
Additive colors    The color system that mixes colored light to create all the various colors of the color spectrum.

Algorithms    Complex mathematical formulas that define digital compression.

Alternating current    An electrical circuit through which the flow of electrons reverses itself from negative to positive, from positive to negative, and back again at a regular rate.

Amperes (amps)    The unit of measurement for current.

Analog video signal    The varying voltages that make up the video information of a television signal.

Assemble edits    Edits that lay down all aspects of the signal — audio, video, and control track — all at the same time.

A to D converter    The circuitry that converts analog signal information into digital information.

Audio board    See Audio mixer.

Audio console    See Audio mixer.

Audio-follows-video switcher    A switcher that changes both audio and video sources with the push of one button.

Audio mixer    An audio device that allows you to bring several sound sources together, choose among them, mix them together, measure their strength, and hear them.

Back porch    The portion of the waveform scan that represents the horizontal blanking just before the start of a new line of video.

Balanced audio    A technology used with professional sound equipment designed to reduce the amount of induced electromagnetic noise in the audio system.

Bandwidth    The amount of space available over the airwaves or through a cable for carrying information. A signal with more information requires more bandwidth to carry it.

Bit    The smallest increment of computer memory represented by a 0 or a 1.

Black burst    A signal from the sync generator that includes all normal blanking and sync information along with black video.

Blanking    That time when the electron guns in the system are turned down to a low voltage so that they can return to the beginning of a new line or field.

Blanking pulses    Signals from the sync generator that tell the camera's electron gun to go into blanking.

Bus    A row of buttons on a switcher that allows a person to change between various video sources that are available in the system.

Byte    The smallest piece of computer memory that can be used as a distinct piece of information; made up of a group of bits.

Camera    A device that changes light images into a usable electronic signal.

Capstan servo    See Vertical lock.

CCD (charge-coupled device)    A solid-state device used instead of a pickup tube for changing light images into an electronic video signal.

Character generator (CG)    A machine that creates words and titles for the TV screen.

Chroma    The color information in a TV signal.

Chroma key    A special effect in which a chosen color is replaced with video from another source.

Chroma key tracking    A digital effect that compresses the signal from a video source into the available chroma key window.

CODEC    Stands for code/decode and defines all of the technical parameters of a digital format.

Color burst    or 3.58    The color reference inserted in every video line that determines how color information is to be interpreted.

Color difference component video    A component video system that saves bandwidth by using a luminance channel (Y), which comes primarily from the green channel, and two color channels with the luminance removed (R-Y and B-Y).

Color subcarrier    See Color burst.

Color sync    See Color burst.

Complementary colors    The colors cyan, magenta, and yellow that are created by mixing parts of the primary colors (red, green, and blue).

Component switcher    A video switcher that deals with the individual color components (red, green, and blue) of the picture instead of the encoded composite video signal.

Component video    A video signal made up of the individual component parts as opposed to an encoded composite signal.

Composite video    The video signal made up of both the video and sync information.

Compressions    Digital effects in which the size and/or aspect of the picture is changed on the TV screen.

Compression, Spatial    Video compression that takes place within an individual video frame that contributes to overall bandwidth reduction.

Compression, Temporal    Video compression that takes place between successive video frames which helps reduce overall bandwidth needs.

Compression, Video    Removal of redundant information and encoding of video in such a way that it can be transmitted and stored using less bandwidth than uncompressed video.

Control track    A track on the videotape used to help stabilize tape playback speed.

Control track counter editing controller    A device that controls videotape editing by counting the control track pulses on the tapes.

CRT (cathode ray tube)    Television picture tube.

Current    The volume of electrons passing a given point at a given time, measured in amps.

DA (distribution amplifier)    A piece of equipment that produces multiple outputs identical to its input signal.

DAT (digital audiotape)    Equipment that uses a small audiocassette and a recording head mounted on a spinning drum that moves in the opposite direction to the tape.

