52–53

Graves & Bigwood sawmill, 278

Gray scale, 233

Groups for objects, 91


Hashimoto, Takeshi, 19

HDRI, see High dynamic range image

Hide Dialogs command, 205

High dynamic range image (HDRI), 219, 220

and global illumination, 220, 220f

panoramic projection for, 221

tag, setting up, 221, 221f

Web sites, 222

Historic landscapes

additional modeling and refinement, 284–288

combining model with historical maps, 280–281

exporting to Google Earth, 288–289

first attempts via Match Photo, 279–280

with georeferenced terrain data, 281–283

House Builder plug-in, 91

Hull construction, 245


Insurance map, 281

Interact with Model tool, 293

Intersection tool, 215, 216f


Kerkythea, rendering scenes in, 77–79

Killen, Timothy S., 133


Layer Mask, 8

Layout, 118, 119, 127

2.0, 85, 88

creating document in, 97

general arrangement plan in, 129f

manner of using, 88

perspective drawings in, 128f

PFD creation in, 123f

SketchUp model in, 95–96

Lescar Lane Park, restorative urban design

aims and technique, 42–43

building details, 50

building grouping, 51

building initial model, 49

canopy creation, 54–55, 56f

3D visualization video, 59

desktop study, 47

fine detailing, 56, 56f

gradient angle for, 52–53, 52f

importing CAD files, 48–49

initial ideas and concepts, 46–47

landscaped mounding, 53–54

mapping boundary design lines, 53, 53f

pre-SketchUp model preparation, 47–48

rendering, 57–59

scripts used in, 44

techniques used for, 44–45

Library, creating, 88

Lighting effect, 236, 237f

Line tool, 285

Lower cupboard doors, creating, 144–145, 145f

Luminosity tool, 12


Mahogany, 149f

bookcase, 134

MakeCubic, setting up, 224f

Materials editor, 13, 109

Materials library, 109

May, Lauren A., 85

Microsoft Live Earth, 48

Mine model, SketchUp and ArcGIS

drilling program creation, 272, 272f

export to, 270

GPS validation, 270–271

pit volume estimation, 272–273, 273f

Move tool, 286

Mullions, 216, 217f

Multiple DynaComp Vehicles, 293

Multiple option style, 295


connections, 147f, 148f

shape, 148f


Navigating time in construction process, 107–108, 114

Nested layers/geometry, 122f

Nightsky plug-in, 45f

NOT(Hidden) trick, 298

Nys, Koenraad, 101


Objects, in step-by-step document

classifying, 89–90

expressive object, 89

groups and components for, 91

illustrative object, 89

layering, 93

modeling at 1:1 scale, 90–91

Orbit tool, 209

Outliner tool, 31, 34f, 44, 45, 46f, 51

with component tree, 23f

Overlays, 236


Paint Bucket tool, 70, 172

Panoramas, QTVR, see QTVR panoramas

Panoramic images, 204, 224, 224f

Panoramic projection for HDRI, 221

Pano2VR, 184–186, 185f

Period Furniture Designs (Hayward), 134

Photogrammetry, 279

Photograph elements, 251–252

Photograph matching process, 279

PhotoMatch tools, 120, 278

first attempts via, 279

Photoshop, 8, 9, 16, 198f, 199, 204

Clone Stamp tool, 9

Layer panel of, 37f

Lens Blur panel of, 37f

Piranesi, 57

color pencil rendering, 59f

exporting SketchUp files to, 58

rendering from SketchUp model, 60f

watercolor rendered with, 57f

Pit volume estimation, 272–273, 273f

Place Van Zeeland project modeling, 62, 65, 79f

assigning model elements to layers, 76

buildings, 72–74

curbs, 70–72

development for, 61

project work, stages of, 63

gathering the data, 64

modeling the project, 65

preparation and import of plan files, 64

rendering scenes in Kerkythea, 77–79

putting in placeholder components, 75f

redevelopment for, 62

surface, 65–70

technical aspects, 63

Playford, Robert, 41

Plug-ins, 63, 87

Podium, 21

PowerCADD drafting software, 190

