
4G (Eee), 10

back view, 15

bottom view, 12–13

front view, 10–12

left-side view, 14–15

right-side view, 13–14

701 Series (Eee), 8–9

900 Series (Eee), 9

1000 Series (Eee), 9


AbiWord processor (GNOME), 119

access, remote access, VNC, 62–64


email, Thunderbird, 44–51

Full Desktop, 25–27

Usenet newsgroups, 54–57


email accounts, setting up, 44–49

iGoogle, setting up, 196–198

Windows Live, setting up, 305–307

ActiveX, bulk uploader, 312

Add Bookmark command (File Manager), 101

Add to ZIP Archive command (File Manager), 101

Administrative File Manager, 31, 97–98

AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), 57

alias command, 238

aliases, creating at command line, 232–233

alsamixer, 24–25

animation effects (Impress), 138–139

antivirus software, freeware, obtaining, 292–293

Appearance tab (KDE panel), 92

application icons

building, 72–77

Easy Mode tabs, adding to, 68–77

Favorites tab, adding to, 67–68

work areas, setting up for, 69–70

application scroller (Baryl), 113

applications, 159–160

GNOME applications, 118–120

Google applications

Gmail, 202–204

Google Docs, 195–196, 204–216

Google Gears, 213–216

Google Talk, 57

Gspace, 202–204

iGoogle, 195–201

Internet applications, 43

Firefox, 54–55

Pidgin instant messenger client, 57–60

Skype, 60–62

Thunderbird, 43–57

VNC, 62–64

learning applications

Desktop Planetarium, 155–158

Fraction Tutor, 154–155

Tux Type, 154

Media Manager, 152–153

Music Manager, 150–152

package managers, 160, 162

apt–get command–line tool, 161–162, 168–172

Easy Mode package manager, 161

Synaptic package manager, 161–168, 172–177

Photo Manager, 149–150

portable applications, installing, 297–299

productivity applications,, 128–148

Pupeee, 251

utilities, 181

BitTornado, 181, 189–190

GIMP, 181–183

Inkscape, 181–184

K3b, 181, 190–192

KompoZer, 181, 188–189

Privoxy, 181, 186–188

Scribus, 193

Tor, 181, 186–188

TrueCrypt, 192

VLC media player, 181, 185–186

apt get command, 162

apt-cache command, 238

apt-get command-line tool, 161–162, 168–172, 238

Arrangement tab (KDE panel), 90–91

Asus Eee

cleaning, 25

PC 4G, 10

back view, 15

bottom view, 12–13

front view, 10–12

left-side view, 14–15

right-side view, 13–14

PC 701 Series, 8–9

PC 900 Series, 9

PC 1000 Series, 9

AsusLauncher, configuring, 82–85

Atheros Client Utility, wireless connectivity, setting up, 282

Audacity Portable, 298

audio equalizer (VLC media player), 186

audio features, 21

microphones, 21–22

speakers, 22

Auto Control menu (eeecontrol), 319


back view, Eee PC 4G, 15

backgrounds, Full Desktop interface, changing, 94

backups, system backups, 102–106

basic setup, Windows XP, 279–282


installing, 13

life, extending, 17

battery light, 11

battery panel latches, 12

Beryl, 109

application scroller, 113

desktop cube, rotating, 114

features, 112–114

Fluxbox, compared, 108–109

GNOME, compared, 108–109

installing, 109–111

launching, 112

repositories, loading, 110–111

rubbery windows, 109, 113

task switcher, 109

uninstalling, 114

virtual desktop cube, 109

X–Windows, configuring for, 111

Bezier Curve tool (Draw), 141

bin files, 99

BitTornado, 181, 189–190


enabling, 319–320

modifying, 329–338

boot files, 99

bootable flash drives, creating, 244–245

bottom view, Eee PC 4G, 12–13

brown themes, Ubuntu, 254

bug-on-the-shield button (KDE panel), 89

building mods, 331–332

bulk uploader (ActiveX), 312

bzip2 command, 239


Calc spreadsheet package (, 128, 146

Charting Wizard, 148

Function Wizard, 147

Calendar (Windows Live), 304, 308–310

cat command, 230, 239

CCleaner, storage space, cleaning up, 300

cd command, 239

CD players, connecting, 33

CD witers, K3b, 181, 190–192

CDE (Common Desktop Environment), 87

Charting Wizard (Calc), 148

child processes, determining, 235–236

chmod command, 224, 228, 239

chown command, 228, 239

cleaning, Eee PCs, 25

clear command, 239

clock, setting, 39

Full Desktop, 22–23

Clonezilla, 105

cloud computing, Windows Live, 301–304

account setup, 305–307