Dedicated equipment    Video equipment designed for a specific purpose, such as switchers, edit controllers, and character generators.

Deflection yoke    Electromagnetic coils around a CRT used to steer the CRT's electron beam as it sprays the picture across the screen.

Desktop video    The concept of private individuals being able to do low-cost, high-quality video production using production equipment based on the personal computer.

Digital audio workstation (DAW)    A computer system with specialized software and possibly hardware that allows the computer to record, edit, and process multiple audio tracks into a finished sound product.

Digital encoding ratios    A ratio that indicates the relationship between the amount of luminance (Y), and chrominance (B-Y and R-Y). Information is contained in a digital signal, for example, 4:2:2 or 4:1:1.

Digital video    A video signal that is made up of a series of assigned numbers rather than analog voltages.

Direct current    An electrical circuit through which the flow of electrons moves in only one direction.

Disc-based recorders    Video recorders that use either magnetic discs like computer hard drives or optical discs like DVDs in place of videotape for recording.

Drive pulses    Signals from the sync generator that control the scanning of the electron beams.

D to A converter    Circuitry that converts digital information into analog information.

Drop frame    When set in the drop frame mode SMPTE time code will consistently skip a number in the sequence. Since time code normally counts 30 frames a second when video really only has 29.97 frames a second, this is necessary so that the time code can be consistent with the real time on a clock.

Dubbing    The process of copying the electronic signal from one tape to another.

Dynamic tracking head    A videotape head that automatically aligns itself with the center of the video track on the tape for slow motion or freeze frames.

EDL    or edit decision list    Editing script that includes SMPTE time code start and stop points, running time, and transition types. It is usually put together during the off-line editing process.

Electronic palette    A rectangular surface that represents the “paper” in a computer graphics system.

Encoding    The process of combining the chroma and luminance information into a single signal.

Fields    The complete set of odd- or even-numbered lines that, when interlaced, make up one video frame.

5.1 sound    A surround sound system that has been accepted as part of the HDTV standard for the United States.

Flow diagrams    A diagram that uses geometric shapes and lines in place of equipment and wires to illustrate the interconnection of equipment.

Fonts    The style of a particular typeface that is used on a character generator.

Frame    In the U.S. system, two interlaced fields of 262.5 lines each, which, when combined, make a complete picture of 525 lines. There are 30 frames per second in the NTSC (American) system.

Frame lock    A method of stabilizing videotape playback that tries to match an even field of the playback signal to an even field coming from the sync generator, and an odd field of the playback signal to an odd field coming from the sync generator.

Frame store synchronizer (frame synchronizer)    A device used to lock up nonsynchronous video signals to the main system.

Front porch    The portion of the waveform scan that represents the horizontal blanking at the end of a line of video.

Giga (G)    The abbreviation for billions (1,000,000,000). For example, 6 GHz would equal 6,000,000,000 Hz.

Gyroscopic time base error    Time base error that is created when a videotape recorder is moved perpendicular to the plane of the head drum's rotation.

HDTV    High-definition TV.

Head    The small electromagnetic device that lays down or picks up the information on a piece of recording tape.

Headwheel    The rotating disc on which the video heads are mounted.

Helical    A method of video recording that lays down video information at a slant to the tape's direction of travel; also known as slant track recording.

Hertz (Hz)    A measurement of frequency equal to one cycle per second.

Horizontal blanking    The period extending from the time the electron guns are turned down to a low voltage at the end of a line until they are turned back up at the beginning of a new line.

Horizontal lock    A method of stabilizing videotape playback that tries to match a horizontal sync pulse of the playback signal to each horizontal sync pulse coming from the sync generator.

Horizontal sync    The signal from the sync generator that causes the electron gun to return to the other side of the screen for a new line.

Impedance    A measurement of the properties that tell whether two or more circuits will interact well — measured in ohms.

Induction    The process in which a circuit with a stronger magnetic field forces some of its signal into a circuit with a weaker magnetic field.

Insert edits    Edits that use control tracks that have already been laid down on the tape.