Powers theatre scenic design

adding colors and textures, 160–161

3D computer model, 162

2D sketch, 158–159

3D white to-scale model, 156

final design

elevation drawings, 164

ground plans and center line section, 162–164

paint elevations and color samples, 164–165

presentation of, 162

LayOut presentation, 162, 163f

preliminary design

detailed modeling, 160

sketches and ground plans, 160

preparation/start of, 156

recreating theatre building, 156–157

technical aspects, 155

updated ground plans, 162

Preparatory SketchUp model, 104–105

Process flow diagram (PFD), 123, 123f, 124

Process plant design

construction documents, 127–129


detailed model, 126f

selection and process finalization, 125

specification, 126f


existing conditions, 119–120

using CAD and image files, 23

process options, designing and modeling, 123–124

techniques used for, 118

Profile Builder plug-in, 91

Push/Pull tool, 50, 55, 158, 215, 215f, 285


QTVR panoramas, 204, 205

in Apple’s QuickTime Player, 225f

generation of, in Cheetah3D, 223–225, 223f, 224f, 225f


Radiosity, 220, 220f, 221, 221f

RANDBETWEEN( ) function, 299, 300

Rateau, Nicolas, 61

Raw geometry, 205, 218

Refined sketches and elevations, 244

Render Plus RpTools, 155, 158

Rescale dialog box, 206f

Reynolds, Patrick, 277

Road rage book


chapter and episode titles, 232–233

episode listing, 232

episode models, 233

image export, 234–236

overlays, 236

technical aspects of fog, 231

shadows, 231

softening of edges, 231

Roof plug-ins, 51

Rotate Q icon tool, 49

Rotate tool, 215

Rotated Rectangle Ruby script, 284

Rotation tool, 175

Rough sketch, 243–244

Ruby plug-ins, 7

scripts, 171


Sandbox tool, 63, 64f

From Scratch tool from, 54

surface generation by, 69f

Scene Manager, 45

Scenes, 124, 125, 127

creating, 94–95

dialog box, 125f

generating, 110–111, 110f, 114

Scenes palette, 111

Scylla, 248–249

Section-Cut Face plug-in, 11

Sedimentary basin model creation

interpolate surface between sections, 269

SketchUp import of

ArcGIS contours, 267

ArcGIS points and lines, 265–266

digital elevation model, 267, 267f

sections, wells, and fields, 268

SEPRA, 190


flickering, 204

image improving by adjusting, 109, 110f


bounding boxes, 211

export options, 218, 218f

manner of using, 88

petroleum trap models, 260–261

positive attributes of, 87

selection, 205

assigning xD objects to, 106–107

tool, benefits of, 43

SketchUp 5, 63

SketchUp Pro 7, 85

SketchUp Style Builder, 159

SketchUp Viewer application, 191

SketchUp Warehouse, 56

Sloppy DynaComp Parking component, 296, 297, 299

Softened edges, 233

SRTM model, 270

Stangl, Mitchel, 117

Steacy, James, 85

Steel beam model, simplified versus standard, 121f

Step-by-step document, 85, 86, 86–87

classifying objects, 89–90

creating in LayOut, 97

creating materials and making library, 91–92

creating scenes, 94–95

knowledge availability, 86

limited resources, 86

planning, 88–89

SketchUp plug-ins for creating, 87

storyboarding, 89

technical aspects, 87–88

Storyboard for step-by-step document, 89

SU2KT plug-in, 63

Surface modeling, 65–70

perimeter of surface, 68f

slope of curve, 67f


Tape measure tool, 48, 157, 281

scaling with, 281

Te Wero Bridge, 19

Te Wero Bridge competition project, 20

applying DOF to direct SketchUp outputs, 35–37

constraints of, 20

design options, evaluating

in scenes, 33–34

in still images/batch image export, 35

picking up the right competition, 22

SketchUp functions in design process, 21–37


dividing main project model into, 24–25