Calendar, 308–310

components, 304–305

Hotmail, 313–315

Messenger, 315

Microsoft Office integration, 307–308

OneCare, 315

Spaces, 309–313

Writer, 315–316

collaborations, Google Docs, 213

colors, Full Desktop interface, changing, 94

combinations, key combinations, 15–16

command line, Linux, 219–231

changing file ownership, 228

changing file permissions, 228

checking free storage space, 226–227

command-line completion, 231

completion, 231

controlling processes, 233–236

copying files, 225–226

creating aliases, 232–233

creating directories, 224–225

creating symbolic links, 227

creating tarballs, 227–228

editing commands, 232

essential commands, 238–242

finding files, 228–230

listing directory contents, 222–224

navigating directories, 224–225

piping, 233

redirection, 233

removing directories, 224–225

scheduling tasks, 236–238

stopping scripts, 232

viewing text files, 230–231


alias, 238

apt get, 161–162, 168–172

apt-cache, 238

apt-get, 238

bzip2, 239

cat, 230, 239

cd, 239

chmod, 224, 228, 239

chown, 228, 239

clear, 239

cp, 225, 239

crontab, 236–239

df, 226, 240

diff, 240

dpkg, 240

echo, 229

editing, 232

exit, 240

File Manager right-click menu, 100

find, 229, 240

Free, 240

grep, 229–230, 240

gzip, 240

help, 240

info, 241

key commands, 15–16

kill, 236, 241

less, 230, 241

ln, 241

ls, 241

man, 241

mkdir, 224, 241

mv, 241

printenv, 241

pstree, 235–236, 242

renice, 236, 242

rm, 225–226, 242

rmdir, 242

sudo, 224, 242

tar, 242

top, 233–235, 242

unalias, 242

which, 229, 242

xrandr, 37–39

Common Desktop Environment (CDE), 87

Compiz 3D window manager (Mandriva Linux One), 248

complete system backups, 104–106

components, Windows Live, 304–305

compression (SSD), 286


AsusLauncher, 82–85

clocks, Full Desktop, 22–23

email accounts, 44–49

Fluxbox, 123–125

Full Desktop interface, 93–96

Gmail, 48–49

Google Docs, 207

graphics properties, 280

Gspace, 202–203

KDE panel, 90–93

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 51–55

Skype, 60–61

volume, 24–25

Windows, optimizing, 283–287

Windows Live accounts, 305–307

Windows swap file, 283

Windows XP, basic setup, 279–282

wireless networks

GNOME, 118

Pupee, 252

X–Windows for Beryl, 111


CD players, 33

DVD players, 33

external hard drives, 32

external monitors, 35

printers, 33–35

Connection Wizard, 41


Ethernet connections, establishing, 39–41

wireless connections, establishing, 18–19


left-side connectors, 15

right-side connectors, 14

Copy command (File Manager), 100

copying files, 225–226

cp command, 225, 239

Create Symbolic Link command (File Manager), 101

Create TGZ Archive command (File Manager), 101

crontab command, 236–239

cropping photographs, GIMP, 182

Curve tool (Draw), 141

Cut command (File Manager), 100


Delete command (File Manager), 101


directories, 224–225

Internet Explorer, 275

desktop cube (Beryl), rotating, 114

Desktop Planetarium, 155–158

desktop publishing programs, Scribus, 193

dev files, 99

devices, mounting, Pupeee, 253

df command, 226, 240

dialog boxes

Offline Access Settings, 214–215

Removable Device, 32

diff command, 240


contents, listing, 222–224

creating, 224–225

deleting, 224–225

folders, compared, 88

navigating, 224–225

Windows directories, moving to MMC-SD cards, 285–286

working with, Linux, 222–228

disassembling Eee PC, 333–335

disk indicator light, 11

displays, 11

scrolling space, expanding, 281–282

distributions, Linux, comparing, 245–246

documents, Google Docs documents, working with, 208–209

dongle assembly, motherboard, attaching to, 335–337


free antivirus software, 292–293

GpsDrive maps, 323

OpenSolaris, 258–259

dpkg command, 240

Draw illustration package (, 128, 140

freeform drawing tools, 141–146

interface, 140–141

launching, 140

drive letters, MMC–SD cards, assigning to, 284–285


CD drives, connecting, 33

DVD drives, connecting, 33

external hard drives, connecting, 32

DVD players, connecting, 33

DVD writers, K3b, 181, 190–192

DVDs, Xandros, restoring from, 245