Interlace scanning    The process of taking a field of odd-numbered lines (1, 3, 5, 7, . . .) and combining it with a field of even-numbered lines (2, 4, 6, 8, . . .) to make a complete video frame (525).

Interpolation    The mathematical process of creating new video information (pixels) from surrounding information.

Keys    A special effect in which the signal from one video source “cuts” a hole into another video source.

Kilo (K)    The abbreviation for thousand (5 K = 5000).

LCD (liquid crystal display)    A flat-screen monitor where liquid crystals control light to create a picture.

Linear editing    The traditional method of videotape editing in which one scene is laid down after another on tape. If any changes are needed after the edits have been made, the rest of the tape will have to be reedited.

Linear keys    Keys in which the key hole is not cut entirely through the background video, allowing that video to be seen through the overlying key.

Loudspeaker    An audio transducer that changes analog voltages into sound.

Luminance    The black and white portion of the video signal.

Luminance keys    Keys in which the hole being cut is determined by the brightness of the video source.

Manual editing    Editing that is performed completely by a person without using an electronic editing controller.

Matte key    A luminance key whereby the “hole” created by the key is filled with artificially created color from the switcher.

Mega (M)    The abbreviation for million (3 M = 3,000,000).

Micro (µ)    The abbreviation for millionth (5 µ = 5/1,000,000).

Microphone    An audio transducer that changes sound into analog voltages.

Milli (m)    The abbreviation for thousandth (200 m = 200/1000).

Mismatch    Refers to impedance in which two pieces of equipment will not work well together.

Monitor    A TV set designed to display a straight video signal as opposed to a set designed to receive programs off the air.

Mono or monaural sound    Sound where the entire sonic message is recorded on one channel and played through one speaker.

MPEG 2 (Moving Picture Experts Group 2)    The most commonly used professional video compression standard.

Nano (n)    The abbreviation for billionth (5 n = 5/1,000,000,000).

Noise    Unwanted electromagnetic static inherent in all electronic circuits.

Noncomposite video    Video information without sync information.

Nonlinear editing    A method in which video information is recorded into a digital memory where it can be called up a piece at a time in any order desired. Changes can be made in the edited program without reediting the entire show.

Nonsynchronous    A signal that is completely out of sync with the main system.

NTSC    The system of color television used in the United States and other parts of the world. The system uses 525 scanning lines and 60 fields with 30 frames per second. (The field and frame rates have been rounded off.) The name comes from the National Television Systems Committee, which was a group of industry experts who developed and proposed the system to the Federal Communications Commission in the early 1950s.

Off-line editing    The process of developing an editing script made up of SMPTE code numbers and a work print on small-format helical equipment.

Ohm (Ω)    The unit of measurement for both resistance and impedance.

On-air switcher    The switcher used to determine what goes to the transmitter; usually an audio-follows-video switcher.

On-line editing    The process of editing the final, finished tape on large-format tape machines.

Open architecture    The concept of using computers with highly specialized programs to replace traditional dedicated equipment. Hence, a computer could be a time base corrector, edit controller, video switcher, digital effects unit, and character generator, all in one.

Out of phase    A condition that occurs when cameras show different colors during a transition because their color bursts are not matched.

Oxides    The coating on tape that allows signals to be recorded magnetically.

Pages    In a character generator or computer graphics system, one full screen of information that can be displayed at a time.

PAL (Phase Alternate Lines)    A color television system that was designed in Germany to overcome some of the problems of NTSC; it uses 625 scanning lines with 50 fields and 25 frames per second. This system is used in Western Europe and many other parts of the world.

PAL-M    A color television system that is the same as PAL except that it is designed for countries that use a 60-Hz frequency for their AC power supply and therefore has 60 fields and 30 frames per second.

Patch panel    A device that allows flexible routing of signals from one place to another.

Pedestal    The black portions or areas of the TV picture.

Pixel    Picture element.