editing component definitions in, 25–26

reloading into main model, 27–29

as whole 2/positional modifications, 31–32

as whole 1/proportional modifications, 29–31

technical aspects of, 20–21

working as team, 22–23

Terrain data (TIN), 278

Texture, 9, 13f, 195f

assigning to material, 13

libraries, 13

Textured model of building, 207f

Thiriet, Jean, 3

3D block models, 260

3D CAD, 134

3D model, 118, 190, 194, 196

site photography and textured, 197

3D model SketchUp, detailed

cutting the walls, 176f, 177f

frames, door and window, 179f


canopy and garden wall, 179f

walls, 176f

move tool, 178f

outline tracing, 175f

push–pull tool, 177, 177f

window frame components creation, 180f

window openings, 179f

3D modeling software, 62

3D rough SketchUp, 173–174

3D Studio Max, 181

3D Text tool, 14

3D vegetation, 183

3D visualization video, 59

3D white to-scale model, 156

TINs, see Triangular Irregular Networks

Toggle Terrain tool, 283

Tolman, Kim A., 153, 154

Tools on Surface plug-in, 53

Triangular Irregular Networks (TINs), 259

Triangulating girder, 213f

Truss, bow, modeling, 211–214, 212f, 213f

2D CAD systems, 134

2D output, 87


Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), 267

Upper muntined doors, 146–148 147f

Use Reference File function, 196, 197f

UTM, see Universal Transverse Mercator


Vauban, 14

Virtual concept model, 6f

aerial view, 6–9

defining composition, 6–7

refining render further, 8–9

updating model, 7

interior perspective, 12–16

creating image, 14–15

dressing envelope, 13

dressing space, 13–14

finishing touches, 16

principal section, 9–12

adapting model, 11

choosing approach and understanding constraints, 10

fine-tuning render, 12

with section cut, 11

technical aspects, 4–5

Virtual house, 169–170

camera placement, 182

client consultation, 174

3D rough SketchUp, 173–174

3D Studio Max, 181

3D vegetation, 183

detailed 3D model SketchUp

cutting the walls, 176f, 177f

frames, door and window, 179f

modeling, canopy and garden wall, 179f

modeling the walls, 176f

move tool, 178f

outline tracing, 175f

push–pull tool, 177, 177f

window frame components creation, 180f

window openings, 179f

detailed model materials, 182

draw up, schedule, 172–173

fakiosity lighting technique, 182

hand sketches, 173

new approaches, 172–186

new 3D rough and client validation, 174, 174f

Pano2VR, 184–186, 185f

position, hotspots and direction arrows, 182–183, 183f

preparation and export, SketchUp, 180

SketchUp, 170–171

technical context, 170

techniques, 171

VR panorama, 184, 184f, 185f

web site creation, 186, 186f

Virtual surfaces, 206

Visualization in four dimensions, 102

VR panorama, 184, 184f, 185f

Vray, 5, 6, 10

updated model rendered with, 8f


Watercolor rendering, 57f, 60f

with Piranesi, 57f

Windowizer plug-in, 51, 52f

Wrong Turn on Red episode, 232, 233


xD object, 102, 103

assigning, 106–107, 107

creation of, 105–106, 106, 106f

xD Virtual Builder Classic, 103, 111

generating scenes and images, 114

linking xD Objects to SketchUp selection, 113

modifying 4D types, 114

navigating in time, 114

PowerPoint presentation, 114–115

project management application, linking to, 111–112

starting, 111

xD Virtual Builder Light, project using, 104

assigning xD Objects to SketchUp selection, 106–107

base model, 104–105

changing 4D types, 108–109, 109f

creation of xD objects, 105–106, 106, 106f

generating scenes, 110–111

image improving by adjusting shadows, 109, 110f

navigating in time, 107–108


Zorro 2 script, 11

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