E: drive, Microsoft Office, loading on,288–289

Easy Mode, 65–67

clock, setting, 39

Easy Mode tabs, adding applications icons to, 68–77

Favorites tab, adding applications icons to, 67–68


choosing, 81–85

enabling, 77–80

ROX-filer package, 81–85

Start menu, 79–80

user configuration directory, 78–79

icons, setting up work areas for, 69–70

Internet tab, 195

Linux shell, launching in, 220

package manager, 161

Easy Mode tabs, application icons, adding to, 68–77

echo command, 229

Edit File Type command (File Manager), 101


commands, 232, 83

SVG graphics XML files, Inkscape, 184

Eee PC 701, overclocking, Xandros, 318–319

Eee PCs

cleaning, 25

disassembling, 333–335

PC 4G, 10

back view, 15

bottom view, 12–13

front view, 10–12

left-side view, 14–15

right-side view, 13–14

PC 701 Series, 8–9

PC 900 Series, 9

PC 1000 Series, 9

reassembling, 339–338

eeecontrol, 318

Auto Control menu, 319

manual controls, 319


accessing, Thunderbird, 44–51


setting up, 44–49

storage management, 49–51

encryption, 293–295

Encryption Type in the Connection Wizard, 118

etc files, 99

ethernet connections, establishing, 39–41

Ettrich, Mathias, 87

Events tab (Windows Live), 313

Evolution email program (GNOME), 119

exit command, 240

exporting Impress presentations, 140

extending battery life, 17

external devices

CD players, connecting, 33

DVD players, connecting, 33

external hard drives, connecting, 32

external monitors

adjusting screen resolution, 35–39

connecting, 35

rotating screen, 37–39

flash memory cards, adding, 30–31

printers, connecting, 33–35

USB hubs, adding, 30

external hard drives, connecting, 32

external monitors

connecting, 35

screen resolution, adjusting, 35–39

screens, rotating, 37–39


Favorites tab, application icons, adding to, 67–68

File Manager, 30, 98–99

right-click menu, 100–102

File Manager icon (KDE panel), 89

File menu button (Synaptic package manager), 168

file systems

Full Desktop, 96–99

Gmail, using as, 202–204

Google Docs, 207–208

Gspace, 203–204

Linux file system, 220–222

Windows file system, 220–222


backing up, 102–104

copying, 225–226

finding, 228–231

ownership, changing, 228

permissions, changing, 228

text files, viewing, 230–231

working with, Linux, 222–228

find command, 229, 240

Find command (File Manager), 100


files, 228–231

packages, Synaptic package manager, 165–167


RSS feeds, subscribing to, 54–55

VLC media player, resetting audio defaults, 185

Firefox icon (KDE panel), 89

flash drives

bootable flash drives, creating, 244–245

Xandros, restoring from, 244–245

flash memory cards, adding, 30–31

flavors, Linux, 243

Fluxbox, 122

Beryl, compared, 108–109

configuring, 123–125

GNOME, compared, 108–109

installing, 122

launching, 122–123

uninstalling, 125

folders, directories, compared, 88

fonts, Full Desktop interface, changing, 95

Fontwork tool (Impress), 137–138

Formatting toolbar (Write), 129–130

Fraction Tutor, 154–155

free antivirus software, obtaining, 292–293

Free command, 240

free storage space, checking, 226–227

freeform drawing tools, Draw (, 141–146

Freehand Curve tool (Draw), 142

Friends tab (Windows Live), 312

front view, Eee PC 4G, 10–12

Full Desktop, 87–88

accessing, 25–27

clock, setting,22–23

File Manager, right-click menu, 100–102

file system, 96–99

interface, configuring, 93–96

KDE panel, 88–90

Appearance tab, 92

Arrangement tab, 90–91

configuring, 90–93

Hiding tab, 91–92

Taskbar button, 93

system backups, 102–106

Function Wizard (Calc), 147


GIMP (GNU Image and Manipulation Processor), 181–183

photographs, cropping, 182

Synaptic Package Manager, selecting in, 183

GIMP Portable, 298

Gmail, 196, 217

file system, using as, 202–204

setting up, 48–49

GNOME, 115

applications, 118–120

Baryl, compared, 108–109

Fluxbox, compared, 108–109

installing, 115–117

launching, 117

space, freeing up, 120–121

uninstalling, 121–122

wireless networks, setting up, 118

GNU Image and Manipulation Processor (GIMP). See GIMP (GNU Image and Manipulation Processor)