Plasma display screen    A video display device that uses electrically charged gases (plasma) to activate color pixels.

Primary colors    In television, the colors red, green, and blue.

Proc amp    Video processing amplifier, a piece of equipment that strips the distorted sync from a videotape playback signal and replaces it with clean sync. Most proc amps also allow the control of some of the video parameters, such as hue, video brightness, and pedestal (black) levels.

Progressive scanning    This is when a CRT electron gun scans the picture from top to bottom in numerical order; lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .

Quantizing    The process of converting a sample of video information into a number.

Resistance    A measurement in ohms indicating the constraint to the flow of electricity.

Routing switcher    A switcher used to route signals from one place to another.

Sampling    The process of “grabbing” a piece of analog video information so that it can be quantized, or converted into numbers, for either processing or storage in memory.

SDTV (standard definition digital television)    The digital equal to the analog color standard that has been in use for decades; what you get with the mini-dish satellite or digital cable systems.

Self-fill key    A luminance key in which the hole cut is filled by the video that cut the hole.

Signal-to-noise ratio    A comparison of the strength of the signal coming out of a piece of equipment to the internal noise created by that equipment.

SMPTE    Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. This is the professional organization of electrical engineers that focuses on motion picture and broadcast technology.

SMPTE time code    A digital code laid down on tape that gives each frame of video a unique and unchanging address (03:38:52:04 would equal 3 hours, 38 minutes, 52 seconds, and 4 frames).

Software    Computer programming that tells the computer how to process information.

Stereo    or stereophonic sound    Sound that is recorded on multiple channels and played through multiple speakers to give the sense that sound is coming from different locations.

Stylus    An electronic device that acts as the pen, pencil, brush, and the like, in a computer graphics system.

Surround sound    A type of stereo using speakers all around a room to give the sense that sound is coming from anywhere in the room.

Switcher    A device that allows a person to make a transition between video sources.

Sync    A signal from the sync generator that causes the electron guns to return to the beginning of a new video line or field.

Sync generator    A device that provides various sync signals (drive pulses, blanking pulses, and sync pulses) to keep all of the equipment in a video system working together.

Tape transport system    The mechanical system that pulls tape through a machine at an even speed.

Target    The photosensitive coating of a pickup tube.

TBC (time base corrector)    A device for correcting time base error in videotape playback.

Time base error    The instability of a videotape playback signal created by the machine's inability to play back at exactly the same speed at which the tape was recorded.

Transparent key    See Linear keys.

Unbalanced audio    Audio that does not have the aspects of balanced audio (see Balanced audio); used on consumer audio equipment.

Vectorscope    A piece of equipment that shows a graphic display of the color portion of the video signal.

Vertical blanking    The period when the electron beam is turned down at the end of a video field until it is turned back up at the start of a new field.

Vertical interval    The period when the electron beam is in vertical blanking.

Vertical interval switcher    A switcher that delays cuts between video sources until the entire system is in vertical blanking.

Vertical lock    A method of stabilizing videotape playback that tries to match the control track pulses of the playback signal to vertical sync pulses coming from the sync generator; also called capstan servo.

Vertical sync    The signal from the sync generator that tells the electron beams to return to the top of the screen for the start of a new video field.

Video compression    A technology that allows digital video information to be compressed into a smaller space, thereby requiring less bandwidth or memory space for transmission or storage.

Video servers    Computer-like hard drives specially designed to record and play back multiple channels of video information.

Volt    The measurement for the pressure of electricity.

Voltage    The pressure of electricity, measured in volts.

VTR (videotape recorder)    A machine that records sound and pictures onto magnetic tape.

Watt    A measurement of electrical power.

Waveform monitor    A piece of equipment that shows a graphic display of the black and white portion of the video signal.

Window of correction    The amount of time base error a time base corrector will correct, measured in video lines.

Y/C    Y equals the luminance portion, and C equals the chrominance portion of the video signal. A Y/C piece of equipment or system will keep the components separate as much as possible.

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