Gnumeric Spreadsheet (GNOME), 119

Google applications

Gmail as file system, 202–204

Google Docs

collaborations, 213

combining with, 204–216

configuring, 207

documents, 208–209

file system, 207–208

presentations, 209–210

spreadsheets, 211–212

versioning, 212

Google Gears, working offline, 213–216

Google Talk, 57

Gspace, 203–204

configuring, 202–203

installing, 202


account setup, 196–198

home page setup, 198–201

Google Docs, 195–196, 217

benefits, 196

collaborations, 213

configuring, 207

documents, working with, 208–209

file system, 207–208, combining with, 204–216

presentations, working with, 209–210

spreadsheets, working with, 211–212

versioning, 212

working offline, 213–216

Google Gears, 217

working offline, 213–216

Google Talk, 57


Windows, using in, 326–329

Xandros, using in, 321–326


installing, 321

running, 322

GpsDrive, 321–322

downloading maps in, 323

maps, displays, 323


cropping, GIMP, 182

SVG graphics XML files, editing, 184

graphics processors, GIMP, 181–183

graphics properties, configuring, 280

grep command, 229–230, 240

Groupwise IM, 57

Gspace, 203–204, 217

configuring, 202–203

installing, 202

gzip command, 240


hard drives (external), connecting, 32

headphones port, 15

help command, 240

Hiding tab (KDE panel), 91–92

home files, 99

home pages, iGoogle, setting up, 198–201

Hotmail (Windows Live), 304, 313–315


motherboard, attaching to, 335–337

USB, adding, 30



choosing, 81–85

enabling, 77–80

ROX–filer package, installing, 81–85

Start menu, 79–80

user configuration directory, creating, 78–79


application icons

adding to Easy Mode tabs, 68–77

adding to Favorites tab, 67–68

work areas, 69–70

building, 72–77

Full Desktop interface, changing, 95

Install OpenSolaris icon, 260

ICQ (I Seek You), 57

Identity Wizard, 45

iGoogle, 195–196, 217

accounts, setting up, 196–198

benefits, 196

home page, setting up, 198–201

illustration programs, Inkscape, 181–184

images, cropping, GIMP, 182

IMAP accounts, setting up, 47

Impress presentation package (, 128, 133

animation effects, 138–139

Fontwork tool, 137–138

multimedia objects, adding, 139

Presentation Wizard, 133–134

presentations, exporting, 140

work area, 134–137

indicator lights, 11

info command, 241

Inkscape illustration program, 181–184

SVG graphics XML files, editing, 184

Install OpenSolaris icon, 260


batteries, 13

Beryl, 109–111

Fluxbox, 122, 125

GNOME, 115–117

gpsd, 321

Gspace, 202

Mandriva Linux One, 247–248, 290

OpenSolaris, 259–262

packages, 177–179

portable applications, 297–299

ROX–filer package, 81–85

software, 178–179

Streets & Trips, 326–327

Synaptic packages, 167–168

Ubuntu, 253–256

Windows Vista Home Basic, 271–278

Windows XP Home Edition, 268–271

Windows XP Professional, 271

wireless drivers, Windows Vista Home Basic, 277–278

installed packages, managing, 179–180

instant messenger clients, Pidgin instant messenger client, 57–60


Draw (, 140–141

Full Desktop, configuring, 93–96

Synaptic package manager, 168

internal USB hub, modifying, 329–338

Internet applications, 43

Firefox, 54–55

Pidgin instant messenger client, 57–60

Skype, 60–62

Thunderbird, 43

accessing email via, 44–51

accessing Usenet newsgroups, 54–57

setting up RSS feeds, 51–55

VNC, 62–64

Internet Explorer, uninstalling, 275

Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files folder, MMC-SD cards, moving to, 286

Internet tab (Easy Mode), 195

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 57


K3B CD/DVD writer, 181, 190–192

files, backing up, 102–104

KDE Desktop. See Full Desktop

KDE menu, packages, adding to, 172–177

KDE panel, 88–90

Appearance tab, 92

Arrangement tab, 90–91

configuring, 90–93

Hiding tab, 91–92

Taskbar button, 93

Kensington slots, 13–14

key combinations, 15–16

keyboard control (KDE panel), 90

keyboards, OpenSolaris, fixing issues in, 262–264

kill command, 236, 241

killing processes, 236

Kimball, Spencer, 182

KompoZer, 181, 188–189

Konqueror, 101–102

KStars Desktop Planetarium, 155–158


Launch button (KDE panel), 89


Beryl, 112

Draw (, 140

Fluxbox, 122–123

GNOME, 117

learning applications

Desktop Planetarium, 155–158

Fraction Tutor, 154–155

Tux Type, 154

left-side connectors, 15

left-side view, Eee PC 4G, 14–15

less command, 230, 241

life (battery), extending, 17


command line, 219–231

changing file ownership, 228

changing file permissions, 228

checking free storage space, 226–227

command–line completion, 231

controlling processes, 233–236

copying files, 225–226

creating aliases, 232–233

creating directories, 224–225

creating symbolic links, 227

creating tarballs, 227–228

editing commands, 232

essential commands, 238–242

finding files, 228–230

listing directory contents, 222–224

navigating directories, 224–225

piping, 233

redirection, 233

scheduling tasks, 236–238

stopping scripts, 232

viewing text files, 230–231

directories, working with, 222–228

distributions, comparing, 245–246

files, working with, 222–228

flavors, 243

Mandriva Linux, 243

Mandriva Linux One, 246

Compiz 3D window manager, 248

installing, 247–248

Metisse 3D window manager, 248–250

Pupeee, 243, 250–253

applications, 251

configuring wireless in, 252

mounting devices in, 253

shell, launching in Easy Mode, 220

Ubuntu Eee, 243

installing, 253–256

Xandros, restoring, 244–245

Linux file system

symbolic links, creating, 227

tarballs, creating, 227–228

Windows file system, compared, 220–222

listing directory contents, 222–224

ln command, 241


Beryl repositories, 110–111

Microsoft Office on MMC-SD cards, 287–289

packages, Synaptic package manager, 165, 167–168

repositories, Synaptic package manager, 163–165

Windows Vista Home Basic, 271–278

Windows XP Home Edition, 268–271

Windows XP Professional, 271

Lock button (KDE panel), 90

ls command, 241


man command, 241

Mandriva Linux, 243

Mandriva Linux One, 246

Compiz 3D window manager, 248

installing, 247–248

Metisse 3D window manager, 248–250

manual controls, eeecontrol, 319

maps, GpsDrive, downloading in, 323

Mark All Upgrades button (Synaptic package manager), 168

Master Channel, selecting, 24

Mattis, Peter, 182

media files, 99

Media Manager, 152–153

media players, VLC media player, 181, 185–186

memory cards (flash), adding, 30–31

memory hatch, 13

Messenger (Windows Live), 305, 315

Metisse 3D window manager (Mandriva Linux One), 248–250

microphone ports, 15

microphones, 12, 21–22

Microsoft Office

MMC–SD cards, loading on, 287–289

Windows Live, integrating, 307–308

Microsoft Streets & Trips

installing, 326–327

rerouting, 328–329

using on Eee PC, 327–328

migration, Windows from Xandros, 267–268

mkdir command, 224, 241

MMC (MultiMediaCard) flash memory cards, adding, 30–31

MMC–SC cards, Windows directories, moving to, 285–286

MMC–SD cards

drive letters, assigning to, 284–285

Microsoft Office, loading on, 287–289

MMC–SD storage control (KDE panel), 89

MMC/SD slots, 14


Eee PC 4G, 10

back view, 15

bottom view, 12–13

front view, 10–12

left-side view, 14–15

right-side view, 13–14

Eee PC 701 Series, 8–9

Eee PC 900 Series, 9

Eee PC 1000 Series, 9

modem ports, 14


building, 331–332

Easy Mode, 65–85

launching Linux shell, 220


connecting, 35

screen resolution, adjusting, 35–39

screens, rotating, 37–39

scrolling space, expanding, 281–282


dongle assemblies, attaching to, 335–337

hubs, attaching to, 335–337

Move to Trash command (File Manager), 100

MPlayer, 185

MSN IM, 57

multimedia objects, Impress, adding to, 139

MultiMediaCard (MMC) flash memory cards, adding, 30–31

Music Manager, 150–152

mv command, 241

My Documents, MMC–SD cards, moving to, 285–286


navigation, directories, 224–225

Network button (KDE panel), 90

network connections, Ethernet connections, establishing, 39–41

network ports, 14

networking, 17

wireless connections, establishing, 18–19

networks, Windows networks, joining, 19–20

niceness, processes, changing, 236

Nvu Portable, 298


Office (Microsoft)

MMC–SD cards, loading on, 287–289

Windows Live, integrating, 307–308

Offline, working, Google Gears, 213–216

Offline Access Settings dialog box (Google Gears), 214–215

On/Off/Wake Up switches, 11

OneCare (Windows Live), 305, 315

Open command (File Manager), 100

Open With command (File Manager), 100, 128–148

Calc, 128, 146

Charting Wizard, 148

Function Wizard, 147

Draw, 128, 140

freeform drawing tools, 141–146

interface, 140–141

launching, 140

Google Docs, combining with, 204–216

Impress, 128, 133

adding multimedia objects, 139

animation effects, 138–139

exporting presentations, 140

Fontwork tool, 137–138

Presentation Wizard, 133–134

work area, 134–137

OpenSolaris, obtaining for, 265

Windows, installing on, 290

Writer, 128–129, 132–133

Formatting toolbar, 129–130

Styles and Formatting palette, 129–130

Table Editor, 130–131

OpenSolaris, 257–258

downloading, 258–259

installing, 259–262

keyboard issues, fixing, 262–264, obtaining, 265

running, challenges to, 258

wireless issues, fixing, 264

operating systems. See also Xandros


command line, 219–238

Mandriva Linux One, 246–250

Pupeee, 250–253

Ubuntu, 253–256

UNIX, OpenSolaris, 257–265


increasing screen resolution, 295–297

installing on, 290

migrating to, 267–268

optimizing settings, 283–287

overclocking, 291–292

portable application installation, 297–299

storage space cleanup, 300

using GPS in, 326–329

Windows Vista Home Basic, installing, 271–278

Windows XP, basic setup, 279–282

Windows XP Home Edition, installing, 268–271

Windows XP Professional, installing, 271

OperaTor, 299

opt files, 99

optimization, Windows settings, 283–287


Eee PC 701

Xandros, 318–319

Windows, 291–292

ownership, files, changing, 228


package managers, 160–162

apt–get command–line tool, 161–162, 168–172

Easy Mode package manager, 161

Synaptic package manager, 161–163

adding packages to KDE menu, 172–177

finding packages, 165–167

interface, 168

loading packages, 165, 167–168

loading repositories, 163–165


finding, Synaptic package manager, 165–167

installed packages, managing, 179–180

installing, 177–179

loading, Synaptic package manager, 165, 167–168

parent processes, determining, 235–236

Paste command (File Manager), 100

PC 4G (Eee), 10

back view, 15

bottom view, 12–13

front view, 10–12

left-side view, 14–15

right-side view, 13–14

PC 701 Series (Eee), 8–9

PC 900 Series (Eee), 9

PC 1000 Series (Eee), 9

peripheral devices

CD players, connecting, 33

DVD players, connecting, 33

external hard drives, connecting, 32

external monitors

adjusting screen resolution, 35–39

connecting, 35

rotating screen, 37–39

flash memory cards, adding, 30–31

printers, connecting, 33–35

USB hubs, adding, 30

permissions, files, changing, 228

Photo Manager, 149–150

photographs, cropping, GIMP, 182

Photos tab (Windows Live), 312

Pidgin instant messenger client, 57–60

Pidgin Portable, 298

PING (Partimage Is Not Ghost), 105

pinning, 162

piping, command line, 233

Polygon tool (Draw), 141

POP3 accounts, setting up, 44–47

portable applications, installing, 297–299, 298


headphones port, 15

microphone ports, 15

modem ports, 14

network ports, 14

USB ports, 14–15, 29

VGA ports, 14

power icon (KDE panel), 89

power light, 11

Presentation Wizard (Impress), 133–134


Google Docs presentations, working with, 209–210

Impress presentations, exporting, 140

printenv command, 241

printers, connecting, 33–35

Privoxy, 181, 186–188, 299


child processes, determining, 235–236

controlling, command line, 233–236

killing, 236

niceness, changing, 236

parent processes, determining, 235–236

top command, 233–235

productivity applications,, 128–148

Calc, 128, 146–148

Draw, 128, 140–146

Impress, 128, 133–140

Writer, 128–133

Project Management planner (GNOME), 119

Properties button (Synaptic package manager), 168

Properties command (File Manager), 101

protected access, wireless networks, 18

pstree command, 235–236, 242

Pupeee, 243, 250–253

applications, 251

devices, mounting in, 253

wireless, configuring in, 252


QQ IM, 57

reassembling Eee PC, 338

Recycle Bin (Windows XP), reducing size of, 286–287

redirection, command line, 233

Reload button (Synaptic package manager), 168

remote access, VNC, 62–64

Removable Device dialog box, 32

Rename command (File Manager), 101

renice command, 236, 242


choosing, 162


Beryl, 110–111

Synaptic package manager, 163–165

rerouting, Streets & Trips, 328–329

reset button, 13


external monitors, adjusting, 35–39

screen resolution, increasing, 295–297

restoring Xandros, 244

from flash drives, 244–245

from the DVD, 245

right–click menus, File Manager, 100–102

right-side connectors, 14

right-side view, Eee PC 4G, 13–14

rm command, 225–226, 242

rmdir command, 242

Roadnav, 324–326


Beryl desktop cube, 114

screens, xrandr command–line video–control tool, 37–39

ROX–filer package

AsusLauncher, configuring, 82–85

installing, 81–85

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, setting up, 51–55

rubbery windows, Beryl, 109, 113


gpsd, 322

OpenSolaris, 258


Sametime IM, 57

sbin files, 99

Scan with Anti–Virus command (File Manager), 101

scheduling tasks, 236–238

screen resolution

external monitors, adjusting, 35–37, 39

Windows, increasing, 295–297

screen savers, changing, 95

screens, external monitors, rotating, 37–39

Scribus desktop publishing program, 193

scripts, stopping, 232

scrolling space, displays, expanding, 281–282

SD (Secure Digital) flash memory cards

adding, 30–31

email, storing on, 50

SD/MMC slot, 14

SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) flash memory cards, adding, 30–31

Sections button (Synaptic package manager), 168

Secure Digital (SD) flash memory cards. See SD (Secure Digital) flash memory cards

Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) flash memory cards, adding, 30–31


encryption, 293–295

free antivirus software, obtaining, 292–293

TrueCrypt, 192


clock, 39

Full Desktop, 22–23

volume, 24–25

shell, Linux, launching in Easy Mode, 220

Show Desktop button (KDE panel), 89

Simple IM, 57

Skydrive (Windows Live), 304, 312

Skype, 21, 60–62

SMPlayer, 152–153, 185


free antivirus software, obtaining, 292–293

installing, 177–179

sound features, 21

microphones, 21–22

speakers, 22

Sound Recorder, 22

space, GNOME, freeing up, 120–121

Spaces (Windows Live), 304, 309–313

Events tab, 313

Friends tab, 312

Photos tab, 312

SkyDrive tab, 312

Your Space tab, 311

speakers, 12, 22

special keyboard functions, 15–16

spreadsheets, Google Docs spreadsheets, working with, 211–212

SSD, compressing, 286

Start menu, IceWM, 79–80, editing, 83

Status button (Synaptic package manager), 168

stopping scripts, 232


email accounts, managing, 49–51

external hard drives, connecting, 32

flash memory cards, adding, 30–31

storage space

cleaning up, 300

free storage space, checking, 226–227

Streets & Trips

installing, 326–327

rerouting, 328–329

using on Eee PC, 327–328

Style controls, 96

Styles and Formatting palette (Write), 129–130

stylesheet editors, KompoZer, 181, 188–189

subscriptions, RSS feeds, 52–55

sudo command, 224, 242

SVG graphics XML files, editing, Inkscape, 184

swap file (Windows), configuring, 283

symbolic links, Linux file system, creating, 227

Synaptic Package Manager, 88, 161–163

finding packages, 165–167

GIMP, selecting in, 183

interface, 168


adding to KDE menu, 172–177

loading, 163–168

repositories, loading, 163–165

ROX–filer package, installing, 81–85

System Restore (Windows), allocated size, reducing size of, 287


Table Editor (Write), 130–131

tar command, 242

tarballs, Linux file system, creating, 227–228

task switcher (Beryl), 109

Taskbar (KDE panel), 89

Taskbar button (KDE panel), 93

tasks, scheduling, command line, 236–238

text files, viewing, 230–231

TFT (thin–film transistor) displays, 11

Theora Sea, 21

thin–film transistor (TFT) displays, 11

Thunderbird, 43


accessing via, 44–51

accounts, setting up, 44–49

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, setting up, 51–55

storage, managing, 49–51

Usenet newsgroups, accessing, 54, 56–57

Thunderbird icon (KDE panel), 89

tmp files, 99

top command, 233–235, 242

Tor (The Onion Router), 181, 186–188, 299

TrueCrypt, 192, 293–295

Tux Type, 154


U3 smart drives, problems with, 32


brown themes, 254

installing, 253–256

Ubuntu Eee Linux, 243

ucview, 21

unalias command, 242


Beryl, 114

GNOME, 121–122

Internet Explorer, 275

UNIX, OpenSolaris, 257–258

challenges to running, 258

downloading, 258–259

fixing keyboard issues, 262–264

fixing wireless issues, 264

installing, 259–262

obtaining, 265

USB devices, battery drain, 14

USB hubs, adding, 30

USB pinout, 332

USB ports, 14–15, 29

Usenet newsgroups, accessing, Thunderbird, 54, 56–57

user configuration directories, IceWM, creating, 78–79

usr files, 99

utilities, 181

BitTornado, 181, 189–190

GIMP, 181–183

Inkscape, 181–184

K3b, 181, 190–192

KompoZer, 181, 188–189

Privoxy, 181, 186–188

Scribus, 193

Tor, 181, 186–188

TrueCrypt, 192

VLC media player, 181, 185–186


var files, 99

vector–based illustration programs, Inkscape, 181–184

versioning, Google Docs, 212

VGA ports, 14

VGP ports, 14

video features, 21

viewing text files, 230–231

virtual desktop buttons (KDE panel), 89

virtual desktop cube (Beryl), 109

VirtualDub Portable, 298

VLC Media Player Portable, 298

audio equalizer, 186

vLite utility

prefab configurations, 276

Windows Vista Home Basic, installing, 271–278

VNC (virtual network computing), 62–64

volume, setting, 24–25


W–Windows, Beryl, configuring for, 111

wallpaper, Full Desktop, changing, 94

web, surfing anonymously, 299

web browsers

Privoxy, 181, 186–188

Tor, 181, 186–188

web page editors, KompoZer, 181, 188–189

webcams, 10, 21

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), 18

which command, 229, 242

Wi–Fi Protected Access (WPA), 18

Window Decorations controls, 96


directories, moving to MMC–SD card, 285–286

GPS, using in, 326–329

Microsoft Office, loading on MMC–SD cards, 287–289

migrating to, 267–268

MMC–SD cards, assigning drive letters to, 284–285, installing on, 290

overclocking, 291–292

portable applications, installing, 297–299

screen resolution, increasing, 295–297

settings, optimizing, 283–287

storage space, cleaning up, 300

swap file, configuring, 283

System Restore, reducing allocated size of, 287

Windows file system, Linux file system, compared, 220–222

Windows Live, 301–304

accounts, setting up, 305–307

Calendar, 304, 308–310

components, 304–305

Hotmail, 304, 313–315

Messenger, 305, 315

Microsoft Office, integrating, 307–308

OneCare, 305, 315

Skydrive, 304

Spaces, 304, 309–313

Events tab, 313

Friends tab, 312

Photos tab, 312

SkyDrive tab, 312

Your Space tab, 311

Writer, 305, 315–316

windows manager, 66–67

Beryl, 108–109

Fluxbox, 108–109

GNOME, 108–109, 115

installing, 115–117

launching, 117

windows managers

Beryl, 109

features, 112–114

installing, 109–111

launching, 112

uninstalling, 114

Fluxbox, 122

configuring, 123–125

installing, 122

launching, 122–123

uninstalling, 125


applications, 118–120

freeing up space on, 120–121

launching, 117

uninstalling, 121–122

wireless network setup, 118


choosing, 81–85

enabling, 77–80

ROX–filer package, 81–85

Start menu, 79–80

user configuration directory, 78–79

Windows networks, joining, 19–20

Windows Vista Home Basic

installing, 271–278

wireless drivers, installing for, 277–278

Windows workgroup, printers, browsing, 34

Windows XP

configuring, basic setup, 279–282

Microsoft Office, loading, 288

Recycle Bin, reducing size of, 286–287

Windows XP Home Edition, installing, 268–271

Windows XP Professional, installing, 271

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 18

wireless connections

establishing, 18–19

OpenSolaris, fixing issues in, 264

Windows XP, setting up, 282

wireless drivers, Windows Vista Home Basic, installing for, 277–278

wireless light, 11

wireless networks, GNOME, setting up, 118


Charting Wizard, 148

Connection Wizard, 41

Encryption Type in the Connection Wizard, 118

Function Wizard (Calc), 147

Identity Wizard, 45

Presentation Wizard, 133–134

work area (Impress), 134–137

work areas, application icons, setting up for, 69–70

working offline, Google Gears, 213–216

WPA (Wi–Fi Protected Access), 18

Writer (Windows Live), 305, 315–316

Writer word processor (, 128–129, 132–133

Formatting toolbar, 129–130

Styles and Formatting palette, 129–130

Table Editor, 130–131


XAMPP portable application, 298


Eee PC 701, overclocking, 318–319

GPS, using in, 321–326

restoring, 244

from flash drives, 244–245

from the DVD, 245

Windows, migrating to, 267–268


xrandr command–line video–control tool, 37–39

Yahoo! instant messenger, 58

Your Space tab (Windows Live), 311

YouTube, 21

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